DoomRLA is awesome and brightmaps are awesome. Both brightmaps are going to be included in the next releases of DRLA and it's Monster Pack but until they release, here they are as standalone .pk3s
=================== Arsenal screenshots ====================

==================== Monster pack stuff ====================

Now some of the monsters look absolutely terrifying in the dark.

I love Yholl's work.

Now the Cacobyss looks like a mass of glowing demonic energy with just a cracked shell around it.

All this was done with permisson from Yholl and they were also okay with people reusing the brightmaps from the Monster Pack for their own projects. I also need to give massive praise to NightFright for allowing me to use/steal assets from their incredible Brightmaps Plus as a base for the Monster pack, which really jumpstarted this project.
Download link for DoomRL Arsenal Brightmaps: ... sp=sharing
Download link for DoomRL Monsters Brightmaps: ... sp=sharing
Please report any errors you might find and i'll fix it ASAP.
Now to wait for the next version of DoomRL