Xim's Star Wars Doom - Updated (MAY/4/2024)

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Re: Xim's Star Wars Doom

Post by irukanjji »

This is a awesome mod and with this wad addon its better, because its a compilation of some star wars maps, just try it, with doom2

http://www.mediafire.com/file/gk7upgail ... M.zip/file
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Re: Xim's Star Wars Doom

Post by EddieMann »

Heavy blaster pistol could use better sprites, and maybe a uniform type of demon that doesn't have Revenant-tier HP (Around 300-350) would be a better start for your mod.
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Re: Xim's Star Wars Doom

Post by Valherran »

Took another crack at this. I solved my issue with the blaster crashing, apparently loading the textures before the MOD itself was the wrong way to go.

Anyways this isn't half bad, but there are a few glaring balance issues:

1. The Repeater is really weak, it can take around 8-12 shots to drop regular enemies, where as I can do that with an E-11 for less ammo cost. And the Repeater is using power cells, so that's no good.

2. The Death Trooper (black Storm Trooper as the Hellknight replacement) is waaay OP. He has more health than a damn Dark Trooper MK.2, and more ROF, pretty much outclassing most enemies above it's supposed tier. He needs to get toned way the hell down, having him this strong also breaks map balance in a lot of maps.

3. Shield boosters are too lackluster. You are most of the time out of shields in every map due to the lack of amount gained in each pickup. It may be better to restore the 25 on pickup with how much damage enemies are doing right now.

There is also a bug with the laser sniper rifle. I am assuming the alt-fire is supposed to activate its scope, but instead it just fires the weapon at the cost of 0 ammo.

That's all for now, hope a patch comes soon!
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Re: Xim's Star Wars Doom

Post by SergeantDiggs »

Would recommend an increase in weapon drop rate, or a CVAR to have all enemies drop weapons when killed.
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Re: Xim's Star Wars Doom

Post by Xim »

New update. Fixed a bunch of stuff for this one.
Full change log will be in the OP and the ZIP file download.
Valherran wrote: There is also a bug with the laser sniper rifle. I am assuming the alt-fire is supposed to activate its scope, but instead it just fires the weapon at the cost of 0 ammo.
Remember I am using the "zoom" function for scopes. Any weapon that has a scope can use the "zoom" function. But thank you for pointing out those bugs!
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Re: Xim's Star Wars Doom

Post by SergeantDiggs »

Portable stimpacks seem to disappear from the inventory.
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Re: Xim's Star Wars Doom

Post by SergeantDiggs »

Note to everyone: Don't play this on ultraviolence, it'll destroy your sanity.
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Re: Xim's Star Wars Doom

Post by Viscra Maelstrom »

portable stimpacks gets used up when your health is decreasing past a certain threshold, IIRC 50% or so.
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Re: Xim's Star Wars Doom

Post by SergeantDiggs »

Then the damage taken was so high I didn't notice.
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Re: Xim's Star Wars Doom

Post by Valherran »

Alrighty... Run #2 report:

1. Damage taken from most enemies is still kinda high, even with the improved shield stats. The AT-ST in particular is absolutely monstrous. 1 direct hit from a missile with max HP/Armor can potentially 1-shot you. Pretty much all of the upper tier monsters need another nerf if shields are ever gonna last more than 30 seconds at any given time.

2. General Mohc / Dark Trooper III cannot damage other enemies nor can they damage it. Same goes for AT-ST except it can kill others.

3. Missile travel sounds are either missing or too quiet, they need to be restored as getting assassinated by them can happen too often.

4. Similar to the missile sounds, laser projectiles whizzing passed you could definitely use a sound.

5. The FC-1 is extremely OP. 4-5 shots can wipe out bosses and the ammo cost is very little meaning you can maintain constant use of it. However due to it's insane damage, you can also kill yourself with this very easily. FC-1 is supposed to be a flak cannon that can fire very bouncy flak grenades as an alt-fire. What this weapon is currently acting like is a PLX from hell. :lol:
I strongly recommend turning this weapon into what it is supposed to be (flak cannon), and would recommend moving this to slot 5 with the Repeater.

