Star Wars: Chibi Rebellion 6.1

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Re: Chibi Rebellion 3.0 (2.9)

Post by Enjay »

Ah! much better!

Have a word with your distrubutors. Heads need to roll. In fact, they are doing a plenty in this mod. :)

I'll not get much time with it toinght because it's late here. I did notice one thing right at the start of the first mission I was given though. It was something about the Empreror being displeased that he couldn't route us. Presumably you mean rout without the e?
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Re: Chibi Rebellion 3.0 (2.9)

Post by Osiris Kalev »

Wow, this is great. Managed to use up a few hours of mine. Awesome stuff with the random maps being generated every time a new game is started.

Anyhow, I played through four times and I only picked up on a few problems so far.

Map60 (Settlement) - I was unable to open the blue door which lowers the gate to the settlement. I ended up having to no-clip inside to get past. Also, upon nearing the end of the entire mission (I was up to destroying the ATST lab I believe) I went back to the settlement area (MAP60) since I didn't write down the number of the map. Upon arriving there a generic (Doom 2) Nazi soldier waltzing around the settlement, obviously hostile. Dunno what caused that.

Map54 (Ice Slopes (I think that's the name)) - The ice patch at the south western side of the map (in the raised area) is not acting like ice, as in it still has friction unlike the rest of the icy patches in the area.
Spoiler: Map54 possible spoiler
And that's it for bugs/nitpicks that I found.

I should also say that any scenarios that have the Imperial Armoury included usually are very easy to win, due to all the ammunition you get from them.

I'm going to play through it a few more times later on to complete the other missions I haven't done yet.
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Re: Chibi Rebellion 3.0 (2.9)

Post by LilWhiteMouse »

Did you have the blue keycard before trying to open the door in Map60? I forgot to flag the line as repeatable. That's fixed, and the SS has been fixed. In v2.1, I used Thing_SpawnNoFog() on an exit line to sometimes spawn reinforcements when you leave a map that you have to travel back through again (branches and the first link map). I cleaned up some for 2.9, but I'm sure there are yet more I missed.

Map54 is fixed. Picking up the cleats was supposed to reset friction to normal. But when I changed them from the old decorate format to the new, I forgot to re-enable the script. I've also lengthened the ice ramp, and placed rocks along it's edges.

You have to be willing to sit down and go through the combinations to get into the armory. I suppose I could bump it up to three codes to make it a little harder. That can wait until 3.1 though.
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Re: Chibi Rebellion 3.0 (2.9)

Post by Osiris Kalev »

Ah, yes I forgot to mention I did indeed have the blue keycard on me. And now I understand about the SS randomly appearing. I do remember seeing a few barons and a mancubus on a range of the maps, but I couldn't remember what maps they were on, so I just forgot about it at the time. I'll make sure to remember the locations next time.

Heh, no more icy exploits for Map54 now. And thanks for the explanation of the Cleats.

As for the armoury, the reward of tonnes of ammunition far exceeds the cost of getting the code wrong and having a few droids attack. :P
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Re: Chibi Rebellion 3.0 (2.9)

Post by LilWhiteMouse »

Osiris wrote:As for the armoury, the reward of tonnes of ammunition far exceeds the cost of getting the code wrong and having a few droids attack. :P
This was a little more severe in the old version of ZDoom. Before, when a monster was spawned in a sector that the player had already fought in, any spawned monsters would immediately wake up. Thus, *every* time you got the code wrong, you'd have four more recon droids to contend with, room permitting. I think there's a compatibility option to re-instate this behavior, but I don't think it's worth the trouble. I'll address this issue in v3.1.
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Re: Chibi Rebellion 3.0 (2.9)

Post by Graf Zahl »

If you want to have these monsters alerted without the compatibility option you can always use the NoiseAlert special to wake them up.
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Re: Chibi Rebellion 3.0 (2.9)

Post by Osiris Kalev »

Well, I guess that explains why there wasn't any problem with getting the code wrong 6 times in a row.

Okay, I've ran through again twice (actually one and a half) and picked up a few more minor bugs:

Map75 (Imperial Warehouse) - Upon entering this map, I heard the sound of Icon Of Sin dieing, then the level ended, so I was unable to continue the mission.

