Voxel Chibi Doom! Version 5.2 (Jan 24 2020)

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Re: Voxel Chibi Doom! Update: v4 10/16/2017

Post by Cherno »

*shrug* the alpha map looks good, dunno why it is inverted in your game.

I think the voxel explosions will stay like this for the time being. Maybe I'll add a voxel blood shower as well fo the XDeath but this mod isn't really about the gore :oops:
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Re: Voxel Chibi Doom! Update: v4 10/16/2017

Post by phantombeta »

This is a bug in the OpenGL 2 renderer. (It won't be fixed, though.)
To fix it, make the image an actual alpha map. Try this to turn it into an alpha map:
In SLADE 3, start an image conversion*, set it to convert to "PNG (Alpha Map)", make sure transparency is enabled and set the transparency type to "Transparency from Brightness". This should work well enough.
If it doesn't work properly, you might need to do it manually with an image editor.

* "Graphic>Convert to..." in the right click menu
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Re: Voxel Chibi Doom! Update: v4 10/16/2017

Post by Cherno »

So, this should happen with the normal GZDoom decals too, right? After all, I just replaced them.
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Re: Voxel Chibi Doom! Update: v4 10/16/2017

Post by Voros »

*cuteness intensifies*
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Re: Voxel Chibi Doom! Update: v4 10/16/2017

Post by phantombeta »

Cherno wrote:So, this should happen with the normal GZDoom decals too, right? After all, I just replaced them.
No. It doesn't happen with them, as they're real alpha maps. (i.e they actually have alpha/transparency)
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Re: Voxel Chibi Doom! Update: v4 10/16/2017

Post by Cherno »

I see the problem now. SLADE3 exported the PNGs without the alpha channel and the error didn't occur on my computer.

Anyway, I have done as suggested and converted the decals to alpha maps via SLADE3. Corrected version has been uploaded. Same link, same name.
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Re: Voxel Chibi Doom! Update: v4_1 10/17/2017 hotfix!

Post by Cherno »

v4_1 uploaded: hotfix corrects monster behavior which reacted twice as slow before.

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Re: Voxel Chibi Doom! Update: v4_1 10/17/2017 hotfix!

Post by Cherno »

I wonder, is there anything else that people would like to see added to this mod?
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Re: Voxel Chibi Doom! Update: v4_1 10/17/2017 hotfix!

Post by marco.nadal.75 »

Hi! I can't get your mod to work. I have tried gzdoom 3.2.0 32-bit and 64-bit versions, zdoom 2.7.1 and 2.8.1 and Zandronum 3.0 stable.
I can't get the voxel graphics to appear.
I dump all assets in a new folder and run a .bat file containing this command:

gzdoom.exe -iwad doom.wad -file 8bitblood.pk3 voxelchibi_v3.pk3 LowRes.pk3 NESDoom1.wad pcspksim.wad

needless to say, i don't mix different executables together, I create a fresh folder each time.
What am I doing wrong?
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Re: Voxel Chibi Doom! Update: v4_1 10/17/2017 hotfix!

Post by Cherno »

You have to include the complete path to the file from the GZDoom executable directory.

For example, if your folder is named Yourfolder:

gzdoom.exe -iwad doom.wad -file Yourfolder\8bitblood.pk3 Yourfolder\voxelchibi_v3.pk3 Yourfolder\LowRes.pk3 Yourfolder\NESDoom1.wad Yourfolder\pcspksim.wad
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Re: Voxel Chibi Doom! Update: v4_1 10/17/2017 hotfix!

Post by marco.nadal.75 »

Cherno wrote:You have to include the complete path to the file from the GZDoom executable directory.

For example, if your folder is named Yourfolder:

gzdoom.exe -iwad doom.wad -file Yourfolder\8bitblood.pk3 Yourfolder\voxelchibi_v3.pk3 Yourfolder\LowRes.pk3 Yourfolder\NESDoom1.wad Yourfolder\pcspksim.wad
i put everything in the same folder. The lofi music, sfx, blood and wall textures all appear as expected. But game objects (monsters, player weapon)are all the original sprites.
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Re: Voxel Chibi Doom! Update: v4_1 10/17/2017 hotfix!

Post by Cherno »

I don't know what the problem could be. MAybe you could try out other voxel mods and see if they work or not? Then we know if it's a gernal voxel problem or specific to this mod.
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Re: Voxel Chibi Doom! Update: v4_1 10/17/2017 hotfix!

Post by marco.nadal.75 »

What other voxel mods are there? There was a gameplay mod that had voxel items like ammo boxes and health kits that i used to play, but my wads folder is also my getwads folder for IDE/DoomExplorer and over the years it accumulated 866 files because of joining random servers... don't remember what it was called... ARMEDrecruit-v1.6.pk3 I think.

Can you please post the exact source port, version and build number that you are using successfully? If I duplicated this exactly ... it SHOULD work.
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Re: Voxel Chibi Doom! Update: v4_1 10/17/2017 hotfix!

Post by Cherno »

It's GZDoom 3.2.0, the latest version from the homepage. It should also work without a hitch on earlier versions. Many people have played this mod, there are even some YT videos, and so far I haven't heard of anyone having any problems with it so I'm really at a loss here at what could cause this :|

You could check out the Doom Voxel Project.

Edit: I just tested it with 2.4.0 and it works as well, only 2.1.1 throws an error at start.

Also, I assume that the VoxelChibi mod also doesn't work on it's own for you?
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Re: Voxel Chibi Doom! Update: v4_1 10/17/2017 hotfix!

Post by marco.nadal.75 »

Thank You Cherno for your help. GZDoom 2.4.0* made it work for me. GZDoom crashes when I enable vsync, but otherwise fine, screen tearing is not too bad.
"The GZDoom crash with vsync" is an issue with AMD drivers, I have latest driver, I make suggested changes to settings in driver settings and profile, and it still doesn't like it.
Reminds me of when I had to roll back my driver to play Nier Automata without "vaseline on my monitor" effect.

Glad I can finally run your mod, I was worried for a while. ^_^


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