Hideous Destructor 4.10.0b

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Re: Hideous Destructor [last update 02 June 2008]

Post by Davidos »

Vaecrius wrote:
Davidos wrote:I got sounds enough to do that but not the coding skill.
Neither do I - I can get a ringing sound to play if someone's been too close to an explosion, but I'm pretty sure changing overall volume for everything is beyond ACS or DECORATE. And even then there's still, say, telling the difference between an explosion in an underground parking garage and out in a field...

It couldn't be that hard could it?
I mean, you already got the sounds to play when the range is far enough.
How about if you reg the player comming in contact or close to an explosion, the far distance drops down to straight infront of the player, untill a certain ammount of time has passed, calculated with the healthdrop percentage to the player caused by the explosion <to calculate to aproximate range>

It shouldn't be that hard to add a looping beeeeeeeeeeep noise to that and a red (blurred) vision...

*Sighs* To bad they didn't call ACS Pawn or else I wouldn't be so lazy as to check the code to see if I can do it myself... but then again I don't want to edit your coding >.>;


-.- what's with me and starting new pages today?
I've been to 7 forums and already started like, 16 new pages XD
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Re: Hideous Destructor [last update 02 June 2008]

Post by Matt »

I can get the ringing to play, but there's nothing here that would change the volume for all sounds across the board.

To change the volume for everything with what's available, I'd have to duplicate every sound in Doom 2 with the "faded" version, then for each sound in the game create a little script that switches to the right sound depending on the player's status. And even then it would only work for singleplayer.

Too much effort for the reward, IMO.
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Re: Hideous Destructor [last update 02 June 2008]

Post by Davidos »

Vaecrius wrote:I can get the ringing to play, but there's nothing here that would change the volume for all sounds across the board.

To change the volume for everything with what's available, I'd have to duplicate every sound in Doom 2 with the "faded" version, then for each sound in the game create a little script that switches to the right sound depending on the player's status. And even then it would only work for singleplayer.

Too much effort for the reward, IMO.

But then, wouldn't the Open AL system help alot in this? I guess not but I remember it causing for sound-fades when used...
Ah, nevermind, I'm out of ideas...
It was a nice idea though.
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Re: Hideous Destructor [last update 02 June 2008]

Post by Matt »

Davidos wrote:But then, wouldn't the Open AL system help alot in this?
The point of "it's not available in ACS" is that I'm trying to avoid having a separate HD executable. I've got my reasons for this.
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Re: Hideous Destructor [last update 02 June 2008]

Post by Davidos »

Vaecrius wrote:
Davidos wrote:But then, wouldn't the Open AL system help alot in this?
The point of "it's not available in ACS" is that I'm trying to avoid having a separate HD executable. I've got my reasons for this.

>.> Okay, I really understand >.>; It was just an idea.
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Re: Hideous Destructor [last update 14 July 2008]

Post by Matt »

I'm thinking about implenting the following ideas to make the health a little bit more challenging:
  • Regeneration would be reduced to 1/4 of what it is now. However, with medikit or stimpack use it would go back up to 1/second for a short while.
  • Some injuries would cause bleeding. This happens on top of regeneration, and accumulates with more wounds. Wounds can only be stopped with a medikit or the blue health items, not a stim or berserk. Natural healing may sometimes help, with each tic giving you a 1/512 (or so) chance of losing one wound point.
  • The blue potions and soul sphere would allow regeneration at 2/second until it runs out, instead of taking health above 100. However, this regeneration will be used against wounds instead if they are present. Given wounds range from 1-4 points per hit, health points and wound points shouldn't be equal; right now I'm thinking maybe a 4:1 exchange rate.
  • The berserk pack would allow regeneration at 10/second until it runs out.
Something in me rebels against the idea of making survival completely dependent on items in certain situations. However, given how effective melee in HD is the same could be said for ammo.

Last edited by Matt on Tue Jul 15, 2008 10:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hideous Destructor [last update 14 July 2008]

Post by Captain Ventris »

I say try it out. Clambering around the level desperately trying to reach a medpack at the end of the hall sounds pretty friggin' intense.
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Re: Hideous Destructor [last update 14 July 2008]

Post by Matt »

