[WIP] 2K UltraHD Texture Pack for Doom in the works.

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Re: [WIP] 2K UltraHD Texture Pack for Doom in the works.

Post by enderandrew »

So you've created these truly amazing textures. And GZDoom recently added support for PBR and materials. This looks like a great opportunity to really show off how amazing your textures are. Your main texture package is several hundred textures, so I started with your Doom 1 override package. I optimized your PNG files, and then compressed them in DDS format (with pre-generated mipmaps). This should actually help performance as the DDS file can be loaded directly into your GPU without having to convert it, and mipmaps are pre-generated.

Then I created normal maps for all of your textures. This I did in batch with a tool.

I manually created bright maps and specular maps by hand for the 71 or so textures in this package.

Then I created a definition file that tells GZDoom to use these textures. I've never created a Doom map before in my life. I'm going to just test this in existing Doom 1 maps and see if I can see any of these 71 textures in use, but someone could perhaps make a test map to showcase these specific textures. If these are working as intended and look good, I may do all the other hundreds of textures as well.

The amazing thing is that your PK3 package was 280 MB to start. I added bright maps, normal maps and specular maps. It is more than 3 times the number of previous textures. But the new PK3 file is actually smaller at 256 MB.

https://drive.google.com/open?id=1_MYVB ... vtHYL8o5ih
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Re: [WIP] 2K UltraHD Texture Pack for Doom in the works.

Post by hoover1979 »

I have uploaded a 1k version to ModDB for those with lower specs and those that get stuttering in GZDoom with the 2k version. As a bonus, there are a handful of extra textures that will be in the upcoming 3rd demo of the 2k texture pack. Enjoy.

https://www.moddb.com/mods/hoover1979-u ... 1k-version
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Re: [WIP] 2K UltraHD Texture Pack for Doom in the works.

Post by hoover1979 »

I am living in a new house and the internet speeds are terrible. Especially the upload speed. Apparently, we will get a better fiber-optic setup in the next 3 months but at the moment I can't upload as the upload speed is less than 1Mbps (my internet is strictly wireless atm). If I make more textures I can't upload the 3rd demo until I get a reasonable upload speed. Please don't be disheartened by lack of updates, it takes forever to upload a single picture of new textures.
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Re: [WIP] 2K UltraHD Texture Pack for Doom in the works.

Post by hoover1979 »

I am really sad that I have not been able to work on my texture pack for so long due to complex health issues. I feel like I am letting my followers down as this is the longest break I have had because my health has declined and I am in and out of the hospital. I swear I haven't abandoned my pack and wish to get back to it as soon as humanly possible.
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Re: [WIP] 2K UltraHD Texture Pack for Doom in the works.

Post by Get Phobo »

Get better soon!
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Re: [WIP] 2K UltraHD Texture Pack for Doom in the works.

Post by hoover1979 »

I have made a new texture today. I spread the work over 2 days as I am not 100% better yet. Here is a skin and flesh texture (4096x2048).
Note: This is the first time I attempted skin.
https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca88777 ... 909baa.png (CTRL + Left-Click to view in another tab).
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Re: [WIP] 2K UltraHD Texture Pack for Doom in the works.

Post by hoover1979 »

I have gone as far as I can using PK3 files for my UltraHD Texture Pack in GZdoom. After making some more textures and adding them to the PK3 file it has become too big for GZDoom to like and the file now gets skipped and the main textures file no longer loads any of its textures.

I have extracted the main PK3 file to a folder called TEXTURES and the textures are loading again. On older builds of GZDoom, the floor and ceiling textures didn't load when the textures were in a folder but this is not the case with the latest GZDoom build. As a bonus, I have noticed a huge improvement in performance now. I don't get random freezes during gameplay or when hitting switches.

I set up another thread asking the GZDoom dev team to inform me what to name the 4 subfolders inside the textures folder so I can get the game specific override textures out of the PK3 files and into the TEXTURES folder. This way when the 3rd demo comes out not only will people get a marked performance increase but the mod will be easier to install. Instead of faffing around with batch files or struggling to get the files working in ZDL, it will just be a case of extract the TEXTURES folder into GZDoom and profit.
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Re: [WIP] 2K UltraHD Texture Pack for Doom in the works.

