[WIP] Demon Wars - An enhancement mod..

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Post by Matt »

Ack! Bring back the Trashyk! (Seriously those things are worth almost two imps in the damage they do) Or at the very least the old new fireballs...

EDIT: I should also note that the minimum distance between two imps needed for them not to be stuck together is 32, so giving all your imps a radius of 16 (incidentally the radius of the player) and using A_SpawnItemEx is enough to solve the Map01 UV problem.
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Post by Ryan Cordell »

Bringing them back would be a bit unfair (w00t, 3 pages!) to the player, since once you get used to them, it's like meeting a fast-ass Death personification of a Demon Trooper, hard to hit, evade fast, and can shoot fast (Largely because their race was forgotten with the arrival of the new Demon Troopers (AKA, standard Imps), so they're vicious to kill the player and prove their worth.)

EDIT: Alright, if you're that desperate to have some additional challange, I've included the RC-Trashyk mod in there that allows to randomize between the story's original Demon Troopers (Trashyk) and the game's original Demon Troopers (Doom Imps), knock y'self out, but y'have to include it with DW.
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Post by Dancso »

Uhm... can i have a few questions?

What is this project exactly? Is it a mod or something?
I have an SVN build of zdoom, but when i play it, i have no ammo at start, and i get a lot of errormessages in the upper left corner. Do i need something to run it?
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Post by Ryan Cordell »

A mod, yes.

And you'll have to bind some keys for several features, you'll see them in the controls when you define them. Bottom-most.


Updated again. A hint of warning, the whole package is 21/27 MB's now, due to the new skyboxes I put in DoomInfo for usage with Ultimate Doom. As usual, the best port to use it with is GZDoom version 1.24 or whichever is the latest. (Goto first page for link, or, for the lazy people: )

-=Demon Wars=-

I'm worried about the additional 14-ish MB's that DoomInfo.wad pumps out. If anybody wants a diffrent host, I'll put it up on Rapidshare or any ones you suggest me.
Last edited by Ryan Cordell on Mon Jun 04, 2007 10:42 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Ryan Cordell »

Have to bump this, dunno where it'll go since I've deleted a few of my posts. Anywho, everyone's gone quiet here. :?;
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Post by Matt »

Suggestion: Have the player start with the rifle loaded! Seriously, it's been a pet peeve of mine about DW ever since it's had a rifle. :P

Interesting thing you did there with the kickable zombie heads. Could do with a bald version, or possibly better yet some generic bloodied version so mangled you can't tell the difference...
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Post by Ryan Cordell »

Done with both suggestions (I agree that the 'reload every testing time' part was VERY annoying), if people want to suggest anything more, feel free to do so, and I'll consider if it's worth being in the wad.
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Post by Matt »

How about a quick map to showcase some of DW's features a bit better than your typical Map01?
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Re: [WIP] Demon Wars - An enhancement mod..

Post by PhAyzoN »

I cant get this mod to even run on the latest SVN, or latest official releases of GZDoom or ZDoom. All of them give this error

Script error, "ASSAULT" line 63:
Expected string constant but got identifier 'BurstFire' instead.
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Post by lzvk25 »

Dancso wrote:Uhm, sorry i may be dumb, but how do i extract .7z files? I've tried with Total Commander, didnt work, neither with WinZip.

Anyways this looks(sounds) promising. :)
To uncompress .7z files in Total Comander, use this plugin :

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Re: [WIP] Demon Wars - An enhancement mod..

Post by Sodaholic »

Code: Select all

Script error, "ASSAULT" line 63:
Expected string constant but got identifier 'BurstFire' instead.
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Re: [WIP] Demon Wars - An enhancement mod..

Post by Unknown_Assassin »

Sodahollic wrote:

Code: Select all

Script error, "ASSAULT" line 63:
Expected string constant but got identifier 'BurstFire' instead.
You have to quote all the states, in order for the wad to work. Since BurstFire is a state, somewhere in the DECORATE, that state is activated.


Code: Select all

POSS E 0 A_Jump(random(0,30),BurstFire)

Code: Select all

POSS E 0 A_Jump(random(0,30),"BurstFire")
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Re: [WIP] Demon Wars - An enhancement mod..

Post by Ryan Cordell »

Wow. Cool to see interest. Anywho, I wouldn't want to bother with Demon Wars too much, as Genesis Saga (A bit of a revision/overhaul) is being made right now with newer weaponry.

The Repeater Gun (the weapon below) replaces THREE weapons in the entire game. The original shotgun, the double barreled shotgun and the grenade launcher.
It certainly has all the same functions though. At best there are five buttons to operate this thing. Primary fire (Single Shot), Secondary Fire (Fully Automatic), Terciary Fire (Grenade Launcher), Drum Roll (For Single Shot.. Might remove this depending on public opinion.) and Reloading.

Here's a little screenshot for you people. ;)


The Repeater Gun is great for making people look like a certain brand of cheese. They certainly don't taste as such though.
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Re: [WIP] Demon Wars - An enhancement mod..

Post by PhAyzoN »

There were a lot of errors, I went through and fixed them all. I can probably upload it someone (tomorrow) if someone wants.
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Re: [WIP] Demon Wars - An enhancement mod..

Post by Ryan Cordell »

I'll iron out the drum rolling problem with the Repeater and then maybe I'll release Genesis Saga out for the first time, see what you guys think of it.

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