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Post by Dutch Devil »

Shooting rockets trough teleporters and the lamp that can be shot to pieces looks nice, the gory part isn't all that necessary for me doom is allready gory enough.

It reminds me to another game Soldier of Fortune 1/2 which would let you kill your enemies on the most sadistic ways.
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Post by NiGHTMARE »

Arcane wrote:Who sucked all the fun out of Graf?
Don't forget Graf is German, and that there's a rapidly growing anti-violence in video games movement there. Some German politicians and members of the German media make Jack Thompson look like an avid GTA fan by comparison.

In fact, it may well be that within the next few years, it be illegal in Germany to publish any games which even mention violence, let alone feature weapons or blood. Even the Zelda and Final Fantasy series could be banned from sale there, for example.

Doom is obviously a big no no, and since Graf is obviously a fan of the game, a sizable number of his fellow countrymen would suggest he needs to go see a psychatrist himself ;).
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Graf Zahl
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Post by Graf Zahl »

They would never be able to get away with that. As for the 'rapidly growing movement', that consists of a handful of [censored word] politicians and their media spokespeople and is certainly not growing. It's the same idiots over and over again. Interestingly it's the same people who try to undermine the constitution in other areas for 'security reasons' as well.

Not to mention that their ideas are clearly unconstitutional and would never be lawful, no matter what they say. They haven't gotten anywhere in the last 5 years but they repeatedly try the same thing again - with the same unsurprising results.

Nevertheless, violence just to make something more violent than it already is is just plain [censored word] in my opinion.
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Post by NiGHTMARE »

They haven't gotten anywhere in the past five years? It's illegal to advertise violent video games in Germany. Gears of War, hardly the epitome of violence, is prohibited from being sold in the country (though it can be legally imported from elsewhere). The developers of C&C: Tiberium Wars were forced to remove suicide bombers in the German release. Worse of all, the Crytek (German developers, of FarCry and Crysis fame) offices were raided by several dozen police armed with Heckler & Koch submachine guns, all because an ex-employee supposedly accused them of having illegal software on their computers.
Last edited by NiGHTMARE on Sun May 27, 2007 11:35 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Dutch Devil »

As if that is going to stop gamers in Germany to buy their voilent games they will buy them elsewhere, what an stupid rule what about movies then should they not ban those high violence movies as well.

They even sell voilent games to minors over here rating whats that nobody cares.
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Post by Penguinator »

Can someone give me the forum thread or download location for DES? I've looked for the WAD on the Wiki and with the forum search and I just can't find it.
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Graf Zahl
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Post by Graf Zahl »

NiGHTMARE wrote:They haven't gotten anywhere in the past five years? It's illegal to advertise violent video games in Germany. Gears of War, hardly the epitome of violence, is prohibited from being sold in the country (though it can be legally imported from elsewhere). The developers of C&C: Tiberium Wars were forced to remove suicide bombers in the German release.
That's all based on older laws. These games are not illegal but these stupid distributors seem to feel the need to sell their games to people who are deemed to young to play them. They had to get an 'free for 16 and over' rating at all costs.

Worse of all, the Crytek (German developers, of FarCry and Crysis fame) offices were raided by several dozen police armed with Heckler & Koch submachine guns, all because an ex-employee supposedly accused them of having illegal software on their computers.
I can't say much about that as I never heard of that incident but you can be sure that there was more to it than just violent games. Ownership of violent media is not and has never been a criminal offense. And please don't tell me that the British police hasn't done similar Nazi-shit as well (for other but no less vague reasons of course.)

