Smooth Strife Weapons

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Smooth Strife Weapons

Post by YukiHerz »

Done entirely with in-iwad resources, so not as pretty as carefully modified extra frames, on the plus side, the file is tiny, around 3kb.

Current Version: 0.1
-All weapons except for the Sigil, also includes smoothed frames for the Gas Grenade Launcher, but it isn't coded.

To-do for version 1.0:
-Make sure I didn't break anything.
-Add the gas grenades, maybe.

Screenshots: What's the point?

I'd love to record a video to show off the animations, but my upload speed is around the 50kb/s because fuck south america, if anyone feels like lending a hand here, even a short webm would be nice for people to preview.

Download Link: Right Here.
I hope you enjoy, and if you don't, well, can't please everyone.
Always open to criticism.
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Re: Smooth Strife Weapons

Post by Voros »

Heh, I started my playthrough of Strife again recently, ever since I found out there are two power couplings in one of the earlier mission. Currently trying to find this Richter fellow, no luck so far.

As for smooth weapons, didn't Brutal Strife have them?

EDIT: Would be pretty nice if Smooth Doom was updated to contain smooth weapons and things from other IWADs too. Man can dream, right?
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Re: Smooth Strife Weapons

Post by CPLJigsore »

Would be pretty nice if Smooth Doom was updated to contain smooth weapons and things from other IWADs too. Man can dream, right?

Hmm...give me a few days...
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Re: Smooth Strife Weapons

Post by LushKava »

This mod introduces a bug whereby it is impossible to keep the Mauler weapon after picking it up. At first, I forgot that I was using the mod, leading me to file a bug against GZDoom. Further details can be found in that thread. Incidentally, to render my save file usable in the absence of the mod, I had to alter the saved class names, along with the state keys referencing the Mauler.

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