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Re: ReLite

Post by TadeuAV »

Heelo, Hey Doomer!

I know this isn't the right thread to ask this, but I'm using Relighting v3.31b, because I couldn't achieve the same Dark atmosphere in Relighting 4 or Relite. But Sigil II is taking too long to load the game or to respawn, when I die. Sigil I has the same problem, but not as Sigil II.

Is there a way to solve this, from my side?

If there isn't, could you add overall preset like Relighting 3.31b?

Relite has a few options on my end, thou. is something wrong? I can't the mod customize as I could in Relighting.
Last edited by TadeuAV on Wed Jun 19, 2024 11:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Hey Doomer_
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Re: ReLite

Post by Hey Doomer_ »

TadeuAV wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2024 11:30 am Heelo, Hey Doomer!

I know this isn't the right thread to ask this, but I'm using Relighting v3.31b, because I couldn't achieve the same Dark atmosphere in Relighting 4 or Relite. But Sigil II is taking too long to load the game or to respawn, when I die. Sigil I has the same problem, but not as Sigil II.

Is there a way to solve this, from my side?

If there isn't, could you add overall preset like Relighting 3.31b?

Relite has a few options on my end, thou. is something wrong? I can't the mod customize as I could in Relighting.

I haven't tried to run Sigil in Relighting v3.31b, but the problem is likely the complexity of sectors within sectors. R3.31b uses a lighting system of light and receiving actors that is inefficient (and inaccurate) in many maps. It can be pretty but performance can be terrible. I'm not surprised Sigil struggles.

R4+ has a different approach based on author's lighting without specific texture lighting; it bakes texture lighting using light sources and texture light receivers, and it also places light sources accurately at the center ("point of inaccessibility") of complex polygons, a massive improvement. Not as pretty as R3.31b I'll admit, but it does introduce dynamic sprite shadows.

ReLite fixes most (I hope all :D ) bugs in previous versions (correctly calculating sector area using a modified shoelace algorithm, reading imagine lumps, etc. - too many to recall) and has a vastly improved baked lighting scheme (light is emitted as hitscans to strike textures without "receivers"). Whereas R4+ hits only textures in sectors of a certain size, ReLite hits everything.

I haven't exposed many options in ReLite by design, but presets are a good idea. What specifically do you mean by "Dark?"
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Re: ReLite

Post by DarkkOne »

Yeah, the light on the ceiling of E1M1 looks really good to me.
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Re: ReLite

Post by TadeuAV »

@Hey Doomer,

Thanks for your reply!

By "Dark" I mean the overall atmosphere applied over Doom, with specific settings related to lighting, found in Relighting 3.31b. In your mod you have four presets: Doom, Bleak, Bright and Dark. Dark was perfect imo. And you had three Temperature options too, Doom, Cool and Warm.

Is it possible to reintroduce it in Relite? And can you gives the option to control normal and decorative lights strength?

Last edited by TadeuAV on Wed Jun 19, 2024 8:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ReLite

Post by TadeuAV »

DarkkOne wrote:
> Yeah, the light on the ceiling of E1M1 looks really good to me.

Well, E2M6 lights, in this specific corridor, aren't.

@Hey Doomer, can you fix them? I know it's something done by BD, but it's ugly as fuck!

Here are the pics:
Last edited by TadeuAV on Sat Jun 22, 2024 3:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Progress 0.6.8a

Post by Hey Doomer_ »

Progress 0.6.8a

Code: Select all

5/27 - added CVars for decorative, texture, flat lights
6/19 - added flat and texture criteria to accept a pixel as a "light"
6/21 - fixed hard-coded animated texture and flat criteria (Doom only)
6/22 - texture/flat lights itself
I've removed brightmap-related code as irrelevant to refactoring. Essentially new code is similar with similar filtering: a brightmap created by a human looks for and exposes brighter areas in a flat/texture; analyzing brightmaps I also took into account amount of brightness. The difference is I don't know where a light is. This should now work with Heretic and Hexen (not Strife because of some formatting issues).


Note brightness of light sources, directional lights, and colorization. The effects of applying general rules to texture and flat lighting are remarkable.

Most areas look pretty good. Performance is killed by dynamic lights when there are too many animated or lit textures e.g. Sigil e5m1 in view. Haven't looked at that yet.
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Re: ReLite

Post by Hey Doomer_ »

TadeuAV wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2024 8:49 pm @Hey Doomer,

Thanks for your reply!

By "Dark" I mean the overall atmosphere applied over Doom, with specific settings related to lighting, found in Relighting 3.31b. In your mod you have four presets: Doom, Bleak, Bright and Dark. Dark was perfect imo. And you had three Temperature options too, Doom, Cool and Warm.

Is it possible to reintroduce it in Relite? And can you gives the option to control normal and decorative lights strength?

Possible. Some of that was done with shaders that are not used in ReLite, but some was done with color. Possible to also add sliders for light strength. Good suggestions, thanks.
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Re: ReLite

Post by Hey Doomer_ »

TadeuAV wrote: Sat Jun 22, 2024 3:19 pm DarkkOne wrote:
> Yeah, the light on the ceiling of E1M1 looks really good to me.

Well, E2M6 lights, in this specific corridor, aren't.

