Coded Access Door for Doom

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Coded Access Door for Doom

Post by Rick4574 »

Hello all you Doom Gurus!

I noticed that the script in the ZDoom Wiki for "GetPlayerInput", (particularly for the access code example) did not work right.
In fact, I couldn't get it to work at all...

So, I studied it for hours, trying to figure out how to correct it, but eventually realized that it was just too damned flawed!!!

However, I did learn a bit from it.

So, now I present to you a working example of a three digit lock, used to activate a door!!!

The current access code in the script is 783, to unlock the door.
But, you can change the access code combination to whatever you like, in the script editor.
Don't forget to set the arguments accordingly on the calling linedefs, if you decide to change anything!

You can download this example from here:

Or, click the link below.

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