[DONE!] Doom: The Lost Episode

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Re: [v0.80d] Doom: The Lost Episode

Post by NiGHTMARE »

Gez wrote:
Skippy wrote:@Gez: I just did it with no registration whatsoever. :?
Well, you're a better ninja than me. No matter where I click, no matter what I type in the URL bar, I get sent to the "log in" page. So...
I think it depends on your internet browser. With IE, when I click on the file it does indeed take me to the registration screen, but in Opera it opens up the download options dialogue.

So, I think the solution is to stop using a crappy internet browser! :P
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Re: [v0.80d] Doom: The Lost Episode

Post by Project Shadowcat »

Gez wrote:Well, you're a better ninja than me. No matter where I click, no matter what I type in the URL bar, I get sent to the "log in" page. So...
Skippy wrote:@Gez: I just did it with no registration whatsoever. :?
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Re: [v0.80d] Doom: The Lost Episode

Post by DBThanatos »

NiGHTMARE wrote:So, I think the solution is to stop using a crappy internet browser! :P
I had my doubts about opera, but after all im happy with it :P

Back on topic.
@xaser: I finally started to play this (in UV) and im only in the first level (im a bit obsessed with finding all the secrets... 10/12 for now) and is pretty entretaining. But I wonder: is it intended for the player to get about 2 times the red key?

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Re: [v0.80d] Doom: The Lost Episode

Post by Xaser »

A bit odd, yes. There are actually three red keys in the map, but only one can be picked up at a time -- if you dash straight for the exit, a red key can be found near the exit door, but if you veer off the path, this key disappears. The second key, in the caco room, disappears before you can nab it but it causes the third key to show up in a different location. Very odd, yes, but it provides for both a 'speedrun' and 'normal' path -- if you go the short route, most of the secrets are completely inaccessible.

I also have a good idea which two secrets you're missing. Check your automap very closely for an anomaly on a line somewhere...

Also, I use Firefox and I've never actually had to register to download from esnips before... very odd, this is. I'll probably put it somewhere else before making the DW thread, just for that.
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Re: [v0.80d] Doom: The Lost Episode

Post by DBThanatos »

Xaser wrote:A bit odd, yes. There are actually three red keys in the map, but only one can be picked up at a time -- if you dash straight for the exit, a red key can be found near the exit door, but if you veer off the path, this key disappears. The second key, in the caco room, disappears before you can nab it but it causes the third key to show up in a different location. Very odd, yes, but it provides for both a 'speedrun' and 'normal' path -- if you go the short route, most of the secrets are completely inaccessible.

I also have a good idea which two secrets you're missing. Check your automap very closely for an anomaly on a line somewhere...
Well, I did pick it 2 times:
I know the caco room one is impossible to pick, but you can pick the other 2. I guess it all about the order of actions in the level.

And about the 2 secrets... I cant find them!! I'm about to give up a go to next level... defeated... by a crazy level... with 3 red keys... and 12 secrets... :(
EDIT. This is what I got so far...
Spoiler: Level spoiler! dont look if you dont want to ruin your gameplay

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Re: [v0.80d] Doom: The Lost Episode

Post by Gez »

NiGHTMARE wrote:So, I think the solution is to stop using a crappy internet browser! :P
I use Firefox. I've tried allowing cookies and scripts for that site, but it didn't change anything.
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Re: [v0.80d] Doom: The Lost Episode

Post by Osiris Kalev »

I use Firefox, and I've never had to login to download this.

Heh, I've been watching this for a while, playing each of the versions and I must say this is getting really good. E1M8 is rather awesome now too and the whole void theme in all the levels are great too. And to be honest, I could easily see this as an official fifth episode for Doom. It fits in so well with the other episodes.

Great job so far Xaser and to Wills for the great detailing and additions to the original maps and Skunk for the awesome intermap.
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Re: [v0.80d] Doom: The Lost Episode

Post by Xaser »

@Thanatos: Whoops, silly me. Yes, I guess you *can* run to the end and grab that red key then backtrack... not exactly intentional but 'tis all right anyway since if you don't head to the caco room, the exit secret is inaccessible. So it works. :P

As for the two you're missing, it's all about the decorations: In the starting room, one decoration is not like the others, and in the room next to the exit door (w/red key), one decoration is missing.

