AZURYTE - Withdrawal

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Re: AZURYTE - Withdrawal

Post by PresBarackbar »

I dunno if Im just doing something wrong but for some reason every time I have this mod enabled it removes all enemies from maps.

Edit: This seems to be related to the difficulty, as when I put it on the default it does not do this. I'm guessing its probably related to the health and damage modifications.
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Re: AZURYTE - Withdrawal

Post by LossForWords »

We don't have any difficulty that removes or adjusts spawn rates of enemies outside of vanilla parameters.
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Re: AZURYTE - Withdrawal

Post by -Ghost- »

Not sure if it's just me, but it feels like the shockwave shotgun and UMP have a tiny delay between reloading and shooting, like the animation is a hair faster than the actual reload, even with a full from empty mag reload.

Grenades feel like they could use a little more range as well, they drop pretty close without really throwing them at a high angle.
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Gordon Threemen
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Re: AZURYTE - Withdrawal

Post by Gordon Threemen »

Been having a lot of fun with this, but during a playthrough of Lunatic I discovered that sound for most weapons seems to only travel a set distance. It's easiest to see in Map05, where you set off big waves of teleporting enemies by shooting a switch to open the first door, and nothing but the grenade launcher actually alerts them to make them start teleporting in. I don't know the first thing about how weapon mods in general are actually coded, but I'm wondering if there's some sort of effect that's supposed to only apply to the MP5 and AW50 that's accidentally applying to every hitscan weapon or something.
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Re: AZURYTE - Withdrawal

Post by LossForWords »

It's intentional. every weapon has diferent alert ranges.
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Re: AZURYTE - Withdrawal

Post by OptimusCj113 »

Hey, I loaded a saved game I was playing with this mod but when I loaded the camera was tilted, my gzdoom version is 4.13
Edit:Never mind I fixed
Last edited by OptimusCj113 on Wed Jan 08, 2025 7:27 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: AZURYTE - Withdrawal

Post by Trashbag »

My one complaint is that with the strength of the weapons, it tends to feel more like a power fantasy weapon mod - as opposed to the seemingly survival aesthetics you seem to be going for.

A negative ammo multiplier on pickups - maybe even with some randomization - could probably do a lot to make things more challenging.
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Re: AZURYTE - Withdrawal

Post by Shatter-Thought[V-4] »

This looks very solid, and I love a good merc-themed mod. I look forward to trying it out!
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Re: AZURYTE - Withdrawal

Post by -Ghost- »

Trashbag wrote: Sat Jan 04, 2025 10:21 am My one complaint is that with the strength of the weapons, it tends to feel more like a power fantasy weapon mod - as opposed to the seemingly survival aesthetics you seem to be going for.

A negative ammo multiplier on pickups - maybe even with some randomization - could probably do a lot to make things more challenging.
Yeah, being able to adjust how much ammo you get would help. I usually play this with something like Ultimate Custom Doom or Project Malice so I can adjust the enemy HP up a bit (2-3x is usually good for them to not feel too spongey but still eat up enough ammo that I'm not swimming in it.)

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