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- Increased Striker's Spotting Range and Marker effect, so you can predict where to Mark the Spot!
- Corrected some Misreading Pickup Messages. Like Lovebird Tag and Necochet.
- Increased Movie-Star Rifle's Rate of Fire. FINALLY.
- Increased SPAM Mines' Blast Radius
- Assailant's Grey Homing Missiles will 100% Hurt you when they directly hits you.
- Heavily nerfed Arbalest. I just couldn't stand against them Spamming Projectiles...
- Marksman's Projectile Position lowered because they don't do Jack Crap above the Ceiling.
- Double Crusher's Hitscan Attack does not kill Civilians anymore.
- Butaneer plays some pain sounds when get hit.
- Fixed Big Lardy's Problem where he only does Primary Fire after sending the Lader Reinforcement. Now he does extra attacks as intended.
- Nerfed Revoltte's Power Bomb Severely, but now its pallets spawn properly, does better job clearing the crowd.
- Slightly Decreased Sprayshot's Projectile Spread. Because you mostly cannot make direct hits from mid-range.
- The Hostages will talk less. FINALLY(1.5).
- Resisto's Power Bomb Flame will travel extra further.
- Increased Cavalry's Attacking Chance.