[EDIT] ok i added.. ALOT.. of your work neoworm

So Simply posting a nude sprite of a woman is automatically pornography? this is ridiculous and I don't want this community falling into the lines of american puritanism (violence=good nudity/sex=bad) and being no better than the censorship policies of the ESRB. Also for those who are offended by nudity need to be educated.HotWax wrote:Most people would claw their own eyes out if they could see the kinds of things that don't offend my "delicate sensibilities."bagheadspidey wrote:image removed so as not to offend HotWax's delicate sensibilities
However, it's been decided by the community that pornography in any form should not be present on these forums, because it could potentially offend other forum-goers, and may also get randy in trouble with his host.