Doom Storage Cabinet

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Doom Storage Cabinet

Post by Rick4574 »

Hello all you Doom fans!

I don't really do tutorials, but here is an example of a Doom Storage cabinet, that maybe you guys would like to have to dissect.
With a little looking over, you guys might could learn how to make one of these, without a very detailed tutorial on it.

It's actually a very simple one. I'd eventually like to make one with a combination lock.

It uses 3D floors (which there are plenty of tutorials out there on already), some scripting (with the built in Doom Builder script editor), and a couple other tricks...

It is a UDF (Universal Doom Format map) made for Doom 2 (map 01), built with Ultimate Doom Builder, and tested in GZ Doom v4.5 64 bit.

Press use to open and close the cabinet doors, and press use to take each item out of it.

Here's the download link: ...


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