Here's what it looks like now:
  • All regeneration is now randomized per tic, so the following rates are all approximate averages.
  • Regeneration is fast when health is 80+ - i.e., when you can't use meds or stims - and slow below that.
  • Wounding depends on damage type, with rifles doing the worst and fireballs being the easiest to shrug off. Armour degrades the type of damage the attack is treated as when you're hit. You should not bleed much more than 3 points per second, however much damage you've taken. This happens on top of regeneration, and accumulates with more wounds. Wounds can only be stopped with a medikit or the blue health items, not a stim or berserk. Natural healing helps, with each tic giving you a 1/280 (or so) chance of losing one wound point.
  • The blue potions and soul sphere would allow regeneration at just over 2/second until it runs out, instead of taking health above 100. However, this regeneration will be used against wounds instead if they are present, at a 4:1 exchange rate.
  • The berserk pack allows regeneration at just over 10/second until it runs out. For much of this time, you do not suffer the usual effects of pain.
I'm pretty sure the bleeding thing is unbalanced to all hell at the moment, given how you're left with both less time to recover and more to recover from. I'll tweak it a bit more and see how it goes before I upload.
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Re: Hideous Destructor [last update 14 July 2008]

Post by Matt »

Captain Ventris wrote:I say try it out. Clambering around the level desperately trying to reach a medpack at the end of the hall sounds pretty friggin' intense.
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Re: Hideous Destructor [last update 14 July 2008]

Post by Unknown_Assassin »

Vaecrius wrote:Here's what it looks like now:
  • All regeneration is now randomized per tic, so the following rates are all approximate averages.
  • Regeneration is fast when health is 80+ - i.e., when you can't use meds or stims - and slow below that.
  • Wounding depends on damage type, with rifles doing the worst and fireballs being the easiest to shrug off. Armour degrades the type of damage the attack is treated as when you're hit. You should not bleed much more than 3 points per second, however much damage you've taken. This happens on top of regeneration, and accumulates with more wounds. Wounds can only be stopped with a medikit or the blue health items, not a stim or berserk. Natural healing helps, with each tic giving you a 1/280 (or so) chance of losing one wound point.
  • The blue potions and soul sphere would allow regeneration at just over 2/second until it runs out, instead of taking health above 100. However, this regeneration will be used against wounds instead if they are present, at a 4:1 exchange rate.
  • The berserk pack allows regeneration at just over 10/second until it runs out. For much of this time, you do not suffer the usual effects of pain.
I'm pretty sure the bleeding thing is unbalanced to all hell at the moment, given how you're left with both less time to recover and more to recover from. I'll tweak it a bit more and see how it goes before I upload.
That should give this WAD a more realistic touch. Sounds like an awesome idea. :D
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Re: Hideous Destructor [last update 14 July 2008]

Post by Matt »


This update is probably to HD what HD is to vanilla Doom in general playability. Or not, depending on how good you are at not getting shot - or finding lots and lots of black armour. :D


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Re: Hideous Destructor [last update 19 July 2008]

Post by Matt »

Okay, this is driving me nuts. I've been thinking on this problem for the past four hours and no reliable solution comes to mind as to a clean way to allow players to heal each other.

What I'm looking for:
  • The interface would ideally be to walk up to an injured player, select the right item, and press a button.
  • Tagging an injured player this way must cause two things to happen: first, for the acting player to lose one unit of the item used; and second, for the receiving player to execute the meds-using script.
  • The interface must be foolproof in that if someone hits the button by mistake while not directing the heal at any recipient, the acting player should not lose a unit of the item. However, I do not mind if someone loses an item trying to treat an uninjured teammate, since you should be communicating these things anyway.
  • While the easiest and most reliable method, I would like to avoid simply having players drop the relevant items for the other person to pick up and use. Having to drop, move, pickup, and then use as normal takes far too many steps to feel comfortable or natural.
  • The system must work whether team damage is on or not.
Any ideas?
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Re: Hideous Destructor [last update 19 July 2008]

Post by Nash »

Vaecrius, I have a quick question. How do you create your own cvars? I tried them before but they were never saved properly in the INI...
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Re: Hideous Destructor [last update 19 July 2008]

Post by Matt »

Nash wrote:Vaecrius, I have a quick question. How do you create your own cvars? I tried them before but they were never saved properly in the INI...
[wiki]GetCVar[/wiki] will take any name you plug in without any other preparation - I think the default is zero if the cvar is absent. To set a custom cvar, use "set <name> <value>" in the console; to save it, use "archivecvar <name>".

I have no idea how (and I think last time I asked it was impossible) to set new "host" cvars that would be used for everyone in multiplayer, though.
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Re: Hideous Destructor [last update 19 July 2008]

Post by Nash »

Hmm, that's what I figured; there's no way for a mod to archive mod-specific cvars... in other words, the end user has to create them themselves. :/

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