Official wad, released on 8.08.24, a joint work of id Software, Nightdive Studios and MachineGames. Consists of 16 levels (2 secret), divided into two episodes.
Of the characteristic features, several can be noted. Formally, for the first time since Doom II, there are new types of enemies (however, compared to what could be seen in custom wads over the past years, they do not stand out) - two subspecies of lost souls, modified barons throwing fiery clots that cause damage over a small area, spiders equipped with machine guns. There are a couple of new weapons - a flamethrower replacing the plasma gun and something like a slower analogue of the BFG, shooting strictly horizontally.
There are references, ranging from a table with an unfinished game of cards to the use of textures that once appeared in the alpha version of the original Doom. In spirit and specificity, the wad is partly reminiscent of a combination of E4 from The Ultimate Doom and Sigil in the first episode, and E1M7 quite clearly refers to one of the classic maps, but overall the wad has its own spirit. The second episode may seem easier compared to the first, but only until the player gets to the final map - its passage on the Ultra-Violence difficulty will not be an easy task.
Settings and features:
* Official re-release on Steam, UV difficulty.
* Full completion will take ~ 6,5 hours.
Secret levels.