It's simply a Legacy of Rust mod that adds all the monsters & weapons to the game, with spawn rates able to be changed anytime!
No longer recquires id24res.wad to be used due to the rules changing!
I made sure to credit properly the creators or sprites and sounds, and anything that happens is on me only.
Shoutout to Plynthus and his original Legacy of Rust monster randomizer, he's the one who inspired me, and naturally his version is much more vanilla than mine, so if you guys are looking for
just that, please go check his mod out: viewtopic.php?t=79375
His mod is perfect if you're looking for a vanilla experience, so please go check him out!
I want to indicate that I've added some features to make the experience more enjoyable, such:
-Monsters have properly defined GLDEFS, and Brightmaps that I made on my own.
-The Incinerator & Calamity Blade are not replacing the Plasma Rifle & BFG, they're their own weapons.
-I've converted the entire code into ZScript for much better clarity.
-The monsters & weapons can be used in Doom Builder without any issues, they have their own DoomEd number!
-I've added some optional content as well: Bonus monsters, based off the Legacy of Rust ones! They can be toggled ON or OFF at will!
-A randomizer option, that will randomize the spawn rates, as well as the bonus monsters at the start of every levels, for added challenge!
-Compatible with Corruption Cards, because I just love the mod

I hope you guys enjoy this mod, I've always wanted a smooth way to include the Legacy of Rust cast in my games!
Please make sure to let me know if you find anything wrong with it, this will be greatly appreciated, thank you

Here's the list of new monsters i've added in case you want to check it!
Spoiler:And yes, you can put any of the content into maps if you want to!
All you have to do is:
-Make a new map in UDMF format
-Have gzdoom.pk3 in the ressources, with "Exclude this ressource from testing parameters" ticked
-Have the mod loaded as well
And that's pretty much all you need, the monsters, weapons & ammo should all be there!
Feel free to include the mod in your own mapsets, just credit me, thank you

Me being a huuuuuuge fan of PSX Doom ever since I was little, I just had to port my mod just for PSX Doom!
Now, you can experience the 2024 era in the old Playstation version of this amazing game

It includes:
- Same settings, same randomizer, except that it will only work for PSX Doom CE (PSX Final Doom CE as well, and all the maps that runs off it)
- New sound effects for all the monsters, and the weapons, to match the PSX Doom vibe!
- Monsters and weapons have been tweaked to be slower, with some changes to fit PSX Doom's style.
- Thanks to PSX Doom CE's settings, you can restore the monsters's PC Speed, some even have footstep noises when playing with the enhancements!
It will pretty much play like the original mod, but it only works for PSX Doom CE, so keep that in mind!
That's just a contribution I wish to add for this amazing port that made my childhood a creepy nightmare!
I hope you'll have a grand old time experiencing the Legacy of Rust cast back in the Playstation version!
> DOWNLOAD PSX LEGACY OF RUST CONTENT <(Can only run with PSX Doom CE and all of it's variants!)
Have fun