[code] [2.8.1] item grabber

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[code] [2.8.1] item grabber

Post by ijon »

this is a candy corn that picks things up from far away

it's meant for grabbing monster drops from ledges but there's nothing stopping you from using it to break maps

it should run with just about anything since there's no actor replacements, it doesn't mess with TIDs too much, and it's like 14kb
Spoiler: these are two webms converted into youtube videos
this is a download link

credit me if you want if you use it, I don't give a shit
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Re: [code] [2.8.1] item grabber

Post by Nash »

Instantly warping the player to the pointed location and then back to his original position? That's clever. :D
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Re: [code] [2.8.1] item grabber

Post by ijon »

no, it just teleports the item to you and pushes you an unnoticeable amount (as in when standing still, you don't actually move at all) so you actually pick up the thing
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Re: [code] [2.8.1] item grabber

Post by jazzmaster9 »

It only seems to work at random times. I can see the item fog and the flame, but the item just stays put.
I've tried setting the range to a larger value, but most of the time, it does nothing.

Am I doing anything wrong?

Never mind I see what I got it to work :P
This is a pretty neat Idea. I can already think of ways to implement this on my mod.
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Re: [code] [2.8.1] item grabber

Post by ijon »

jazzmaster9 wrote:It only seems to work at random times. I can see the item fog and the flame, but the item just stays put.
okay what was going on here

I'm using Warp with WARPF_NOCHECKPOSITION, and if even that isn't moving the item 100% of the time, then I don't know what to tell you besides "zdoom is utter shit"

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