[DONE!] Doom: The Lost Episode

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Re: [v0.99!] Doom: The Lost Episode

Post by Remmirath »

This is becoming ever better...definitely an old-school doom episode...good work, Xaser! :)
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Re: [v0.99!] Doom: The Lost Episode

Post by .+:icytux:+. »

its good :D tho i dunno what to say about carol street station.a maze of wtf.

well. i think its good. its just that one of the maps (dont remember its name. after the mansion) needs redoing. its theme dosn't fit at all. the mansion's outside area could also need some redoing so it would fit the rest of the maps.

also the endpic is just unfitting :P
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Re: [v0.99!] Doom: The Lost Episode

Post by Gez »

Xaser wrote:If somehow I recieve no gameplay complaints I'll leave that part as-is. Of course, that's not likely, so... fire away, I say! The full, final release is on the horizon, so speak now or forever hold your peace. ;P
Why the wall raise just before the end of E5M1? Now one has to explore the level in a linear way if one wants to complete it with 100%...

Speaking of E5M1, what about placing some low decoration (maybe an explosive barrel) next to he corpse on a stick in the area behind the secret, so that it's possible to jump up to the platform with the imps and shotgunners?
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Re: [v0.99!] Doom: The Lost Episode

Post by Phobus »

Its a standard doom episode, so you're not meant to jump I imagine, which would therefore be why he's not facilitated jumping.

Glad to hear this is nearly done Xaser, I've been saving it for when its finished so I can go oldschool with levels I never played :)
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Re: [v0.99!] Doom: The Lost Episode

Post by Xaser »

Oh, bugger. I let this drop too far back, didn't I? *mumble grumble lazyxaser garble*

Nope, not dead, still. Just undergoing some tweaking here and there. Though one bit of interesting news: Kate has been working with the wad to bit and is bringing to life what was only a silly idea before. Turns out, the wad is nearly[/] compatible with the Eternity engine as well as ZDoom. Except for a few easily-fixable oversights and cosmetic changes in some maps, which Kate has discovered practically all on her own, the only thing missing (aside from ZDoom specifics like the intermap) is the super shotgun, which is currently broken but will be fixed when scriptable weapons are introduced (ZDoom, watch out!). When released, the wad is going to be ready and fully Eternity-compatible as soon as EE can support it, to avoid the hassle of a re-release. Major thanks to Kate and Quasar for the support and actually making the idea work. No offense to ZDoom, but 'tis supposed to be a neo-classic-ish mod so it wouldn't make sense if only the most advanced port supported it. ;P

Also rumors of a possible Chocolate Doom port have been floating around...

But for the maps themselves: As for E5M4, seems there haven't been too many complaints about its oddness. A "maze of WTF" it is, really, but ah well. I'd actually like to see a nightmarish hide-n-seek Deathmatch game played in it... but then again nobody plays DM like that any more. :(

Only other thing missing is, again, the Archvile graphics, but that's a lazyness issue on my part more than anything. Will do eventually. ;P

If anyone has any last comments or suggestions on anything, now is the time to do so. This project is being wrapped up for now, and soon we'll finally bring these maps out of the lost and into the light. A good fifteen years late, but hey... ;P

Stay tuned!
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Re: [v0.99!] Doom: The Lost Episode

Post by Ghastly »

Xaser wrote:I'd actually like to see a nightmarish hide-n-seek Deathmatch game played in it... but then again nobody plays DM like that any more. :(
Release it as a Skulltag DM map?
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Re: [v0.99!] Doom: The Lost Episode

Post by 2005 FY9 »

How did you extract the alpha levels to begin with? I played 0.66, and there were two alpha levels not used in the real game. I am making a lost episode of my own, and I already converted those two alpha levels into levels.
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Re: [v0.99!] Doom: The Lost Episode

Post by Rachael »

The format is easily readable with any hex editor, it's not hard to make a program to convert the file to a more modernized version, if you know what you're doing.
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Re: [v0.99!] Doom: The Lost Episode

Post by Kinsie »

Also, this mod has all the 0.4 and 0.5 alpha resources and maps ported to usable formats.
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Re: [v0.99!] Doom: The Lost Episode

Post by 2005 FY9 »

Alrighty, thank you both! (Soul Priestess & Kinsie)

Re: [v0.99!] Doom: The Lost Episode

Post by Supercharge »

Hi, there people from the Doom community...

aye listen up, i've broadcasted voluntary the good word about this wad on youtube.com.
I've recorded playing the first map, well i must admit it's really touching
for a second there b4 i even red the wad information and it's devlopment progress in the forums, i just though i was playing an offical add-on of Id software itself for the Ultimate Doom heh :D
Well i did notice there are a pack of psxdoom maps renovated :) b4 i did the reading here.

Well, i've upload the recorded videoclip on youtube.com, It fully shows off the gameplay of the first map "logos anomaly" and almust all it's secret places.. well sorry for the spoiling. :P

And you can check it out right there, i hope i did a good job for you guys. Enjoy! :D
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Re: [v0.99!] Doom: The Lost Episode

Post by Tormentor667 »

This looks very interesting... how far is it from being finished?
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Re: [v0.99!] Doom: The Lost Episode

Post by Xaser »

Actually, some final "in-house" playtests are being conducted right now (with hopefully a co-op test or two and maybe a DM one for laughs) and assuming nothing goes terribly wrong, it should be finished. Seems I've spent too long on this silly "side-project" of mine... it'll be good to get it out of the way now. ;P

And FYI, those silly Voidlord attack rotations are done now. I didn't forget. ;P

@Super: Thank you! Wow... sorry for the bit of disappointment with it not being official and all, hehe, but at least the wad achieves its goal to some extent. Thanks immensely for the compliments and support -- it means a lot. Spread the word, if you can!

I'll check the vid when I can -- YouTube and dialup don't mix well but I'll try. ;P
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Re: [DONE!] Doom: The Lost Episode

Post by Xaser »

It's been a while, but


The final edition of Doom: The Lost Episode is in /newstuff as we speak. I'll add a permalink and update the first post once it's on DW /idgames.

Major insane thanks to Quasar for fixing a certain bug specifically for this wad (supershotgun in UDoom), Kate for tons of testing and providing the Eternity defs, Bashe and Doomrater for co-op bashing, MasterOFDeath for all around support, and Esselfortium for putting up with my constant nagging on how the funk to get it working in EE. ;P

But for now, play it! It is fully compatible with ZDoom 2.2.0+ as well as the latest version of Eternity.

You WILL have fun. You WILL be DooMed.

Prepare for Evil Unleashed.

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Re: [DONE!] Doom: The Lost Episode

Post by MasterOFDeath »

Xaser wrote:IS IS FINISHED.
hell yes also is is

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