Doom 4 Full Armor

Some gib graphics from Doom 4 sized down and Doomified more than before.
If it was recoloured to Blue/Green, that could probably fit into FreeDoom.torridgristle wrote:
Doom 4 Full Armor
Spoiler: In GameBlender x64 was taking a while to download and I wanted to pass the time so I opened up the Hoss Delgado model from Fusionfall.
Is that Snake Plisken?torridgristle wrote:
Spoiler: In GameBlender x64 was taking a while to download and I wanted to pass the time so I opened up the Hoss Delgado model from Fusionfall.
Totally - ESCAPE FROM NY MOD!!!!demo_the_man wrote:Is that Snake Plisken?torridgristle wrote:
Spoiler: In GameBlender x64 was taking a while to download and I wanted to pass the time so I opened up the Hoss Delgado model from Fusionfall.
Oh, for the love of god, don't tempt me. I'm already preoccupied with a certain other franchise by an acclaimed horror director.Galaxy_Stranger wrote:Totally - ESCAPE FROM NY MOD!!!!demo_the_man wrote:Is that Snake Plisken?torridgristle wrote:
Spoiler: In GameBlender x64 was taking a while to download and I wanted to pass the time so I opened up the Hoss Delgado model from Fusionfall.
Thanks to his arm cannon thing, he reminded me this guy; Space adventure is such a beautiful thing.torridgristle wrote:
Spoiler: In GameBlender x64 was taking a while to download and I wanted to pass the time so I opened up the Hoss Delgado model from Fusionfall.
i think Gandevoir used that for is Megawad of mapsDevianteist wrote:Got bored. Here's a "THE ULTIMATE DOOM II" M_DOOM graphic for your viewing pleasure.