6. On the subject of the Repeater, you have it listed as a Heavy Repeater, but it only functions as a standard Repeater. Do you plan on altering this later on or...?

7. Assault Cannon is also OP. 10-15 shots to kill a boss, and it only costs 2 ammo per shot, which constant use can be sustained. If it's gonna hit that hard, it should probably cost around 10 ammo per shot. The missile explosion effect is kinda small, strongly recommend making it a lot bigger to support its blast radius.

8. Concussion Rifle could use some tweaks. I would recommend upping the shot cost to 25 to avoid sustaining constant use with how strong it already is with no self damage penalty. I noticed the alt-fire is missing, do you plan on putting it in?

9. Sand People battle cry causes in-fighting in a mass radius.

10. Jetpack Troopers and Commandos seem to be missing a sprite for when they have their back turned to you and firing at a target.

11. For the Lightsabers, it would be better if you limit the amount you can pickup by 1, or have an option put in for it. If for whatever reason you want to use your fists, you can't until you've cycled through about 5 or 6 different Lightsabers.

12. The Mortar Gun could use some velocity reduction, it's hard to use this as a grenade launcher when it is bouncing violently off of any surface. With the way it is functioning now, it would be more efficient to use the Bowcaster.
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Re: Xim's Star Wars Doom

Post by EddieMann »

The heavy blaster is a pretty poor shotgun replacement, instead swap it for the EE-3 Ion Carbine rifle.
Also, I don't like how jumping is inherently disabled, mind fixing that? Some maps need it.
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Re: Xim's Star Wars Doom

Post by Xim »

I'll address some of those issues Valherran.

As for jumping being disabled EddieMann, I'm not sure what you mean. I didn't disable jumping at all, it works for me.
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Re: Xim's Star Wars Doom

Post by Xim »

New update, here are the changes.
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Re: Xim's Star Wars Doom

Post by Valherran »

This is more tolerable to run through now with the shield changes, thanks for that. There are some more things though:

1. As mentioned before about enemies needing to be toned down, this will still need to happen. I found that the main culprit to the shields dropping rapidly is the damn Imperial Snipers. They do way too much damage for such a common enemy. I popped a megasphere-like powerup to test the damage, and he hit me for 15-20 damage to my shields and 4-5 HP each shot in rapid succession. Then I tested the commando with the concussion rifle, and he straight up killed me within 3 hits at max stats. God forbid one of these guys sneak up on you cus they can rapid fire that cannon better than you. Damage nerf needed on both, sniper needs an HP reduction too, he should not be surviving any kind of hit from a concussion rifle and they are naturally weaker than the average Storm Trooper.

2. Gran Thermal Detonator damage needs to be nerfed, they can potentially insta-kill you without shields. Currently they can do up to 100 to shields.

3. Dark Troopers don't have their jetpack sounds while flying.

4. I may have mistaken the cause of the mass in-fighting culprit. It was actually a Sith that used a battlecry and made everyone shoot each other.

5. The AT-ST sprites need to be widened, they look way too thin.

6. AT-ST hit box is a little strange, if you aim any higher than where the center gun is on the sprite, your projectiles pass through it. I'm assuming it's using the Cyberdemon's height so it's not as tall as it looks.

7. In Star Wars games, physical damage attacks whether it be from fists or a bladed weapon damage only your health because the shields only defend against energy attacks. Just wanted to mention that in case you were trying to maintain Star Wars FPS rules.

8. FC-1 alt-fire could use another small damage nerf and a blast radius reduction. It is out-performing the Mortar Gun.

9. Jetpack trooper blast damage was also too high, he knocked out about 70 shields from long range.
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Re: Xim's Star Wars Doom

Post by Xim »

Okay, I fixed a few of those and a couple of other stuff. New download should be up now.
As for the Reborns causing infighting, I believe that has something to do with their force push attack. Maybe doing a blast radius attack still causes infighting within enemies of the same species.

EDIT: I tried to give the dark troopers a jetpack idle sound, but I had an issue with the sound not stopping. For now there isn't a jetpack idle sound for dark troopers. Redownload if you're having issues with the dark trooper's jetpack sound not stopping.

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