Soon as I saw the inspirations and the screenshots, I had to give this one a go as soon as I had the chance.
And quite the pleasing early impressions.
Although I feel like the rate of random drops might need to be toned back as they can be pretty frequent enough. Barrels probably should be excluded because it seems silly for an environment object to drop stuff, unless you plan to go somewhere with them (and any other object).
Barrels can also inflict you with your own status effects from weapons when they explode, unless you intend that too which oh wayull.
I do hope for more in the future with this as I have wanted such a mod like this out of BorderDoom with the touches from Doom Infinite, with your planned expansions I do want to make some suggestions that I hope you can tackle for now.
At least while I am not sure if you might think of a progressive leveling system to play off of the initial power of the loot with other sorts of things it could do like natural stat stuff, I had some thoughts about more armor colors and types to have more choices and effects they can protect from each type.
Maybe armor parts like helmets, boots and the like if you want to think that far, but on the note of it, the armor and health bonuses in general should be changed to not count as items if players are looking for items they can always be picked up and within reach.
Backpacks though I think could fit with modifiers and stats to them as well, ones that can hold more or less of ammo is the first thing off the top, but there could be brainstorming for other things they could help and/or hinder towards as well.
More element types could be great all around, ice for a chance to freeze enemies on kill, fire to burn but no flinch... Perhaps more crazy things can pop into your mind, but at least venom looks like a start to a lot more, so I had to pitch my enjoyment for it at least!