[minimod][v1.1.1] Graveyard

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Re: [minimod][v0.3.1] Graveyard

Post by mamaluigisbagel »

I'm not sure if it's supposed to work this way, but after I die and press "Use" to reload my quicksave, going back to where I died won't have a gravestone there. It's not until I start an entire new game (or restart GZDoom, can't quite remember) that the graves appear.

In case it's a mod conflict, here's the mods I'm autoloading.

-Hellscape Navigator
-Precise Crosshair
-Target Spy
-XHair's Crosshair Pack
-Graveyard (aka this mod. Not sure if autoloading graveyard could be the issue either)

EDIT: Also running on GZDoom v4.4.1

EDIT 2: The above issue may have been related to me testing Project Brutality 3.0. However I do get this crash now with Meta-Doom when a grave is supposed to be on the map. (ie started the game, typed in kill, loaded game, got this crash)

Though it may just be incompatible with mods and I'm being dumb :shock:
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Re: [minimod][v0.3.2] Graveyard

Post by m8f »

Thanks for reporting!
I believe the issues weren't caused by other mods.

Version v0.3.2 is out!


- fixed VM abort when gravestones are on some locations on the map;
- fix gravestones not loading again.
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Re: [minimod][v0.3.2] Graveyard

Post by mamaluigisbagel »

seems to work, revisited both mods and maps and the graves are there and no crashes. Thanks for the fix :D this seems like it'll be a fun mod to see how much I suck at Doom xD

Unrelated note: the first grave found in Project Brutality said I was killed by a "Mean Imp." I got a laugh out of that
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Re: [minimod][v0.3.2] Graveyard

Post by YasuoProjectX »

so its just like an Terraria that spawns graveyards when killed
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Re: [minimod][v0.3.2] Graveyard

Post by Captain J »

That is correct, but you can remove all the spawned gravestones manually also. By pressing the dedicated hotkey, of course.
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Re: [minimod][v0.3.2] Graveyard

Post by BrownInPlay »

First of all, this mod is actually quite brilliant - I must thank you for making it, it's in pretty much all of the new preset combos I make. I was wondering if you have thought of, or indeed are planning, to implement a feature such as - Where the last Gravestone lays, maybe having the last weapon the player used to also be in that spot? It could really give a little extra insentive to people playing the more rpg focused/crazy weapon mods to persevere back through a chaotic map knowing theres a goody waiting for them, and pick up where they left off, kind of thing?

I already enjoy it playing through a Megawad or such ive played before, then seeing the gravestone (cos i suck on higher difficulties). Then steeling myself for the upcoming ass kicking I'm about to have. If I were to see even just a pile of spare Plasma down there, I'd race down, regroup, and make another couple of inches into Hell. I hope ANY of this makes any sense? Obviously having to account for all the different mods would be a massive pain, and I understand even my simple idea would take hours of work.

Either way, you're mods are great. This post is just more to ask what extra lil things you've been thinking of maybe adding to this? :3
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Re: [minimod][v0.3.2] Graveyard

Post by m8f »

Thanks for the suggestion. Spawning the weapon that the player used when they died has many caveats which I'm not sure how to evade. Long story short, it would either be too long and complicated for this small mod, or break easily with many mods. One of the problems is that for many weapons, the weapon actor itself is different from its world pickup actor. The other problem is that I'm lazy and want to spend time on other projects.

Spawning an unrelated bonus, however, is easy. I just pushed the change to repository, and dev build is available. On itself, it does nothing new, but if this file (just zscript.zs, no need to even zip it) is loaded after Graveyard, it would spawn soulspheres on stones. This way, the functionality of Graveyard can be extended via such files without the need to change the mod itself. If anybody wants to make bonuses random, the can throw RandomSpawner into the code.
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Re: [minimod][v0.3.2] Graveyard

Post by Gen5lock131 »

This is a really cool mod mate that has made the game much more fun for me! Than you very much.
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Re: [minimod][v0.3.2] Graveyard

Post by m8f »

Graveyard updated to v1.0!

Changelog from v0.3.2:

- allow replacing stones with custom ones (define classes that replace gy_Stone[0-3], see patches/soulsphere/zscript.zs for an example);
- added real time to gravestone obituaries (only new stones get real time). Thanks, 3saster!
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Re: [minimod][v1.0] Graveyard

Post by Colerx »

This one is very nice!! good job!
Btw about playing in co-op mode, the graves are appearing only if restarting the server, or re-entering the map if in hub system if I'm not mistaken? if in procedural maps system they won't appear at all if not reloading the same map right?

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Re: [minimod][v1.1.0] Graveyard

Post by m8f »

Update time! Graveyard 1.1.0.

Changelog since v1.0:
  • spawn gravestones immediately in multiplayer;
  • fix texture warning (renamed a directory with code example from patches to add-ons);
  • added VM abort handler for better bug reports, just in case;
  • made stones fall to floor faster when spawning.
Colerx, thanks for noticing! Gravestones should now spawn immediately when somebody dies in multiplayer. Multiplayer testing for my mods is much appreciated because I play multiplayer on very rare occasions.
Last edited by m8f on Thu Mar 11, 2021 9:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [minimod][v1.0] Graveyard

Post by Colerx »

WOOOOO this was like prompt delivery :D many many thanks!!!
Gonna test it properly in a few hours :cheers:
m8f wrote:Gearbox 1.1.0.
Oh that's another great mod's name but not the correct one. :D


EDIT: just tried it on the fly preparing it for later and seems working very good, much appreciated!
the only problem I have is that if I host the server directly on a map that has not 2nd player spawn point it get this error:
For the moment I can easily get around this problem hosting on a vanilla map then mapchange to the first one.

The crash should be easily reproducible but in case where I can get the dump generated by VMHandler you kindly included?

Big thanks once again
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Re: [minimod][v1.1.1] Graveyard

Post by m8f »

Colerx wrote:Gearbox
Incomplete context switch detected! :D

Bug fix time! Graveyard v1.1.1.

Changelog since version 1.1.0:
- fixed VM abort in multiplayer.
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Re: [minimod][v1.1.1] Graveyard

Post by Colerx »

Nice!!! thanks!
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Re: [minimod][v1.1.1] Graveyard

Post by Colerx »

Hey, I have a little feature request, could be possible to display on the automap the last dropped tombstone position (so last point of death)? , would be nice when respawning in co-op to have a pointer on the map to get back there easily without getting lost. if not too much work :D thanks!

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