The official "ZDoom on Wolfenstein 3D" thread. (aka ECWolf)

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Re: The official "ZDoom on Wolfenstein 3D" thread. (aka ECWo

Post by cowsay »

Blzut3 wrote:Is your ECWolf build based on SDL 1.2? With SDL 2 ECWolf never changes the display mode since I absolutely despise debugging exclusive fullscreen so your case should be impossible.

Code: Select all

$ ecwolf --help

(ecwolf:83146): Gtk-WARNING **: 12:31:37.537: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "murrine",
(ecwolf:83146): Gtk-WARNING **: 12:31:37.537: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "murrine",
(ecwolf:83146): Gtk-WARNING **: 12:31:37.538: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "murrine",
ReadConfig: Reading the Configuration.
IWad: Selecting base game data.
ECWolf v1.3.3 (r0)
Based on Wolf4SDL v1.7
Ported by Chaos-Software (
Original Wolfenstein 3D by id Software
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Re: The official "ZDoom on Wolfenstein 3D" thread. (aka ECWo

Post by Blzut3 »

You need to run ldd against the binary:

Code: Select all

ldd $(command -v ecwolf) | grep SDL
If you get "not a dynamic executable" then there's likely a shell wrapper in between I would need to know the contents of to advise further:

Code: Select all

cat $(command -v ecwolf)
That said, since you don't know the answer off hand I'm assuming you're using the AUR package? That's built on an SDL 1.2 to 2.0 wrapper. I have no idea why since ECWolf has native SDL 2 support. The reason it builds with the SDL 1.2 API is for Windows 98 and PowerPC Mac support. You should reach out to the maintainer and let them know.
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Re: The official "ZDoom on Wolfenstein 3D" thread. (aka ECWo

Post by cowsay »

Blzut3 wrote:You need to run ldd against the binary:

Code: Select all

ldd $(command -v ecwolf) | grep SDL
If you get "not a dynamic executable" then there's likely a shell wrapper in between I would need to know the contents of to advise further:

Code: Select all

cat $(command -v ecwolf)
That said, since you don't know the answer off hand I'm assuming you're using the AUR package? That's built on an SDL 1.2 to 2.0 wrapper. I have no idea why since ECWolf has native SDL 2 support. The reason it builds with the SDL 1.2 API is for Windows 98 and PowerPC Mac support. You should reach out to the maintainer and let them know.

Yeah, I'm using the AUR package. Will do, thanks a lot. Great work on ECWolf
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Re: The official "ZDoom on Wolfenstein 3D" thread. (aka ECWolf)

Post by Casualfan »

Does anyone know of a launcher for EC wolf? Like, one that lets me select which game I want without having to keep a copy of the executable in each Spear of Destiny episode folder? Something like ZDL or Simple Quake Launcher but for Wolfenstein engine games.
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Re: The official "ZDoom on Wolfenstein 3D" thread. (aka ECWolf)

Post by Blzut3 »

6 years in the making, ECWolf 1.4.0 is released:
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Re: The official "ZDoom on Wolfenstein 3D" thread. (aka ECWolf)

Post by Rachael »

Excellent! ^_^ Always nice to see new releases :)
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Re: The official "ZDoom on Wolfenstein 3D" thread. (aka ECWolf)

Post by Blzut3 »

ECWolf 1.4.1 is out fixing a critical crash picking up Chaingun at time as well as some other minor issues.
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Re: The official "ZDoom on Wolfenstein 3D" thread. (aka ECWolf)

Post by DarkkOne »

Tried using ecwolf with Wolfstone, and the Elite Hans, and both games show up multiple times in the launcher list. Is this expected behavior?

Found the config file. It looks like it looks for files multiple times in what turns out to be the same place - ".", "PROGDIR", and the explicit path where I have the executable (C:\various folders\Wolf3D\), and although in the end it's the same two .pk3 files each time, it counts them each as a separate install, but doesn't do this with the other Wolf3D files?
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Re: The official "ZDoom on Wolfenstein 3D" thread. (aka ECWolf)

Post by Blzut3 »

I would say that's a bug, but yeah should be mostly harmless since you can narrow your search path list.
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Re: The official "ZDoom on Wolfenstein 3D" thread. (aka ECWolf)

Post by DarkkOne »

Yeah, I've already edited the .cfg file. Just figured it was worth reporting. :)

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