I have your Stig 46 ready.Redfox123 wrote:maybe someone can help make this look better
i suck at weapon rips
Though it got a little rusty on my toolbench.
And im not that good with hands.
I hope it looks properly doom-ified for you?
(took about 30mins work)
I went in with the Line tool (1px) at 50-65% opacity and I draw black lines on the edges of things. Not so much cel shading, but enough to clearly define the shadow underneath a flap or where a shadow might be between two things. It defines edges well and gives it that contrast-upped doom appearance. Also selectively darkened some areas then killed the white pixels.
Also the smudge tool (when turned down to a low pixel size) is highly underestimated. People usually just jump to using Liquify when smudge can soften out sharp pixels (like light glints) and at the same time shift them around.
Another tip for removing white halos is magic wand select the area outside the object. Then expand the selection by 1 pixel and then Posterize to something like 6 or 8 channels. This drastically reduces the color count. Then... within that same selection... take the paint bucket tool and turn off the "contiguous" function so that it paints all of the pixels of the given type anywhere within the selection. That should kill most of them in one shot if not 2 or 3. It might also get some honestly bright pixels, just remember the difference and go paint them in by hand afterwards if necessary.
But by and large lightish gray colors should not extend to the edge of an object, even if the light sourcing is correct it should still darken out (so id reselect the weapon object, then use that line tool a couple times right on the edge of the selection to progressively darken that edge).
Also for your magic wand tool make sure you turn off antialiasing. But if you're going to do any Lasso work (polygonal is best) it should be set for antialias, unless its on the Edge.
Nother good tip is if you want to do alot of messy stuff on the edge but dont want to correct those halos later... make a new layer, select the area outside the weapon object with the magic wand (remember, no antialias), and fill it in with your usual Cyan color. Then make that layer invisible. Later on you have this as a mask already cut out for doing this, as if preserving that selection... which you can then use to override any halod pixels. This is like an old fashioned stencil.