so far...we still cant add bots in dm?

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Post by Xaser »

My god, UV, You're even worse than HotWax!
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Post by Biff »

johnc753 wrote:
Biff wrote:
Made sure the zcajun folder is inside of the folder where you have zdoom installed. If you start zdoom with a shortcut, batch file or launcher, it may be running from a different folder than you think. If zdoom can "see" the bots.cfg file, when you lower the console before typing addbot, you should see a message like "16 bots read from bots.cfg". If you don't see that message, you don't have a proper bots.cfg file inside a zcajun folder, inside your zdoom folder.
i AM, i told u, but i dun get the message "16 bots read from bots.cfg"
can u just upload ur bots.cfg to me please so i had better chance to work?
It looks like Curunir has graciously uploaded his bots.cfg file for you. Please download it and don't worry about viruses, it's only a text file.

Now, if you unzip his file into your zcajun folder, start zdoom, lower the console and don't see the "bots read from bots.cfg" message, then you do NOT have things set up correctly.

Your problem may be that the method you use to start zdoom (launcher?) is running a copy of zdoom from a folder different from the folder where you put the zcajun folder + bots.cfg.

One way to make sure is to use Windows Explorer and go to the zdoom folder where you see the zcajun folder inside it. Look for zdoom.exe and double click it. After it starts, lower the console, type addbot and hit enter. It has to work, unless the zcajun folder name is misspelled.

Another thing you can check is to search your hard drive for multiple copies of zdoom. Use Windows Explorer, search c:\ for zdoom.exe, being sure to include subdirectories in the search. How many copies of zdoom.exe do you find? Note the places where they are and either delete all but one, otherwise copy that zcajun folder +bots.cfg file into each place.

By the way, I'm assuming you are using doom2.wad for these experiments. If not, what are you using? Also, it's time that you state exactly how you are starting zdoom (launcher, batch file, shortcut...?).
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Post by Ultraviolet »

Xaser wrote:My god, UV, You're even worse than HotWax!
It's a contest, I think.
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Post by Kappes Buur »


You may know this, but I just want to point this out. The zcajun folder must go under the zdoom folder.
And the bots.cfg file then goes into the zcajun folder.
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Post by Xaser »

Ultraviolet wrote:
Xaser wrote:My god, UV, You're even worse than HotWax!
It's a contest, I think.
Well, if it's a contest to be funny, then I think HotWax is winning, because whenever he flames someone, he does ot in an amusing manner. If it's a contest to be evil, then I think you're winning, UV. If it's a contest for both, I think I'll just consider it a tie. :P
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Post by Ty Halderman »

If it's a contest to show how to bend over backwards in helping someone, Biff gets the award. Biff, you must be a patience teacher in real life.
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Post by Biff »

You all have been bearing the brunt of Johnc's barrage recently so I figured it's time for me to chip in a bit. Someone has downloaded Curinir's file and I hope it was our worrisome friend who is now playing bots. If this thread and the image put up by Kappes Burr doesn't get him through it...I'll lose my patience!!! :)

Post by Anonymous »

i am a very impatient guy..........and in my town, no one play doom except me so i deeply rely on all of u....
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Post by HotWax »

Curunir wrote:OK, here goes. I will upload my bots.cfg so that john stops whining.
I'll believe that when I see it. :roll:
If that still doesn't work, you have done soemthing vile and terrible in your past life and no version of Zdoom will ever support bots for you.
Or this life for that matter.

Post by Anonymous »

finally! it works but only on iwads, is it possible on custom DM wads
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Post by Ultraviolet »


Xaser: How's that?
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Post by Ultraviolet »

johnc753 wrote:finally! it works but only on iwads, is it possible on custom DM wads
Only if there are deathmatch starts or enough normal player starts. Sometimes you will have to type "-deathmatch 1" in the console and restart the level.
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Post by HotWax »

And if that doesn't work, try 'format c: /y' at the DOS prompt.
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Post by Biff »

johnc753 wrote:finally! it works but only on iwads, is it possible on custom DM wads
Glory be! Praise Allah, God, Baphomet, whoever...heheh.

OK johnc, it's good you have finally get your reward. What was the problem?

For pretty good zcajun bot action, you might try tntblood.wad (a pwad designed for doom2). Map 02 seems to suit the bots pretty well. I'm sure it's on the TeamTNT web site.

zdoom -file tntblood.wad -skill 4 -warp 2 -deathmatch

Post by Anonymous »

Ultraviolet, from ur language, are u a WHITE guy?

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