@Hey Doomer, can you fix them? I know it's something done by BD, but it's ugly as fuck!

Here are the pics:
If this is something that BD has done to E2M6, that's nothing that ReLite can address. Where is that in the map?
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Progress 0.6.8a

Post by Hey Doomer_ »

Progress 0.6.8a

I have added a number of options:
  • Light Strength for decorative, texture, flat lights
  • Palette Adjustment - see screenshots
  • Additive Darkness - adds or removes darkness globally
  • Perceived light, red, green, and blue components of a color to "keep" - affects all color interpretation

map01 with -0.7 palette adj
map01 with no palette adj
map01 with +0.7 palette adj

These are small differences more or less noticeable depending on what is a "light." Just another lighting option, since everything is driven by the color palette interpretation. Note this also works with palette mods, since it reads the last palette loaded.

Finally, mucking about with color components can turn off some lights and light textures that don't seem to be a light. Since this is "calibrated" to Doom, that may be a good thing. 8-)
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Progress 0.68a

Post by Hey Doomer_ »

Progress 0.68a

Analyzing textures alone by number seems accurate.

Here are test criteria:

Code: Select all

if (c.r == c.g && c.r == c.b && perceived(Color(c.r, c.g, c.b)) >= rl_perceived) console.printf("***** %s is a light", text);
if ((c.r > c.g * 2 && c.r > c.b * 2) || (c.r == 255 && c.g < 255 && c.b < 255))  console.printf("***** %s is mostly red", text);
if ((c.g > c.r * 2 && c.g > c.b * 2) || (c.g == 255 && c.r < 255 && c.b < 255))  console.printf("***** %s is mostly green", text);
if (c.b > c.r * 2 && c.b > c.g * 2)  console.printf("***** %s is mostly blue", text);
if ((c.r > c.b * 2 && c.g > c.b * 2 && abs(c.r - c.g) < 50)  || (c.r == 255 && c.g == 255 && c.b < 255))  console.printf("***** %s is mostly yellow", text);
Output for the curious (size of light not yet assigned):
The issue with looking at "brightness" is that many textures (CEMENT1, etc.) have bright composite colors but are not bright light sources. In the above list "pc" is perceived brightness of texture color kept by the mod's algorithm. Note that DOORBLU is "mostly blue" but perceived brightness is low; this is how our eye perceives blue, so an allowance has to be made for texture width as well as perceived brightness. The problem is less complex with flats designed to tile.
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Re: ReLite

Post by Zaibatsu64 »

I'm very interested in your progress and excited to see that you're continuing to work on this mod! The brightmaps worked really well, although it's good to see that you're working on a more universal solution. One thing I would have liked to have seen, which it appears that you have now implemented, was the ability to adjust light strength. I had wondered if it might look better if the sector lighting was set to a gloomy or highly compressed average, since the GL lights could be used as the main light source.
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Re: ReLite

Post by Skrell »

Zaibatsu64 wrote: Sun Jun 30, 2024 10:38 am I'm very interested in your progress and excited to see that you're continuing to work on this mod! The brightmaps worked really well, although it's good to see that you're working on a more universal solution. One thing I would have liked to have seen, which it appears that you have now implemented, was the ability to adjust light strength. I had wondered if it might look better if the sector lighting was set to a gloomy or highly compressed average, since the GL lights could be used as the main light source.
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Progress 0.6.8a

Post by Hey Doomer_ »

Progress 0.6.8a

Since calculating a shade of color is based on an HSV model, I've added "Saturation" to options as another tweaking option. This increases or decreases saturation of derived RGB color. Examples:

e2m2 -0.5 (min)
e2m2 no saturation (default)
e2m2 +1.5 (max)

Many thanks for your words of encouragement and continued interest!
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another error

Post by STRVACT »

hello! I tried to play nostalgia wad with your amazing mod and throughout 10 maps everything was OK, but when you are trying to access map11 you will get following error

MAP11 Rapture
UM execution aborted: tried to read from address zero.
Called from hd_shadow.PostBeginPlay at
relite_0.6.7a.pk3:zscript/hd_shadowactors.zs, line 173

I'm using gzdoom 4.11.3 and I can't try 4.12 because ima playing on delta touch but anyways I think this information can be useful for you bc glad to know that you still working on this mod because of release date of 0.6.7 I thought that you abandoned developing but fine to know that you still keep going
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Progress 0.6.8a - closer to release

Post by Hey Doomer_ »

Progress 0.6.8a - closer to release

Correction on above: I used a shade function instead of a saturate function (difference between altering S or V). :lol:

I've added a few more flags. One is for "even" bias lighting that I am still working on.

Another is for "maximum" light disbursement that affects angle step and spread of light emanating from light sources. ReLite is fundamentally different from Relighting in that a light source uses a hitscan to see what and where a surface is hit by light (with the exception of floors that cover an entire sector). Maximum light sets lower values for this light disbursement and uses more light sources (so called THINK and DUMMY lights for how they affect shadows), so turning this off not only affects visuals but in theory decreases load times.

Examples with (corrected) saturation turned to 150%:

e3m5 - maxlight on
e3m5 - maxlight off

I was genuinely surprised by the second image that looks downright interesting. 8-)

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