ZScript: Status Bar Questions
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Re: ZScript: Status Bar Questions
Looking at SetSize, what is the very first parameter (height) doing? In doom it's set to 32, hexen 38...
Also what's the best way to replicate the 'forcedscale' keyword?
Also what's the best way to replicate the 'forcedscale' keyword?
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Re: ZScript: Status Bar Questions
The first parameter is the actual height of the status bar, i.e. how much of the view it obstructs.
For forcedscale look at the definitions of
For forcedscale look at the definitions of
Code: Select all
void BeginStatusBar(int resW, int resH, int relTop, bool forceScaled);
void BeginHUD(int resW, int resH, double Alpha, bool forceScaled = false);
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Re: ZScript: Status Bar Questions
Okay I gave it a shot.
Here's the code to the SBARINFO for comparison's sake:
And here's my current translation to zscript.
Am I forgetting to do something that's causing this alignment to go out of whack? Or do we basically need to reposition it to the new system?
Here's the code to the SBARINFO for comparison's sake:
Code: Select all
height 0;
CompleteBorder True;
Resolution 1024,768;
InterpolateHealth false, 20;
InterpolateArmor false, 20;
// This version HAS the weapon bar and ammo counter
statusbar Normal, forcescaled
// Powerups
// Go first because otherwise they obscure HUD elements
inInventory PowerD4QuadDamage { drawimage "Shade2Ma", -171, 0; }
inInventory PowerD4Regen { drawimage "Shade2Cy", -171, 0; }
inInventory PowerD4Haste { drawimage "Shade2Ye", -171, 0; }
inInventory PowerD4Money { drawimage "Shade2Gr", -171, 0; }
// UAC Doomguy collectible uses
InInventory DollUses,1
{ drawimage "Ddoll", 1060,727; }
InInventory DollUses,2
{ drawimage "Ddoll", 1030,727; }
InInventory DollUses,3
{ drawimage "Ddoll", 1000,727; }
InInventory DollUses,4
{ drawimage "Ddoll", 970,727; }
InInventory DollUses,5
{ drawimage "Ddoll", 940,727; }
InInventory DollUses,6
{ drawimage "Ddoll", 910,727; }
InInventory DollUses,7
{ drawimage "Ddoll", 880,727; }
InInventory DollUses,8
{ drawimage "Ddoll", 850,727; }
InInventory DollUses,9
{ drawimage "Ddoll", 820,727; }
// The Usual
drawimage "BODYBAR0", -69,669;
// ...
Code: Select all
Class Doom4StatusBar : BaseStatusBar
DynamicValueInterpolator mHealthInterpolator;
DynamicValueInterpolator mHealthInterpolator2;
HUDFont mHUDFont;
HUDFont mIndexFont;
HUDFont mBigFont;
InventoryBarState diparms;
InventoryBarState diparms_sbar;
override void Init()
SetSize(0, 1024, 768);
CompleteBorder = true;
// Create the font used for the fullscreen HUD
Font fnt = "HUDFONT_DOOM";
mHUDFont = HUDFont.Create(fnt, fnt.GetCharWidth("0") + 1, true, 1, 1);
mIndexFont = HUDFont.Create(fnt, fnt.GetCharWidth("0"), true);
fnt = "BIGFONT";
mBigFont = HUDFont.Create(fnt, fnt.GetCharWidth("0"), true, 2, 2);
diparms = InventoryBarState.Create(mIndexFont);
//diparms_sbar = InventoryBarState.CreateNoBox(mIndexFont, boxsize:(31, 31), arrowoffs:(0,-10));
mHealthInterpolator = DynamicValueInterpolator.Create(0, 0.25, 1, 8);
mHealthInterpolator2 = DynamicValueInterpolator.Create(0, 0.25, 1, 6); // the chain uses a maximum of 6, not 8.
override void NewGame ()
mHealthInterpolator.Reset (0);
mHealthInterpolator2.Reset (0);
override void Tick()
override void Draw (int state, double TicFrac)
Super.Draw (state, TicFrac);
if (state == HUD_StatusBar)
DrawMainBar (TicFrac);
else if (state == HUD_Fullscreen)
BeginHUD(1.0, true);
protected void DrawMainBar (double TicFrac)
protected void DrawFullScreenStuff ()
int imageAlignment = 0;
if (GetAmountOnly("PowerD4QuadDamage")) DrawImage("Shade2Ma", (-171, 0), imageAlignment);
if (GetAmountOnly("PowerD4Regen")) DrawImage("Shade2Cy", (-171, 0), imageAlignment);
if (GetAmountOnly("PowerD4Haste")) DrawImage("Shade2Ye", (-171, 0), imageAlignment);
if (GetAmountOnly("PowerD4Money")) DrawImage("Shade2Gr", (-171, 0), imageAlignment);
/* For comparison's sake.
inInventory PowerD4QuadDamage { drawimage "Shade2Ma", -171, 0; }
inInventory PowerD4Regen { drawimage "Shade2Cy", -171, 0; }
inInventory PowerD4Haste { drawimage "Shade2Ye", -171, 0; }
inInventory PowerD4Money { drawimage "Shade2Gr", -171, 0; }
int DoomDollMax, DoomDollCount;
[DoomDollCount, DoomDollMax] = GetAmount("DollUses");
DoomDollCount = Min(DoomDollCount, DoomDollMax);
if (DoomDollCount > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < DoomDollCount; i++)
int DollX = 1060 - (30 * i);
DrawImage("Ddoll", (DollX, 727), imageAlignment);
DrawImage ("BODYBAR0", (-69, 669), imageAlignment);
/* UAC Doomguy collectible uses
InInventory DollUses,1
{ drawimage "Ddoll", 1060,727; }
InInventory DollUses,2
{ drawimage "Ddoll", 1030,727; }
InInventory DollUses,3
{ drawimage "Ddoll", 1000,727; }
InInventory DollUses,4
{ drawimage "Ddoll", 970,727; }
InInventory DollUses,5
{ drawimage "Ddoll", 940,727; }
InInventory DollUses,6
{ drawimage "Ddoll", 910,727; }
InInventory DollUses,7
{ drawimage "Ddoll", 880,727; }
InInventory DollUses,8
{ drawimage "Ddoll", 850,727; }
InInventory DollUses,9
{ drawimage "Ddoll", 820,727; }
extend class Doom4StatusBar
int GetAmountOnly(class<Inventory> item)
let it = CPlayer.mo.FindInventory(item);
return (it ? it.Amount : 0);
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Re: ZScript: Status Bar Questions
What happens?
