[resource] ACS - universal horizontal crusher script

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[resource] ACS - universal horizontal crusher script

Post by ramon.dexter »

Hi, I mashed up universal script, that controlls moving walls. Something exactly like in Hexen Map 01, when you smash the stained glass window.
Use is pretty simple.
The only thing to notice is that you have to follow a simple rule during design - use polyobject mirroring, because this script controls only one line of polyobjects - the opposing line is mirrored.

So, polyobject numbering:

For the N-S script, follow this rule:

5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - mirrored line
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - script controlled line

The same is for the E-W script
1 5
2 6
3 7
4 8

So, how the integers work?
"beginPoly" is the number of the first polyobject in the lower/left line. Only the first polyobject is required.
"nrSegments" is the amount of polyobjects in the lower/left line. Since the upper/right line is mirrored, nothing else is needed, the math does the rest.

Code: Select all

//universal horizontal crusher scripts
bool crusherOpen[999];
script "CrusherN-S" (int beginPoly, int nrSegments)

		while(crusheropen[beginPoly] == false)
			for (int i = 0; i < nrSegments; i++)
				Polyobj_OR_Move(beginPoly+i, 16, 192, 64);

			crusherOpen[beginPoly] = true;
		while(crusherOpen[beginPoly] == true)
			for (int y = 0; y < nrSegments; y++)
				Polyobj_OR_Move(beginPoly+y, 16, 64, 64);
			crusherOpen[beginPoly] = false;

script "crusherE-W" (int beginPoly, int nrSegments)
		while(crusheropen[beginPoly] == false)
			for (int i = 0; i < nrSegments; i++)
				Polyobj_OR_Move(beginPoly+i, 16, 128, 64);

			crusherOpen[beginPoly] = true;
		while(crusherOpen[beginPoly] == true)
			for (int y = 0; y < nrSegments; y++)
				Polyobj_OR_Move(beginPoly+y, 16, 0, 64);
			crusherOpen[beginPoly] = false;

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Re: [resource] ACS - universal horizontal crusher script

Post by DnB-Freak »

Neat! Are they unstoppable btw(player cannot run towards them and prevent them from moving ahead?)
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Re: [resource] ACS - universal horizontal crusher script

Post by ramon.dexter »

Well, as I tested it, it seems to be ustoppable.
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Re: [resource] ACS - universal horizontal crusher script

Post by DnB-Freak »

nice :D, i'll try your acs and give credit.

I've tested it with one single polyobj, but it didn't work for me unfortunately.
The Crushing polyobjects can still be stopped I'm afraid, gotta check out what ZScript can do with it.

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