Post by etbasch »

Hi hoover1979,

Your textures are great! Keep up doing your work untill all the textures are done. That would be really great. I would also like to ask you: are you going to remaster all the textures in the game (including monster, weapon, and object sprites), or just the environment textures?

I really wish to help your project, so I have tested some of your tesxtures on my machine. I have spotted a couple of issues and I will report them to you so that you could improve the quality of your work. As of now, I see three problems occuring to some textures.

1. Some textures are too repetitive and grainy. That could be a result of them using too small pattern alongside with bigger patterns, which catches the eye. For example one image of brick texture contains too many small bricks in it instead of less but larger bricks. I think you did not preserve the proportions of the elements in the textures when making them in high resolution. As result, detailed, grainy walls look odd next to walls will much bigger repetitive elements.
This issue can be seen in Doom II MAP12: The Factory (compare right-side wall with the left-side):
And in the Speed of Doom MAP20: The Path to Hell (the lower sides of the platform):

2. Some textures does not use smooth transition into themselves, therefore, the upper and lower edges of each pattern are vidible on the surface using the texture. I think textures should make a loop when converging, that is, the end of right side is the same as the start od the left side.
This issue can be seen in Doom II MAP14: The Inmost Dens:

3. Using textures of that size makes the game laggy when first loading of the textures. For example, when opening the door to a room with new textures, the door may "stuck" on the screen for some time before the inside part of the room is vidible. This dissappears, however, after the first entrance to that room. I think even on the modern upgraded machines there's no need for UltraHD texture resolution, and 1024x1024 size should fit perfectly for that purpose. Maybe you could release sifferent versions of your pack for those who struggle with game performance with high resolution textures.

Thanks for your attention, and I wish you good luck from now on with your work!

Oh, could you please let me know when the new vgersion of your pack is available? My email adress is etbasch@gmail.com
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Re: [WIP] 2K UltraHD Texture Pack for Doom in the works.

Post by hoover1979 »

Thanks for the kind words and for offering you help for me to improve my work. I am taking time off again for 3 reasons. 1: I had a major depressive episode and am staying with my parents until I can get into a private clinic for treatment. 2: I have the flu and am physically sick and 3: I had an accident last night and almost broke my wrist so my left arm is braced up. When I am in the clinic I will take my dads laptop in with me and will try to work on textures as therapy. I will keep you posted.
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Re: [WIP] 2K UltraHD Texture Pack for Doom in the works.

Post by etbasch »

Thank you. Hopefully you will feel better soon!
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Re: [WIP] 2K UltraHD Texture Pack for Doom in the works.

Post by Enjay »

Depressive illness, the flu and an accident? When you do things, you really do them!

I hope your road to recovery is a short one. It sounds like you have support and are prepared to take the necessary steps to a better tomorrow. Good luck with that and if doing your textures helps, crack on. If not, then that's not where your priorities need to lie. Stay strong - and stop collecting medical issues like they're going out of fashion dammit! ;)
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Re: [WIP] 2K UltraHD Texture Pack for Doom in the works.

Post by hoover1979 »

Thanks for the kind words and support guys, but health-wise, yesterday afternoon, things went from bad to the worst they have ever been. :cry:

I had a mild heart attack yesterday and spend that day and most of the night in the ER on so many medications & I am still doped up from all the painkillers they gave me yesterday afternoon-yesterday afternoon. I am really concerned about my health more than ever now and am fearing I'll lose my life before being able to finish my texture pack. I have a family history of heart problems. My dad is on a truckload of meds and his dad didn't take pills and died of a heart attack at the age of 60 when I was a toddler. :cry:
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Re: [WIP] 2K UltraHD Texture Pack for Doom in the works.

Post by hoover1979 »

I decided to remake the Wolf3D doors for Doom 2's secret levels. Tomorrow I might get to remaking the door jam.

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca88777 ... 8thsdCcBHQ

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca88777 ... -n7Z1nv0z4
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Re: [WIP] 2K UltraHD Texture Pack for Doom in the works.