No more specific than that, hehe. ;P

@Osiris: Well, thanks! I'm glad to hear you say it fits well... I was actually afraid that some maps (M1 and M3) might look a little *too* detailed to be 'official' maps, but your comments show that at least it's sorta starting to reach its goal. Good news, then!
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Re: [v0.80d] Doom: The Lost Episode

Post by Gez »

The "walking on the sky" bit in M1 is odd. If I'm not mistaken, id used "sky floors" only for "exit teleport" sectors.
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Re: [v0.80d] Doom: The Lost Episode

Post by Skunk »

It looks too goofy to me... but it's HIS wad. :P

I also don't like what he's doing to M4... ;_; I like that level... I think I'll do my OWN edit of that level one day. It was my favorite level from the beta and it's a shame it never made it into the game because I think with doors in certain spots it'd make a great DM level.
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Re: [v0.80d] Doom: The Lost Episode

Post by Xaser »

M4 was just far too bland to me, plain and simple -- a simple retexture wouldn't do it any justice. Now, I'm not planning on changing the 'flow' of the level any more -- sorry if the tower thingies kinda put you off at first -- I'm not planning on fudging up the heights to everything, really, but it needs *some* variation at least on ceilings and the like.

And the sky thing is kinda my new 'trademark' ... it's wacky, yes, and not-so-iD but think about it. Each episode of Doom has its own unique 'theme' and location, and if they had done a 5th, needless to say they'd have come up with some sort of new setting somewhere. I kinda like the whole 'floaty' bit -- it's easy to do and looks wacky-but-cool. A few times I've caught myself asking "What would Romero do?" Seeing that none of us are him, it's as good a guess as anyone's, but I figured after 4 episodes, the iD guys would have come up with a crazy new 'twist' to make a 5th all the more interesting.

I'll bet Romero would have used the skyfloor trick at least once if it weren't for the skies not tiling vertically. Then again, who knows what the devil he was thinking anyhow? :P

For the record, I don't want this to be my wad. Yes, a few maps have been all Xasered up, but the PSX stuff is still intact at least. I'm just the messenger here -- even if I change the wording', the message is still the same: from iD to you. Now to make sure I don't lose everything in translation... ;)
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Re: [v0.80d] Doom: The Lost Episode

Post by DBThanatos »

For what I've played (im in e5m3 at the moment), I like it. The whole odd sky textures everywhere gives it a really awesome feeling. To tell the truth I would never thought about using the sky as he is doing.

@xaser: what!? I broke my head for 20 minutes finding all 12 secrets in e5m1 to move to e5m2 where you have... 1? One secret that barely counts as one?? that's really strange... I was hoping to find another 12 secrets for that map :P

And by the way
I'll give more feedback when I play more of this (you know... headhache... it doesnt forgive anyone :( )

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Re: [v0.80d] Doom: The Lost Episode

Post by Xaser »

Must... resist... Gah! *fixes missing texture*

Hehe, thanks there! Also, I thought the idea was kinda funny... M1 with insane amounts of secrets, and M2 with barely one. omg contrast

Back in my earlier mapping days, I always forgot to add secrets, so I decided to make up for it... I couldn't resist! At 12 secrets, E5M1 ties for first with the most (legitimate) secrets in any UDoom level (tying with Containment Area) Sever the Wicked actually has around 40 secrets but a good 30-or-so is just a bunch in a row up a staircase -- made my die laughing the first time I played it through with ZDoom, with tens of twenties of secret sounds playing at once. :P
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Re: [v0.80d] Doom: The Lost Episode

Post by DBThanatos »

Cool! I contributed to this project reporting a missing texture!! :P

Anyway, I realy think that at least a worthy secret should be added in E5m2.

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Re: [v0.80d] Doom: The Lost Episode

Post by DBThanatos »

Just wondering, is player supossed to be able to cross those things if running in the right angle? (e5m5) because is possible (of course I didnt jump, I just ran diagonally).

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