(UPDATED) Nath's ULTIMATE Additional SFX Pack

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(UPDATED) Nath's ULTIMATE Additional SFX Pack

Post by NathanSilver »

The wait is finally over! A new update has been released to the public, with new sound effects added to the mod, and a brand new HQ version of it!

However the HQ version sure has some low quality sounds left off but for the most part, all other sound effects are all in high-quality.

But first, I got a question for you: have you been tired in listening to the same sound effects over and over and wanted to stop changing by just simply slapping
other sound effects on top of Doom? Well, if yes, I got the perfect mod for you. This, is my ULTIMATE Additional SFX Pack, only for DOOM, DOOM II and
Final DOOM. It doesn't work very well on other games, like Chex(R) Quest.

Anyway, what's this mod exactly about?

The answer is simple, it adds several sound effects and replaces a few to DOOM, including new pain sound effects, random generated death sounds, seperated
weapon sound effects and many more.

Is there a list of sound sources?

Of course! In the PK3, I labeled the sound files to indicate the source in short, but I listed here as well to explain more further.

The sound sources are:
-findsounds.com (for a few stock sound effects, including explosions)
-Sound Ideas (several sound effects used in the HQ version)
-YouTube (for a few sounds that couldn't be found in other websites)
-PlayStation DOOM/DOOM 64 (several enemy sound effects; Aubrey's Archvile recordings included in the HQ version)
-Doom 3 (several weapon sounds and enemy sounds)
-Half-Life (weapon and item pickup sounds)
-GoldenEye 007 (melee attacks, shotgun cock and gibs)
-Mortal Kombat 2 & 3 (scream and gibs)
-Quake (armor and explosion)
-Freedoom (post intermission stats screen sound)
-Minecraft: Java Edition (explosion sound replacement)
-Wolfenstein 3D (replaced SS sounds with the original WOLF3D sounds; Mac version included in the HQ version)
-Commander Keen (replaced the low quality Keen sounds with the original game sounds)
-Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (one sound used for Zero Suit Samus included in the original version)
-Brutal DOOM (powerup sound and female class sounds)

Some sounds that were included became unused for now, since they weren't implemented for a specific actor, which includes a sound from Super Mario 64 and
the splash noise from Minecraft.

Is it okay to load this pack along with other mods/wads?

That depends in your case, but I recommend not doing this with Brutal DOOM, since it might break the mod entirely. Not to mention, some actors implented to
replace sound effects does replace some default actors, like the Super Shotgun. When I tested with a friend's mod, which includes a different fuctionality for the
SSG, I got two duplicates of the same weapon, one default, and the other included on that mod.

Why did you make this if there's similar mods?

For fun, because I was really tired of hearing the same sound effects, so I mixed other sound effects into one mod. And this could be considered my first step in
the DOOM modding community. Also please note that some sound effects might be loud a little bit so be sure to mess around with the sound settings.

That's all I can say by now. Hope you guys enjoy this sound pack! Peace out!


Sound Ideas
Aubrey Hodges
Valve Corporation
Acclaim Entertainment
id Software
3D Realms
Fraggle and Chungy
Mojang Studios, Microsoft
Nerve Software
Rare, Ltd.
Special Thanks

Perkristian - for the high quality sounds used for Ultimate DOOM and DOOM II
Super Piter - for a little coding help
ColorSphere/Henery - for some high quality PlayStation DOOM sounds found; thread here https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/1 ... d-effects/

Download link [V666] https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eVGmEB ... sp=sharing

Download link [HQ V666 VERSION] https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XH4HIA ... sp=sharing
Last edited by NathanSilver on Sun Jan 30, 2022 3:56 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Nath's ULTIMATE Additional Sound Effect PK3

Post by DOOMPiter »

Heeey look! It's the thing i slightly helped make!
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Re: Nath's ULTIMATE Additional Sound Effect PK3

Post by AlphaSoraKun »

Oh my god! This is what I needed! Thank you!
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Re: Nath's ULTIMATE Additional Sound Effect PK3

Post by NathanSilver »

AlphaSoraKun wrote:Oh my god! This is what I needed! Thank you!
You're welcome!
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Re: (UPDATED) Nath's ULTIMATE Additional SFX Pack

Post by NathanSilver »

Quick bump for the newest update!
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Re: (UPDATED) Nath's ULTIMATE Additional SFX Pack

Post by EmerphiS »

could you put the sound of monsters/misc/weapons separately? to play with mods more comfortably
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Re: (UPDATED) Nath's ULTIMATE Additional SFX Pack

Post by NathanSilver »

Hi! I unfortunately had to cancel this mod entirely due to lost of interest, and I wanted to move on to a total conversion I'm currently working on.

This whole sound pack was just a silly thing before I quickly went to actually make myself some maps and other stuff related. If you want to pick this mod up for yourself, go right ahead! Thanks for asking by the way (sorry I'm pretty much inactive in ZDoom forums and I wander around more often at Doomworld)

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