Holy shit, this is awesome!! It would be great to be used as an update for that old Theme 1.7 Aliens vs Predator vs Terminator patch because the Terminator sprites in those were absolutely awful. They were just shitty edits of Doom's Zombieman, Shotgun Guy, and the SS Guard.MarlboroMike2100 wrote:Hello all, Fresh meat here, saw the post and kept mumbling, where the hell do I post my works(on a post or make my own), sense I figure some might be useful for use/and/or edits. Some of these (due to been busy) I might not finish, I might, All pends on if I get the time. Enjoy and if you use, no credit needed really, just don't claim as your own, unless you edit, give both sides credit and pat yourself on the back.
Terminator T780 Shotgunner (for the most part complete)(MS Paint almost 95% from skratch)
T700-101 Exo Skel (missing flash fire and death tho body parts are present as seen for edits/help)(skratch)
Hopefully somebody can find uses for some of this, sense I know Terminator sprites aren't 100% easy to come by, unless you count the Rampage sprites.
When I look at these obsolete sprites from that patch compared to what you have, I seriously would want to update that patch to make things feel proper and faithful to the way the Terminators appeared in the films:

According to the theme17 patch's readme this is their T-40 Terminator; it was probably meant to represent the T-800 Endoskeletons.

According to the theme17 patch's readme this is their T-800 Terminator; it was probably meant to represent the "Arnold Model 101s" Infiltration Combat units.

And this is their T-1000, a modified version of the SS Guard's sprites.
Now as you can see implementing new up to date sprites like yours is something desired for this type of WAD theme.