Map23 (Imperial Outpost) - I (quite by accident) managed to somehow squeeze between the pillars at the north eastern and north western parts of the map while they were raised. I think giving them an extra 2 units or so of length will easily fix that. Also, a cyberdemon had spawned in the map also, which quite literally scared the daylights out of me.

Other than that, I haven't found anything else yet.
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Re: Chibi Rebellion 3.0 (2.9)

Post by LilWhiteMouse »

Map75 has been fixed. The romero heads were DEHACKED into crates, and immediately destroyed for the cargo loader to "throw". I removed the cargo loader, but forgot to disable the crate scripts.

Yeah, I ran across the cyberdemon on map23 this morning too. It's fixed. I'll replace the bars with a force field in 3.1.
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Re: Chibi Rebellion 3.0 (2.9)

Post by Enjay »

Haven't had too much time today. :(

A few minor problems:

When IDCLEVing around, I came across some red imperial guards. It may be that I was not meant to meet them at all and they may not be finished, but they are totally impotent: they just wander around and seem to have no attack.

The storm trooper helmet pickups look like the heads that get left behind by dead troopers. IMO, there should be a slight difference because it looks likes the dropped heads should be pickable to me.

I came across an AT-ST that raised up on a platform from below the floor (sorry, I forget the level - but it's the monster not the level that is the problem). The head bounced around like a mad thing as the platform lift raised - so much so that it looked almost translucent. I guess that it isn't particularly fixable other than just not placing them in that situation.

There was one mission where I simply couldn't find the way to progress. However, I didn't note it down, so that's about as much use as an ashtray on a motorbike.

[edit]Fixed [censored word] spelling and grammar. :roll: [/edit]
Last edited by Enjay on Sun Mar 16, 2008 12:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Chibi Rebellion 3.0 (2.9)

Post by LilWhiteMouse »

Concerning the royal guards... oops. I think you'll find the snow jawas also suffer the same problem. They were both supposed to get a similar attack, but obviously I forgot. They're both marked as done on my to-do list, so I don't know what happened. I'll try and fix that today.

The helmets are going to change in 3.1. The "corpse" helmets will rotate around as they bounce and fade out instead of just sitting there. The pickups will have a more front profile. I just wanted to get them working for 3.0.

The AT-ST thing is a concern. I haven't looked into it yet, but I think I know how to fix it. [EDIT] At least, I thought I did...
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Re: Chibi Rebellion 3.0 (2.9)

Post by Osiris Kalev »

After playing through once again (making sure it was a mission I hadn't done yet), I picked up a few more mishaps:

Map24 - Upon revisiting the map, two mancubus were there to greet me.

Map16 - My mission given to me at the start was to kill all the mercs and anyone who talked to them. Does that just talk about the people in the small area accessible by the Imperial Shuttle? Because when I killed everyone here, the mission did not end. Also, the teleport lines that lead you back to the large area are not flagged as repeatable.
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Re: Chibi Rebellion 3.0 (2.9)

Post by Enjay »

I'm sorry, I know this is vague but I've remembered the mission that I couldn't progress on. It was a mission where I had to go to a base and blow it up (lots of repeating spawning archvile fires) and I also had to open up and get access to the rebel base that has the ion canon. I did that and there were a bunch if rebel troops and droids but, after that, I just kept going backwards and forwards between the various levels of the mission to see if I could find anything to do. All enemies were dead on all levels. I guess it could have been me just not spotting an exit switch or a new area opening up, but I really did have a good look around.

BTW, I did activate the ion canon, which was cool, but it would be even cooler if a huge laser bolt shot out of it. :)
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Re: Chibi Rebellion 3.0 (2.9)

Post by LilWhiteMouse »

Map24 is fixed.

Map16 is fixed.

Enjay: Sounds like you just missed an exit on a branching map.

[EDIT] Archvile flames fixed.
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Re: Chibi Rebellion 3.0 (2.9)

Post by Enjay »

LilWhiteMouse wrote:Enjay: Sounds like you just missed an exit on a branching map.
Could easy be. If I still have an autosave from that mission I'll go back and look a bit harder. :)
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Re: Chibi Rebellion 3.0 (2.9)

Post by Amuscaria »

Very cute stuff here. :D

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