But it's obvious that your source is twisting the information to make the situation more extreme to support his own agenda.
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Graf Zahl
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Post by Graf Zahl »

Dutch Devil wrote:As if that is going to stop gamers in Germany to buy their voilent games they will buy them elsewhere,
And now take a good guess why all this is all smoke and mirrors. These idiots are deluding themselves by thinking they can do anything by trying to ban violence. Most people here who like these games don't even bother anymore to buy a German release.
However, I repeatedly asked myself whether they are really after the games or just after a means to undermine the constitution to support other more evil plans. From the general blabberings of these people one could easily make that deduction. Right-wing wanna-be fascists I'd call them.
what an stupid rule what about movies then should they not ban those high violence movies as well.
Movies are not interactive so it's apparently a different matter. But of course you should not forget how these people think: For them computer games are by definition suspicious and hence evil. They are too old to have been grown up with them.
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Post by lizardcommando »

NiGHTMARE wrote:They haven't gotten anywhere in the past five years? It's illegal to advertise violent video games in Germany. Gears of War, hardly the epitome of violence, is prohibited from being sold in the country (though it can be legally imported from elsewhere). The developers of C&C: Tiberium Wars were forced to remove suicide bombers in the German release. Worse of all, the Crytek (German developers, of FarCry and Crysis fame) offices were raided by several dozen police armed with Heckler & Koch submachine guns, all because an ex-employee supposedly accused them of having illegal software on their computers.
Wow, that's fucking sad. Germans are a bunch of pansies compared to the US when it comes down to violent video games. No offense. Hmm, somehow that didn't come out right.
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Post by Nash »

The only reason I created NashGore was because I really wanted to emulate the blood effects from Blood and Shadow Warrior (which is far from realistic; more like exaggerated actually), not because I wanted MORE GORE MORE VIOLENCE ROAR. =(
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Post by NiGHTMARE »

Graf Zahl wrote:I can't say much about that as I never heard of that incident but you can be sure that there was more to it than just violent games. Ownership of violent media is not and has never been a criminal offense. And please don't tell me that the British police hasn't done similar Nazi-shit as well (for other but no less vague reasons of course.)
When I said "illegal software", I didn't mean software that's illegal because it's violent, rather I meant software that's illegal because it's (supposedly) being used in violation of the license, e.g. it's pirated or (as in this case) more copies were being used than the license permits. So no, violent games weren't the reason for the raid itself, but they were - in the opinions of many - the reason the raid was carried out in such a completely over-the-top manner.

I mean, do you think it likely that companies in almost any other industry would have been raided by a small army of armed police officers simply for installing more copies of a particular piece of software than their license permits? It's not as if the ex-employee who made the accusation was even a highly placed (and hence credible) witness; he was just an intern, for crying out loud! :D

It seems to me that either the authorities believe that if a company makes games involving the use of firearms then that company must have real firearms on their premises, or the authorities simply don't like the video games industry and this was a perfect excuse to teach them a very harsh but (in their view) completely legal lesson. Or, indeed, both.
But it's obvious that your source is twisting the information to make the situation more extreme to support his own agenda.
I don't have a source singular, I have sources plural. Some were completely impartial in their coverage (as good journalists should be), some praised the police/government, and some criticized them. One source was Crytek's own official press release, which in fact said the company was "grateful for the dilgence" of the German police:

Here's an impartial telling of the story:

A forum post by one of the Crytek developers: ... hp?t=31767 (according to that, over 100 officers were sent in!)

For more sources, just Google 'crytek' and 'raid'.
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Post by Unknown_Assassin »

SCORE!! More gore and violence! Definately waiting for this wad to be released.
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Post by Kinsie »

Nash wrote:The only reason I created NashGore was because I really wanted to emulate the blood effects from Blood and Shadow Warrior (which is far from realistic; more like exaggerated actually), not because I wanted MORE GORE MORE VIOLENCE ROAR. =(
This is the same as me. I started emulating the Quake effects, and adding some ideas (breakable props) from Duke 3D.

My method of presenting the original post may have been misguided somewhat, but there wasn't much more to say then "Shit breaks and the gore effects are enhanced and I updated some effects, so uh, yeah. Sup?" so I decided to be silly about it. Next time I will present my mods with the seriousness and gravitas that a game about shooting zombies with bazookas deserves. ;)
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Post by Matt »

What's the third picture supposed to be?
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Post by XutaWoo »

Shooting rockets through teleports.

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