M4 was just far too bland to me, plain and simple -- a simple retexture wouldn't do it any justice. Now, I'm not planning on changing the 'flow' of the level any more -- sorry if the tower thingies kinda put you off at first -- I'm not planning on fudging up the heights to everything, really, but it needs *some* variation at least on ceilings and the like.
And the sky thing is kinda my new 'trademark' ... it's wacky, yes, and not-so-iD but think about it. Each episode of Doom has its own unique 'theme' and location, and if they had done a 5th, needless to say they'd have come up with some sort of new setting somewhere. I kinda like the whole 'floaty' bit -- it's easy to do and looks wacky-but-cool. A few times I've caught myself asking "What would Romero do?" Seeing that none of us are him, it's as good a guess as anyone's, but I figured after 4 episodes, the iD guys would have come up with a crazy new 'twist' to make a 5th all the more interesting.
I'll bet Romero would have used the skyfloor trick at least once if it weren't for the skies not tiling vertically. Then again, who knows what the devil he was thinking anyhow?
For the record, I don't want this to be
my wad. Yes, a few maps have been all Xasered up, but the PSX stuff is still intact at least. I'm just the messenger here -- even if I change the wording', the message is still the same: from iD to you. Now to make sure I don't lose everything in translation...