Projects that have specifically been abandoned or considered "dead" get moved here, so people will quit bumping them. If your project has wound up here and it should not be, contact a moderator to have it moved back to the land of the living.
Nice. It looks great with that Blood shotgun wad I made earlier. The only thing is there's no flying gibs for when you actually gib an enemy. I was expecting something crazy like Ludicrous Gibs, but I didn't see anything except the usual pile of messy goo.
Nash wrote:I've been overwhelmed withb work... that's what you get when you leave your country for 3 weeks...
Almost defeats the purpose of taking a vacation at all :?
What I meant precisely was, when I took the holiday, I got someone to look after my recording studio, but to my horror, when I came back, I was left with a lot of crap... in other words, he didn't do a good job and because of that, the stuff that I need to take care of is overwhelming...
As for this mod... I'm still trying to find the time to sit down and do the finishing touches... but my job has been so exciting lately and I've been getting a lot of new clients and these people are just a blast to work with...
No, this is not dead - whenever I get that 10 minutes of computer time after work to play Doom (which is the best I'll ever get for now), I have this mod loaded and I STILL tweak it before going to bed.
It's still not ready for release. I am never satisfied with it and I learnt a lesson - if I'm going to release something, I'd better damn make sure it's 100% done the way I want it, instead of releasing an unfinished product and then find it in every other WAD without their authors ever giving me credit or even knowing where the original mod came from...
Is this "abusive patch" avalible? Or maybe been combined with the main wad?
I would very much like for this to be made public, or if someone could change the main decorate for the gibs to stay, like many have said, I would love to see the mess regardless of FPS...