giest118 (Enlarged so everyone can see it) wrote:Stupid dumbasses never learn anything, they all deserve to die and get reincarnated as a chicken that's about to be viciously slaughtered by a gargoyle... In fact, they're probably too dumb just to click on the "quote" button and read this. I would be fully unsurprised if they didn't click on the "quote" button, 'cause they are such dumbasses that they still use idkfa when idfa is so much more useful. And another thing, why would you want to play through a map with 20000 blue keycards, when you can't get all the keycards anyway? Well, there's no understanding some people is there? Also, when I asked for 4000 imps, Xaser gave me 24000. Why? There is no point. The vast majority of the imps were outside the map, as well. Hardly anyone ever seems to learn how to count properly. And another problem with that map was that the imps couldn't move because they were all trapped inside of each other... that didn't sound right. Xaser made all the imps look like they were humping each other, and that REALLY didn't sound right. At all. God dammit, the people who think that it's really necessary to make a level with 20000 blue keycards just so that they could collect 20000 blue keycards should die. In fact, I find it necessary that they should all be perforated by chaingunners for their mal-content, their terminological inexactitudes, and their ill-concieved attempt to make picking up 4000 blue-keycards a possibility. As far as I can tell, they are only destroying what's left of their sanity.
I uploaded those two maps just as a stupid joke. I don't see why you're giving all these stupid comments about a couple of maps that WERE NOT supposed to be taken seriously. You have absolutely no sense of humor, you senseless idiot. Besides, I don't have much sanity to destroy, anyway.