
Major Changes:
- Completely redone the fire particles. I intend on further tweaking them (color, saturation and contrast to be changed)
- Added new arcing/lightning effects
- Added tracer bullets for Chaingun, Pistol, Chaingun guy, Zombieman
- Sound tweaked, made a lot of things more audible
New Screenshots:
Spoiler:Demo youtube videos (mostly older versions, i'll create some new ones soon):
Idea Base:
- Stronghold's Torch Effects
- Beautiful Doom Mod
- Some effects from Aeons of Death
- WildWeasel's Diaz Mod (effects, some decorate solutions)
- Enhancer packs for quake (i thought doom also deserves particle based fire mods)
Resources Based on:
UTNT Flames and embers - SolarSnowFall
Stronghold Torches - Stronghold Team (Keksdose did the flames IIRC)
Nash Gore Effects - Nash
Smooth Weapon animations - Perkristian
A few extra animations and giblets - Beautiful Doom
Alternate XDeaths - Zero Prophet's Zero Tolerance
Alternate Deaths - ItsNatureToDie/David G
Barrel remains - Xaser
Splash sounds and definitions - Enjay
Skulltag Hi-Res Items - Skulltag Team
Smoke Effects - Unknown (gathered from Weapons Resource Wad)
Most sounds - Id Software, Raven Software (Doom 3, Quake 4)
Plasma and BFG Explosions - Wirehead Studios (Generations Arena) and some frames from jDRP
Explosions, Special Effects sprites and Casings - from Aeons of Death (the "Half-Life" explosions, and the "Lightning Ball" explosion)
If you see someone that you made and i happen to use, just tell me so and i'll add you to the credits list.