I want to use the Duke Nukem 3D Music Pack created by XxMiltenXx with RAZE, but it wasn't straight forward as I thought. After contacting him he informed me that definitions are necessary and provided the ones below and suggested runnning RAZE with this command line
. On my setup that works not reliably. Sometimes the flacs are played, sometimes there is a fallback to midi. After looking arround here I triedraze.exe /music.def /duke3d_sc_d70_flac.zip
which works fine for me./music.def -file duke3d_sc_d70_flac.zip
But is this the correct way? Also I would like to have a zip with the defintions included, so that I can drop it on the executable or autoload it. Can anyone tell me how to do it? I tried several different approaches, but none worked....
Code: Select all
music { ID "intro" file "grabbag.flac" }
music { ID "briefing" file "briefing.flac" }
music { ID "E1L1" file "stalker.flac" }
music { ID "E1L2" file "dethtoll.flac" }
music { ID "E1L3" file "streets.flac" }
music { ID "E1L4" file "watrwld1.flac" }
music { ID "E1L5" file "snake1.flac" }
music { ID "E1L6" file "thecall.flac" }
music { ID "E1L7" file "ahgeez.flac" }
music { ID "E1L8" file "dethtoll.flac" }
music { ID "E1L9" file "streets.flac" }
music { ID "E1L10" file "watrwld1.flac" }
music { ID "E1L11" file "snake1.flac" }
music { ID "E2L1" file "futurmil.flac" }
music { ID "E2L2" file "storm.flac" }
music { ID "E2L3" file "gutwrnch.flac" }
music { ID "E2L4" file "robocrep.flac" }
music { ID "E2L5" file "stalag.flac" }
music { ID "E2L6" file "pizzed.flac" }
music { ID "E2L7" file "alienz.flac" }
music { ID "E2L8" file "xplasma.flac" }
music { ID "E2L9" file "alfredh.flac" }
music { ID "E2L10" file "gloomy.flac" }
music { ID "E2L11" file "intents.flac" }
music { ID "E3L1" file "inhiding.flac" }
music { ID "E3L2" file "fatcmdr.flac" }
music { ID "E3L3" file "names.flac" }
music { ID "E3L4" file "subway.flac" }
music { ID "E3L5" file "invader.flac" }
music { ID "E3L6" file "gotham.flac" }
music { ID "E3L7" file "233c.flac" }
music { ID "E3L8" file "lordofla.flac" }
music { ID "E3L9" file "urban.flac" }
music { ID "E3L10" file "spook.flac" }
music { ID "E3L11" file "whomp.flac" }
music { ID "E4L1" file "missimp.flac" }
music { ID "E4L2" file "prepd.flac" }
music { ID "E4L3" file "bakedgds.flac" }
music { ID "E4L4" file "cf.flac" }
music { ID "E4L5" file "lemchill.flac" }
music { ID "E4L6" file "pob.flac" }
music { ID "E4L7" file "warehaus.flac" }
music { ID "E4L8" file "layers.flac" }
music { ID "E4L9" file "floghorn.flac" }
music { ID "E4L10" file "depart.flac" }
music { ID "E4L11" file "restrict.flac" }