I've been playing Doom WADs on and off for about 2 years now. Seeing the amaizing work done by this community over the years and with my ever groing addiction for this game, it was only a matter of time to start thinking about building something myself. In fact i've been thinking about it since the very first megawad i've played, which was Alien Vendetta. Only few maps in and i was already blown away, thinking to myself, "Wow, you can learn to do this with an editor tool?". Imagine my reaction when in the following months i was introduced to projects like BTSX, Valiant and other masterpieces. Of course, by no means do i expect to reach such high levels of creativity and knowledge... i'm actually quite fond of the classic stuff, the old school tech bases, the castles and the hell-ish environment that vanilla Doom and Doom 2 assests can provide. For me it will be enough (sort of) to learn how make basic maps, and to try to progress from there when i feel confortable to try something more complex. I don't know if the idea of making maps will get me hooked in the long term, or it will end but being just a momentary hobby that i'll abandon in a month or too... I relly can't, but damn, i have to try it now or never!
Long story short, today is the day i finally decided to install the Ultimate Doom Builder and start with the basics. Of course i had to watch or read some tutorials first, which is something i've attempted to do in the past without much success. Watching extensive tutorials can get overwhelming and counterproductive, so i decided to take it step by step and build my "trial map" in phases... meaning i would watch a tutorial video on how to get started, then implement everything from the video on my map, save it, then watch the next tutorial video and continue to add the newly acquired knowledge to the map, and so on, until i have a simple but complete and fully functional map, ready for testing.
However, i might've gotten a bit ahead of myself. Let me explain what i did first. So i've opened my builder and i set the configuration to "Boom: Doom 2 (Doom Format)", because that's what most tutorials suggest for starters like me... now i'm thinking that might have been a mistake. The fist tutorial i've watched to get me started with my map is actually very good and i'm planning to continue watching more tutorials from the same guy. Here it is:
Spoiler:So... i did not recollect that he used the GZDoom (UDMF Format), and that's where my problem may be comming from. I've proceded to make my basic map, by implementing most the techniques (didn't get to do all of them, because i realize i have a problem) from this one video. I've made a starting room, i've tried to blend textures in a way that i find to be visually pleasing, while only using vanilla assets. At the begninng i only added the Doom2.wad to the process, thinking that this will automatically give me access to both Doom 2 and Doom 1 assets. Of course, i was wrong, and after i've spend around an hour of slowly getting used to the controls of the editing tool, i've decided that i should add the Doom1.wad as well. That gave me access to all the original assest and even made me think of adding the Plutonia and Evilution wads too... however, i didn't had the chance to do that before all went wrong. While i was building the starting room of the map, i was constantly testing the results by loading the map directly from the builder through LZDoom, and everything looked alright, no complaints, no missing textures. So after about two and half hours, i've decided to take a break for the day, and i saved the map, but then i decided to run a test outside of the builder, again with the LZDoom. So i did, but now the Doom 1 assests that i've used are missing. I loaded the map once again throught the builder and ran a test with LZDoom, and once again everything is where it should be, nothing is missing. What could be the cause of this? Can i solve it without having to start all over?
So here's what i did... these are the testing screenshots i took with the map being ran through LZDoom from within the Ultimate Doom Builder.
Spoiler:This is what happens when the builder is closed and i start the map as any other iwad.
Spoiler:I'll be using this topic for furter questions i might have during my learning process to become an amateur mapper. As soon as i have a somewhat working map, i'll upload it, in case someone is willing to give it a test and provide critique... it probably won't be soon though, junging by my current speed of nearly 3 hours just to make some walls.