Spawn: Path to Damnation v1.3 (14/03/21)

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Re: Spawn: Path to Damnation (v1.3 14/03/21) New Update!

Post by Dr_Cosmobyte »

Gee, i kinda forgot to forgot to answer your list. Thanks for your feedback, it'll be damn useful if i ever get back to this mod so early, but i need to address some points:
Tesculpture wrote:-When Hell Gauntlets are set to be manually activated, failing to pick up some Gauntlets because you already have some in your inventory will cause the red lightning FX on the pickup to disappear.
I noticed that shortly after updating the game for the last time. It's already fixed for the next build.
-Picking up a Globe Of Shadows whilst already under the effect of one causes you to become fully invisible instead of merely translucent. Wasn't sure if this was intentional or not.
Intentional. It uses a different type of blursphere actor because i wanted something different.
-Lightamp powerups have a much shorter duration that stock Doom ones. This might be by design, but it resulted in me frequently being left fumbling in the dark.
If i remember correctly, in the latest update i applied some lightning definitions to the Necroguardian spell. So if you ever need some light, you can use Necroguardian for 20 seconds (which renders the nightvision useless, but i still don't know what to put in there, so...).
-The "Default Song" keybind in the Spawn Jukebox doesn't seem to work in Doom. Pressing it results in no music at all instead of the default level music. This issue doesn't occur in Heretic or Hexen.
I don't know if i know how to fix this. But thanks anyway, gonna take a crack at the code. Keep enjoying it.
YebuDoom wrote:Also, Dr_Cosmo, could you please give us the names of weapon actors in the mod? I'm sure I can get those myself via console commands, but my knowledge is limited in that area.
Uhhh, sure! It's pretty simple, actually.
rhyrhygogo wrote:Any recommended Mega wads for this mod?
YebuDoom! Just made a playthrough in Going Down. One of my personal favorites to go with this is Slaughterfest 2012, but Speed of Doom is great too.

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Re: Spawn: Path to Damnation (v1.3 14/03/21) New Update!

Post by Yebudoom »

Dr_Cosmobyte wrote:Uhhh, sure! It's pretty simple, actually.
Thanks a bunch! This will prove useful for me.
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Re: Spawn: Path to Damnation (v1.3 14/03/21) New Update!

Post by rhyrhygogo »

Thanks Dr.Cosmobyte!
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Re: Spawn: Path to Damnation v1.3 (14/03/21)

Post by Irrevenant »

I don't suppose you'd be willing to do some HUD adjustments if/when you update this? I'm on a 4:3 monitor and the right side is getting cut off a bit. Though, it doesn't make it unplayable, I can still see the important parts of the Necroplasm bar.

A sprite version of the comic pickup would be awesome, because voxels are not at all friendly on my framerate. Maybe it's only a problem in the test map because there are a bunch, but still.

I like Reload having some fidget actions like twirling the chain and the revolver.

Is there a point to using Agony over the chains? They seem to have similar damage and range but the chains are a lot faster. I feel like it should be noticeably stronger even without Berserk. Maybe even gib enemies.

On that jukebox problem where Default results in no music. Don't know if you've solved it yet, but there are a bunch of songs in the jukebox that use normal Doom song names and they're all just 11 seconds of silence. No idea what's up with that, but deleting those fixes it.
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Re: Spawn: Path to Damnation v1.3 (14/03/21)

Post by Dr_Cosmobyte »

Hi! I don't intend on updating Spawn now, but you can change the HUD aspect in the HUD Settings on the options menu.

The Agony is slow and strong, the chains are fast and weak, i think you should use the chains to stunlock monsters rather than killing them.

Thanks for the heads up! Everytime i want to come back to my mods, i give aome attention to the latest feedback on the thread. ;]
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Re: Spawn: Path to Damnation v1.3 (14/03/21)

Post by Irrevenant »

Yeah, I fiddled around with that, though things look a bit wonky. I settled for playing with it normally, it's really not getting cut off that much.

It doesn't feel that way. With imps, it can take them both anywhere from 1-3 hits to kill them, 3-5 for demons, but the chains do it a lot faster and even seemingly with fewer hits more often. I buffed the axe damage to 29 and gave it +EXTREMEDEATH and now it feels awesome. 2-1 hits usually, only sometimes 3. Differentiates it from the chain a bit more. Also I gave +EXTREMEDEATH to Necrobomb since it didn't feel right for it not to gib things.

No prob.

Also, a thing I've noticed with the guns is that they shoot below the crosshair, which I believe is vanilla behavior? But all the guns except the Rifle and Thumper look like they're pointed at the center which is kinda weird. Edit: Nevermind about this. I stopped being a dumb and figured out what Player.AttackZOffset does. Setting it to 14 for Spawn fixes it.

The guns themselves, I'm using most of the soundpack for added oomph. The only sounds I'm not using are the SMG, Sniper, and most of the minigun sounds. For that I'm using the whirring sound of the spinning barrels and the actual firing sound. It's interesting that the Handcannon gets less accurate if you hold fire. All of the shotguns are amazing. The Autogauge is OP as fuck but that's not a complaint because I don't see how a full-auto double-barrel wouldn't be. And it seems to suit Spawn the most out of all his guns. The sprite is awesome. No complaints about the SMGs, but the rifle could be a bit more accurate when zoomed. And I find myself wishing the Minigun's spread was just a bit tighter too. And I enjoy the ammo capacity drops.

I had only intended to test this on a wad for a few minutes before deciding what to actually play but found myself eight maps in anyway. Spawn is cool.
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Re: Spawn: Path to Damnation v1.3 (14/03/21)

Post by DarthThanos »

This mod is so freaking good, one of my favorites of all time!
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Re: Spawn: Path to Damnation v1.3 (14/03/21)

Post by shaodoomkahn »

it would be intersting doom mod about other image comics characters (omni man,savage dragon,rick grimes and others)
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Re: Spawn: Path to Damnation v1.3 (14/03/21)

Post by SoterXZ »

Hi! I would be interested to work with you to expand this experience you are giving us, I would like to design some maps and maybe a story! please feel free to contact me if you are interrested
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Re: Spawn: Path to Damnation v1.3 (14/03/21)

Post by Doomzilla »

When a map uses voodoo-trickey (like head-crush level exits) this mod just gives up and lets Spawn die. Even the voodoo-resetter mini-mod that I have can't fix it.

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