Post by enderandrew »

hoover1979 wrote:Thanks for the kind words and support guys, but health-wise, yesterday afternoon, things went from bad to the worst they have ever been. :cry:

I had a mild heart attack yesterday and spend that day and most of the night in the ER on so many medications & I am still doped up from all the painkillers they gave me yesterday afternoon-yesterday afternoon. I am really concerned about my health more than ever now and am fearing I'll lose my life before being able to finish my texture pack. I have a family history of heart problems. My dad is on a truckload of meds and his dad didn't take pills and died of a heart attack at the age of 60 when I was a toddler. :cry:
That is awful news and obviously your health comes first. I wish nothing but the best for you.

That being said, it may be prudent to move your work to GitHub or a source repository.
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Re: [WIP] 2K UltraHD Texture Pack for Doom in the works.

Post by hoover1979 »

My texture pack has been put on hold for reasons out of my control.

My CPU is failing. I didn't realize my BSOD crashes were due to heat as the CPU cooler was set to adjust the fans based on the temps of the cooler itself. When I configured it to adjust the fans to the CPU (namely CPU Core #0) the fans took off like a jet and when I rebooted and enabled HWMonitor immediately, just booting up it was hitting 95 degrees. When I do CPU intensive tasks like converting an audio or video file with programs like Handbrake or Format Factory, or rendering out the filters I use in my texture work on Photoshop the System was crashing with a BSOD (0xc00000124 WHEA Uncorrectable Error) because the CPU would hit 100 degrees within 15 seconds of putting the CPU to 100% usage.

Often my rig was even crashing with a BSOD when a program was updating or I was installing updated drivers for my Sound Card or GPU. Razer Synapse updates were huge culprits for BSOD crashes, especially if they were happening during bootup. And I often have to reinstall my Sound Card drivers after a forced Windows 10 update as it always borked my Sound Drivers causing my center channel, rear channels, and sub to not emit any sound. often reinstalling or repairing these drivers would have to be done 2 or 3 times due to my rig crashing with that dreaded BSOD (0xc00000124 WHEA Uncorrectable Error).

I have a Corsair H115i 280mm dual-fan AIO cooler that should be more than enough to keep an i7-4790k cool, but in recent weeks it is not able to do much at all in keeping it cool. It looks like the CPU is failing and even small loads cause such a rise in temps even a Heavy-duty AIO cooler can't keep up with it. 4% CPU usage pushes my CPU temp 50 degrees, which is unacceptable for a Corsair H115i Cooler that I bought in 2018, just opening my browser pushes the CPU temps to the mid-'60s

I went into BIOS and Disabled XMP tuning and turned off the CPU Turbo mode completely so the 4.4Ghz CPU went back to 4.0Ghz and the 2.4Ghz RAM was downclocked to 1.33Mhz, disabled most non-Microsoft services and most startup items (including Adobe CC, which was taking a lot of CPU resources just sitting in the background, as was Razer Synapse for my Black Widow Chroma v2 keyboard), and the CPU still goes into the 60 degrees mark during bootup and to 80 degrees in any game I tried that isn't a CPU hog. I won't touch any of my Denuvo protected games as the last time I fired up one of those (Star Wars Battlefront 2015) I got a BSOD (0xc00000124 WHEA Uncorrectable Error) just adjusting the control sensitivity in the menu. Denuvo puts too much of a load on the CPU with it's many, many hook calls to its authentication server per second than my CPU in its current state can handle, and it overheats and crashes my rig.

I now have to look at the very real prospect of trying to amass a large number of funds (around $1,500.00AUD) for a new Motherboard, a 9th Gen i7 and at least 32Gb of DDR4 RAM, before I can resume work on my texture pack. This will not be an easy task as my recent health battles have drained my savings and I am currently unable to work due to my physical and psychological health. I won't even be able to get my rig to a repair shop to be looked at for another week as I don't have access to a vehicle this week, and my back is too bad to move the rig, so I can't do anything like reseat the cooler or any other manual work on it. My rig is very heavy and I have a very bad back from a car crash in 1996, so I have to make sure I treat my rig with kid gloves and not run anything with a moderate or high CPU load until I can either get it fixed or the faulty hardware replaced.

Press "F" to pay respects to my dying i7-4790k. It served me well, but alas, all things must eventually come to an end. :cry:
Last edited by hoover1979 on Sat Nov 02, 2019 11:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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