I love the syringe! Lots of potential uses... and misuses!
I did some more stuff. It's mostly medkits again (I felt I had to do some to match the green ammocrates), which I've already made plenty of, but everyone needs medkits! (Especially you there at the back! I see your health in single digits. And when did you last save?) I tried some more alternative symbols, not all of them work so well ingame, but might with a few tweaks (or in a different renderer, I only tested them palletted, they probably look at bit better in truecolour). Also a few things redone in the 'megapunk' style, and some missing variants and reworks of older stuff I wasn't happy with.
There's also this dude, who isn't new, but I've been sitting on him for too long (the first mockup was 7 years ago!
), trying to work up the spoons to finish him off, and I think I'm just going to have to acknowledge that it isn't going to happen at this rate. So, here's the Wolfenstein cultist: (based on Wolf Skevos-Jones' SS dudes)
Conceptually, he'd be sort of like the archvile (he'd have an attack similar to the dark bishop, though), but since he's not a demon, and the dudes he's trying to raise aren't demons, they don't quite come back
quite right.