Star Wars: Chibi Rebellion 6.1

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Re: Chibi Rebellion 3.0 (2.9)

Post by LilWhiteMouse »

Chibi Rebellion 3.0+ is almost ready for a release. I just need to track down some resources.

New for version 3.0+:
An AT-AT enemy map has been added (first new map in years).
My weapons are added. Fusion Cutter, Blaster Pistol (based on a Scout Trooper pistol), Blaster Rifle, Light Repeating Blaster, Thermal Detonators (Alt-Fire on all weapons), and Stasis Mine.
Minor change to level progression. Instead of completing your mission and getting the end game screen, you go back to the mission brief map with your inventory.
Two new bounty hunters, a Rodian and Ithorian.
Snow Jawa & Royal Guard have attacks.
New Boss HP bar.
Assorted other bug fixes.

[EDIT] Cargo loader boss is back in.
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Re: Chibi Rebellion 3.0 (2.9)

Post by LilWhiteMouse »

Chibi Rebellion 3.0b

Concerning the hud, it only works in one mode ATM. I haven't looked at the SBARINFO page enough yet to make it work in all modes. The left cluster shows your shields, health, and thermal detonators. The right cluster shows your secondary ammo (only the blaster rifle uses secondary ammo atm), primary ammo, and keys. Special items don't show up yet. The left cluster also shows your weapons, but it's just a little un-informative light.

There's also an issue with the fusion cutter, not letting me cycle forward from it with "Next Weapon". No idea what's causing it though.

AFAIK, everything else works.
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Re: Chibi Rebellion 3.0b

Post by Xaser »

Hehe, been a while since I've played this, but it's still just as wacky and fun. Nice job on the AT-ST's!

A few issues I noticed out of random:

Typo - "Imperial Armorery" ('Armory', right? Unless you're Enjay in which case it's 'Armoury' :P ) (Map45)
Typo - shouldn't "Ice Pack" be "Ice Path"? (map54)
Typo - "Someday, you're world..." Should be "your world" (ending sequence)

The stormtrooper helmet items have no pickup message. It just reads "You got a pickup!"

There's a standard brown Doom tree in "Canyon" (map80)

During certain sequences (intro, ending, etc.) when AmbientSound-based music plays, the midi music in the background is still playing. Any chance you could SetMusic it off?

I'll make a few more runthroughs soon and see what else there may be. Good job nonetheless -- I'm really digging the automatic blaster, hehe!
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Re: Chibi Rebellion 3.0b

Post by LilWhiteMouse »

Fixed the above problems. Been tweaking the existing maps, nothing new added yet. Has anyone had problems figuring out what to do on any of the maps?

[EDIT] Normal HUD now works properly, shows the fullscreen hud plus a bar showing all your weapons and ammo for each.
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Re: Chibi Rebellion 3.0b

Post by Shadelight »

I got past the first intermission text so far and I'm really liking this, I liked the AT-ST fight but I was able to destroy it before it even wandered out of the area it spawned at. :S
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Re: Chibi Rebellion 3.0b

Post by Enjay »

Yay! I beat my first AT-AT. Nice map.

The new sprites look good in game too. :yup:
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Re: Chibi Rebellion 3.0b

Post by LilWhiteMouse »

BlazingPhoenix wrote:I got past the first intermission text so far and I'm really liking this, I liked the AT-ST fight but I was able to destroy it before it even wandered out of the area it spawned at. :S
AT-STs aren't meant to be much of a challenge (the whole project isn't meant to be a challenge in fact, just fun). Boss enemies used to have their HPs increased in 2.0, I just haven't re-implemented that feature yet. I want to tie it into HP bar so it'll happen automatically based on skill level and play progression.
Enjay wrote:Yay! I beat my first AT-AT. Nice map.

The new sprites look good in game too. :yup:
The AT-AT is half the reason for 3.0s existence. I just need to work it in more.
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Re: Chibi Rebellion 3.0b

Post by Enjay »

I don't know how much use this will be because I have forgotten exactly where it happened. Anyway, there is at least one map where you get a sequence charge. I picked it up, but didn't use it immediately and went into an exit instead. As I did so, the message "detonation in 4" appeared briefly before I left the level.

I assume you know this, but Wampas have no death frames, they just disappear. Leaving an arm behind seems appropriate. :)

This is supposed to be bloodless - yes? If so, you might want to override the blood decals as they still get sprayed onto the walls.
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Re: Chibi Rebellion 3.0b

Post by LilWhiteMouse »

The sequence charge map is fixed, I completely overhauled the map and fixed the bug when I stumbled across it.

About the decals, I completely forgot. I have mine disabled by default as they're inappropriate to most of my projects. Is there any easy way to disable them via MAPINFO or something?
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Re: Chibi Rebellion 3.0b

Post by Enjay »

I can't see anything in the Wiki. I guess that invisible replacements graphics or redefining the blood decal in decaldef would be the ways to do it.
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Re: Chibi Rebellion 3.0b

Post by Xaser »

Somehow I didn't want Mouse to be inconvenienced with fixing something she'd usually never see, so I went ahead and slapped together a bloodless, no-decal wad:
Just copy the DECALDEF lump and you're all set. No splats, smears, chips, or scorches to disrupt the feeling.
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Re: Chibi Rebellion 3.0b

Post by LilWhiteMouse »

Thanks Xaser.

Progress note, another new map: A broken down Millennium Falcon in 2.5d.
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Re: Chibi Rebellion 3.0b

Post by LilWhiteMouse »

I'm a little worried about performance on this map. Can someone load it up with Chibi Rebellion, warp to map18, and tell me how well/bad their machine handles it?

[EDIT] Point of reference, I'm getting a minimum of ~60fps according to ZDoom.

[EDIT2] Just a small status update.
One new small puzzle map.
Added the female Imperial officer, has a slight chance of replacing existing male Imperial officers (but not fat ones).
All maps that require you to defeat something(s) has a boss bar now.
Cargo loader has been altered. Now it requires a trick to defeat. Used in two maps now.
General improvements to various maps.
One new weapon, though I'm not happy with the design and I don't know how I'm going to give it to the player yet.
Bounty hunters properly inherit their TID, facing, and ambush flag.
Bounty hunters no longer hurt other Bounty hunters.
Wampa loses an arm.
Maps no longer repeat each session. This has bugged me since v2.0 when I had to abandon my external executable, especially since ZDoom's random() seems to like repeating itself.
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Re: Chibi Rebellion 3.0b

Post by Enjay »

Minimum of around 60 fps for me too. Most of the time between 80 and 100 (more often near 100 than 80).
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Re: Chibi Rebellion 3.0b

Post by LilWhiteMouse »

Status update.

Still more improvements to existing maps.
Stasis Mine has been replaced with a Power DoLLS:IA style air strike, using rebel speeders.
Still haven't come up with a satisfactory design for the next weapon.
One new bounty hunter.
Music layout has been altered.

Anyone want the current version?

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