How the loading order works with drag and drop

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How the loading order works with drag and drop

Post by jonnyawsom3 »

I thought this might be useful for people who don't know how the wad load order works when using drag and drop to load them.
I recently did some testing with a notepad and 4 wads. After an hour of testing i discovered how the load order works with drag and drop.
Turns out its alphabetical but, it starts the alphabet from whichever wad you started dragging from.

For example. If i have a, b, c and d wads, and highlight them all, and then click and hold on c to drag it onto the (g)zdoom executable, it will load the files c, d, a, b.

Starting from the file you clicked and held with, and looping the alphabet back around.
I know this may not seem useful if you already knew this, but hopefully it will save someone like me an hour or two in the future.
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Re: How the loading order works with drag and drop

Post by MFG38 »

So it's basically best to just use a launcher. Noted.

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