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Re: ZScript: Status Bar Questions
I just realized I put the hud stuff into the fullscreen stuff by mistake, whoops. That'll do it.
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Re: ZScript: Status Bar Questions
So one thing I don't quite get is the coordinate system between status bar and full screen.
It's so much different than the other...
Por que?
Code: Select all
if (state == HUD_StatusBar)
DrawMainBar (TicFrac);
else if (state == HUD_Fullscreen)
BeginHUD(1.0, true);
Por que?
- Lead GZDoom+Raze Developer
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Re: ZScript: Status Bar Questions
The status bar is supposed to draw into a 320x200 screen with the status bar at the bottom.
The fullscreen HUD is supposed to align stuff to the screen's edges. This is copied verbatim from SBARINFO.
The fullscreen HUD is supposed to align stuff to the screen's edges. This is copied verbatim from SBARINFO.
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Re: ZScript: Status Bar Questions
Why is that?Graf Zahl wrote:removed alpha parameter from BaseStatusBar.DrawBar because this cannot be used with this function.
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Re: ZScript: Status Bar Questions
The bar drawer is rather hacky to allow working with Hexen's badly designed graphics. For translucency a baggage-free version needs to be done that doesn't try to put a black fill overlay over the graphic.
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Re: ZScript: Status Bar Questions
I take it that's planned? It would be highly appreciated.
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Re: ZScript: Status Bar Questions
Code: Select all
SetClipRect(0, 1080 - 128, 64, 64);
DrawImage("STARTAN2", (0, 1080), DI_ITEM_LEFT_BOTTOM);
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Re: ZScript: Status Bar Questions
A bug maybe?
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Re: ZScript: Status Bar Questions
This works... Also allows bars to be scaled...Major Cooke wrote:I take it that's planned? It would be highly appreciated.
I think some of the border stuff might still be unnecessary now, but it doesn't stop anything I've done from working - I haven't really tested with a border, though - it "works", but I don't know what the expected behavior is supposed to me.
Code: Select all
//Custom version of DrawBar that allows drawing with alpha - mostly copy/paste from original function, modified to allow alpha and scaling
void DrawBarEx(String ongfx, String offgfx, double curval, double maxval, Vector2 position, int border, int vertical, int flags = 0, double alpha = 1., double scale = 1.)
let ontex = TexMan.CheckForTexture(ongfx, TexMan.TYPE_MiscPatch);
if (!ontex.IsValid()) return;
let offtex = TexMan.CheckForTexture(offgfx, TexMan.TYPE_MiscPatch);
Vector2 texsize = TexMan.GetScaledSize(ontex);
texsize.x *= scale;
texsize.y *= scale;
[position, flags] = AdjustPosition(position, flags, texsize.X, texsize.Y);
double value = (maxval != 0) ? clamp(curval / maxval, 0, 1) : 0;
if(border != 0) value = 1. - value; //invert since the new drawing method requires drawing the bg on the fg.
// {cx, cb, cr, cy}
double Clip[4];
Clip[0] = Clip[1] = Clip[2] = Clip[3] = 0;
bool horizontal = !(vertical & SHADER_VERT);
bool reverse = !!(vertical & SHADER_REVERSE);
double sizeOfImage = (horizontal ? texsize.X - border*2 : texsize.Y - border*2);
Clip[(!horizontal) | ((!reverse)<<1)] = sizeOfImage - sizeOfImage * value;
// preserve the active clipping rectangle
int cx, cy, cw, ch;
[cx, cy, cw, ch] = screen.GetClipRect();
if(border != 0)
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) Clip[i] += border;
//Draw the whole foreground
DrawTexture(ontex, position, flags | DI_ITEM_LEFT_TOP, alpha, scale: (scale, scale));
SetClipRect(position.X + Clip[0], position.Y + Clip[1], texsize.X - Clip[0] - Clip[2], texsize.Y - Clip[1] - Clip[3], flags);
if (offtex.IsValid()) { DrawTexture(offtex, position, flags | DI_ITEM_LEFT_TOP, alpha, scale: (scale, scale)); }
if (border == 0)
SetClipRect(position.X + Clip[0], position.Y + Clip[1], texsize.X - Clip[0] - Clip[2], texsize.Y - Clip[1] - Clip[3], flags);
DrawTexture(ontex, position, flags | DI_ITEM_LEFT_TOP, alpha, scale: (scale, scale));
// restore the previous clipping rectangle
screen.SetClipRect(cx, cy, cw, ch);
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Re: ZScript: Status Bar Questions
Probably, I guess. Since I haven't got any other responses here I suppose I'll go report it.Nash wrote:A bug maybe?
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Re: ZScript: Status Bar Questions
Nash wrote:A bug maybe?
Hard to say from a small fragment of code that doesn't say anything about the context. Just this: This code doesn't look correct at all, so I need to see more.