sidav wrote: ↑Sat Jan 18, 2025 6:25 pm
Would you consider it a redundant info?
I wouldn't say so. It's important to know what the damage modifier is. Rather, I think explaining the rule of thumb somewhere, perhaps in the main post, would actually be the correct move. Or perhaps you could add a help menu that explains the mod's mechanics? I know some other mods like GMOTA, Treasure Tech, and Combined Arms do that. It honestly might also be a good idea while you're at it to list DPS, or some other similar stat if possible. Reason being that otherwise, fire rate's impact on damage output isn't very obvious. It's an improvement that Borderlands 2 made on the original after many people in that fandom complained how hard it was to determine the DPS of a given gun, but idk how possible that would be in GZdoom since not even DRLA does that. Also WOW, so that means flechettes not only home but get a huge damage bonus? I've only picked up underleveled ones so far, so I can't say for sure how strong that is. It
sounds crazy though.
sidav wrote: ↑Sat Jan 18, 2025 6:25 pm
Oh, that's somewhat complicated. Similarly to the "normal" rockets, the mini-rockets deal both the base damage (this is the listed value) and splash (the base dmg for that is the listed value again, but it falls off with distance), so the "real" damage may be up to 2x higher. I couldn't make it with splash damage only, as it would make Cyberdemons fully immune to the weapon's damage. That's also why mini-rockets can generate with such low damage modifiers (factors x0.5-x1.0 being the most probable). I don't really know how better to display that without overburdening the stats table. It also seems that maybe this should be reworked, though, as I've made those minirockets affix one of the first, so it's still in somewhat an experimental state.
Oh, yeah, that's understandable. I honestly don't think minirockets are that janky to begin with, it's just that their total effect isn't obvious. So it'd either be: Don't show anything but the flavor text, no numbers, just display it in the damage stat; OR show the additional explosion mechanic alongside the magnitude of the affix. For example, you could make it say, "Fires miniature rockets that explode, dealing base damage again over a small area. +0.7x damage." or something like that and it would get the point across pretty well, if you also add the rule of thumb. There could also be a secondary stat (like the total shot damage stat on shotguns) for mini rocket affix weapons and rocket launchers that shows the impact and explosion damage separately.
Another consideration you could make is just removing splash from minirockets and having them be cosmetic explosions while maintaining the damage boost, which would allow finer control over how strong the affix is, prevent player self-damage, and solve the Cyberdemon/Spider Mastermind issue in exchange for removing a lot of their crowd control. Though TBH, that could be its own affix. Maybe something like a "nailgun" affix that makes the gun fire nails which do this? Then you could also make use of wall-pinning mechanics.
Altogether, there are a lot of ways you could go about this to update these affixes and better communicate how they work.