[Code] Footsteps - v5 released!

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Re: [Code] Footsteps - v3 released!

Post by Skrell »

Grigori wrote:
Skrell wrote:Wow this is great news! Can you please provide detailed instructions as to what you did to get it to work?

ie.) 1. GZDOOM/Zandro?
2. Load order?
3. What other, if any, addons did you load along with it? (ie. would a texture pack break foostepsv3?)
4. Brutal Doom SE/EE/Vanilla ?
GZDoom. I just have it in autoload, so it loads before everything I load manually. I played SE and Vanilla with it. Just download and try it yourself.
i did try it and it didn't work :( Couple things that i thought could be problematic:
1. I did use the dhtp and i'm wondering if different floor textures could cause footstepsv3 to fail?
2. I did load footstepsv3 LAST in my load order so i'll try changing that.
3. I tried it on a custom map WAD that also might have unique textures and hence affect it (i'm making a big leap here that somewhere in the footstepsv3 code it looks at the texture the user is on to determine what sounds to play PLEASE tell me i'm wrong if you happen to know ACS)

Would you be able to test it on Zandro without too much effort?
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Re: [Code] Footsteps - v3 released!

Post by The Zombie Killer »

V3 is not supported by Zandronum, so if you're trying to run it with that, you're outta luck.
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Re: [Code] Footsteps - v3 released!

Post by Skrell »

The Zombie Killer wrote:V3 is not supported by Zandronum, so if you're trying to run it with that, you're outta luck.
NOooooooo!!!! :(((((( Please make compatible? Is this even possible?
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Re: [Code] Footsteps - v3 released!

Post by The Zombie Killer »

Skrell wrote:
The Zombie Killer wrote:V3 is not supported by Zandronum, so if you're trying to run it with that, you're outta luck.
NOooooooo!!!! :(((((( Please make compatible? Is this even possible?
V2 is compatible with Zandronum, V3 uses some advanced features that don't work in Zandronum. I haven't tried, but if you disable use of CVars in LANGUAGE, then it may work in Zandronum without any code modification.
Now that I think about it though, I don't think Zandronum supports the required features to convert strings to integers, so it'd be more work than it's worth, when you could just wait for Zandronum to support those features instead.
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Re: [Code] Footsteps - v3 released!

Post by Skrell »

The Zombie Killer wrote:
Skrell wrote:
The Zombie Killer wrote:V3 is not supported by Zandronum, so if you're trying to run it with that, you're outta luck.
NOooooooo!!!! :(((((( Please make compatible? Is this even possible?
V2 is compatible with Zandronum, V3 uses some advanced features that don't work in Zandronum. I haven't tried, but if you disable use of CVars in LANGUAGE, then it may work in Zandronum without any code modification.
Now that I think about it though, I don't think Zandronum supports the required features to convert strings to integers, so it'd be more work than it's worth, when you could just wait for Zandronum to support those features instead.
Ok, well thank you for the reply. What version of GZDoom is the minimum # for this mod to worK?
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Re: [Code] Footsteps - v3 released!

Post by The Zombie Killer »

Whichever version that added CVARINFO, which I believe is ZDoom 2.7.0/GZDoom 1.8.0. Although if you disable "CONTROLWITHCVARS" in LANGUAGE, then you won't even need that requirement.

When v3.1 is released, I'll be using a proper ACS String-to-Int function, which will instead require a version that has GetChar.
Last edited by The Zombie Killer on Thu Sep 18, 2014 2:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Code] Footsteps - v3 released!

Post by Blue Shadow »

The Zombie Killer wrote:ZDoom 2.7.0
Fixed that for you. :P
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Re: [Code] Footsteps - v3 released!

Post by noonecares »

Where can I define the volume of the footsteps? I tried changing it in language.txt but it made no difference.
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Re: [Code] Footsteps - v3 released!

Post by osjclatchford »

could anyone provide a link that's not dropbox?
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Re: [Code] Footsteps - v3 released!

Post by The Zombie Killer »

osjclatchford wrote:could anyone provide a link that's not dropbox?
Here, a puush link
noonecares wrote:Where can I define the volume of the footsteps? I tried changing it in language.txt but it made no difference.
For now I'm pretty sure the language.txt stuff is broken when it comes to decimal numbers, try setting "CONTROLWITHCVARS" to "TRUE" in language.txt, and change the console commands instead.
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Re: [Code] Footsteps - v3 released!

Post by noonecares »

I tried that and there were no footstep sounds at all. :|
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Re: [Code] Footsteps - v3 released!

Post by The Zombie Killer »

Works on my end, are you using the latest version of G/ZDoom?
Try a Git build from over here: GZDoom Development Builds
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Re: [Code] Footsteps - v3 released!

Post by noonecares »

I downloaded the latest version, still no sound. I guess I'm just gonna go with the silent stuff then..

EDIT: Nevermind, apparently I had a sound wad that was somehow conflicting with the footstep sounds.
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Re: [Code] Footsteps - v4 released! Zandronum support!

Post by The Zombie Killer »

Version 4 released. Zandronum is now fully supported if you use LANGUAGE rather than CVars, and I've fixed all the issues with LANGUAGE values being read incorrectly.
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Re: [Code] Footsteps - v4 released! Zandronum support!

Post by Skrell »

OMG OMG OMG i love you!! I've been waiting for this !! :) Will the players be able to hear each other's steps in coop ?

PS: Is there any chance you could up the volume of the footsteps just a bit? Or somehow make it variable to the user? Also, i dont notice footsteps for the monsters? Is this correct?

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