I think the voxel explosions will stay like this for the time being. Maybe I'll add a voxel blood shower as well fo the XDeath but this mod isn't really about the gore

No. It doesn't happen with them, as they're real alpha maps. (i.e they actually have alpha/transparency)Cherno wrote:So, this should happen with the normal GZDoom decals too, right? After all, I just replaced them.
i put everything in the same folder. The lofi music, sfx, blood and wall textures all appear as expected. But game objects (monsters, player weapon)are all the original sprites.Cherno wrote:You have to include the complete path to the file from the GZDoom executable directory.
For example, if your folder is named Yourfolder:
gzdoom.exe -iwad doom.wad -file Yourfolder\8bitblood.pk3 Yourfolder\voxelchibi_v3.pk3 Yourfolder\LowRes.pk3 Yourfolder\NESDoom1.wad Yourfolder\pcspksim.wad