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JohnnyTheWolf wrote:I can aim with the "Weapon Zoom" function.
Exactly! You can access the zoom for both weapons with the "Weapon Zoom" command.
StraightWhiteMan wrote:- The updated Boomstick sprite looks really cool, but it's positioned too far to the right of the screen and looks kind of weird. As are most of the other 2 handed weapons. It looks totally fine with pistols, but with the 2 handed weapons it looks odd and misplaced. Only by like 10-20 pixels though.
- Could you add an option to have dual wield weapons fire with just the primary fire button, instead of both?
That would bloat the code in some unexpected ways... i don't know if it's feasible.
- Also, would it be possible to have the dual wield weapons only available by pushing the duel wield button/key? It defeats the purpose of having that button if they show up when scrolling with the mouse wheel, and it also makes them show up when using a weapon wheel which creates a lot of bloat. Just a good old QoL request.
A good request, but out of my reach, unless i learn ZScript
- Preferred the old title screen, but to each his own. Could you maybe provide a patch like you did with the previous version to have it show instead?
I know it's sunday and proably each one of you is getting ready to sleep to work tomorrow. But, that's what i could do this weekend, have a new update!
This is an update that's 90% pure aesthetical, but OH BOY, is it big! Some new sprites for the uzi, spell icons from Mortal Kombat 11 (shoutouts to Mortal Kombat Warehouse!), tons of code fixing and improvements in spells and guns, and now the Hell Gauntlets can be kept in the inventory with a simple CVAR. I highly recommend downloading it!!!
Spoiler: v1.3 Changelog
= Reworked dual Boomstick sound channels (one was over the other)
= Agony couldn't use "Previous Spell" command, so i got it fixed.
= Agony had a bug where animated before casting Necrojump, Necrodash and Necroheal.
= Agony is more responsive to execute commands
= Fixed the game menus for Heretic and Hexen
= Fixed pause screen
+ ??? ?????????? ?????
= New "All Clear" Sound
= New sprites for the SMG, credits to Marty Kirra
= Jumping and Crouching were added to the mod menu.
= Automap now displays ammo quantities.
= Corrected Necromissile description
= Fixed Heretic and Hexen grunts
= Recycled some sounds for Heretic and Hexen
= Hell Gauntlets can now be kept either as an inventory or an instant powerup.
= Fixed SPAS Shotgun with a bug during Necroguardian cast.
= Boomsticks were brought 15 pixels closer to the screen.
= Minigun does not change barrel sound pitches (easier to hear in Hexen)
= SNES Font converted to Unicode (more characters)
= Inventory was moved on the HUD
= Some code was tweaked for better reading
= Some fixed font replacements in custom maps and menus.
= Necrokinesis (should be able to) stun monsters a bit to give you time.
= Scoped weapons now can't use spells on the ready state.
= The startup tick from Hexen was added to all IWADS
= New sprite added for the radiation sphere
= Fixed a bug where you picked up an radsphere with 9:9:9:9 necroplasm.
= Added a different secret sound to Heretic
= Necrobomb and Necroheal are slightly faster
= Necropunch is even faster to pull off.
= Necromissile projectiles do different damages.
= Fixed dual boomsticks muzzleflash.
- Rifle ammo limits were lowered from 800 to 600, so you don't cap it easily
- Rifle big pickup was reduced from 90 to 60.
= Scaled the muzzleflash from the Minigun down.
= Scaled the explosion sprites down.
= Altered the chaingun Spawner to work better.
= Fixed some SBARINFO alignments
= A new prop replacement
= Tweaked ammo scales a bit
= New menu and icon graphics!
It does way more damage, and when in berserk mode, it's pretty good! =)
I plan to add two things to it : A thing where you can reflect projectiles once you're in berserk mode, and a way to throw Agony on enemies (probably using the reload key).
Hot damn, another one? I still haven't gotten around to commenting on the previous one!
Anyway, it looks great, very appreciated.
Dr_Cosmobyte wrote:I plan to add two things to it : A thing where you can reflect projectiles once you're in berserk mode, and a way to throw Agony on enemies (probably using the reload key).
Hell yeah! It feels great to wield it, though it's slower than the chains, so it needs to be used tactically. Having the ability to throw it sounds awesome.
I really enjoyed playing this mod; it offers a degree of fun similar to Trailblazer for scything through hordes of enemies. It also serves as a reminder that before the DoomSlayer won us over in 2016, Spawn was more or less doing the exact same thing.
That said, I have bugs/issues to share:
-Agony's "glare" idle animation, where the eyes glow brighter for a moment, still interferes with the "cycle previous spell" keybind.
-The Rifle's sight is vastly less useful than the Sniper's. The zoom-in animation is twice as long, making it a burden in combat, and unlike the Sniper, the Rifle doesn't benefit from reduced spread when using the sight.
-Both the regular Dash/NecroDash do not *always* thrust you in the right direction; e.g. when dashing forward, you veer left/right as well. The issue seems dependent on what angle relative to the map's true North you are facing; the further you are from a cardinal compass point, the worse the problem.
-Thumper ammo does not appear in Hexen.
-When Hell Gauntlets are set to be manually activated, failing to pick up some Gauntlets because you already have some in your inventory will cause the red lightning FX on the pickup to disappear.
-None of Spawn's attack use the "Fire" damagetype, meaning you cannot interact with the burnable trees/shrubs in Hexen. Some maps use them as a barrier that blocks progress until you burn it down, so it is an issue.
-Picking up a Globe Of Shadows whilst already under the effect of one causes you to become fully invisible instead of merely translucent. Wasn't sure if this was intentional or not.
-The ammo cap upgrades frequently allow you to carry three figures of Hand Cannon and Thumper ammo, but the ammo counters in the Automap only go up to two figures, leaving them to only display "99" as the ammo count goes over.
-Lightamp powerups have a much shorter duration that stock Doom ones. This might be by design, but it resulted in me frequently being left fumbling in the dark.
-The Autogauge is too OP. It renders the Shotgun/Boomstick obsolete, and can even surpass the Minigun in DPS. At the very least, I think it should only appear on BFG spawns after you have the Minigun/Snipers, to at least give the other shotguns a chance to be useful.
-Instead of sharing a number key with the SMG, could the Rifle have its own number?
-The fancy screen-flashing teleport effect is triggered not just when you teleport, but when voodoo dolls teleport as well. In maps that use teleporting voodoo dolls for scripting, this can lead to your screen being plagued with random, constant flashes.
-The "Default Song" keybind in the Spawn Jukebox doesn't seem to work in Doom. Pressing it results in no music at all instead of the default level music. This issue doesn't occur in Heretic or Hexen.
Last edited by Tesculpture on Sun May 30, 2021 7:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
Tesculpture wrote:The Autogauge is too OP. It renders the Shotgun/Boomstick obsolete, and can even surpass the Minigun in DPS. At the very least, I think it should only appear on BFG spawns after you have the Minigun/Snipers, to at least give the other shotguns a chance to be useful.
Seconded! I can't stress it enough: The autogauge is a monster. I've made a conscious choice to avoid using it, because it's too powerful. The BFG slot should be a perfect fit for it.
Also, Dr_Cosmo, could you please give us the names of weapon actors in the mod? I'm sure I can get those myself via console commands, but my knowledge is limited in that area.