DOOM's music remastered in OPL3

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DOOM's music remastered in OPL3

Post by bertrandguegan »


I'm a VGM composer (addicted to retro stuff, especially PC music from the early 90's) and for the last 2 months I've worked on a doom-related side project on my free time.

I'm happy to announce that I just released an alternative version of DOOM's soundtrack composed by Bobby Prince, in OPL3 style.

I know that there has been similar projects such as DMXOPL or Hysimak GENmidi. My process here is quite different though, as for every track, I recreated from scratch every single instruments, using exclusively OPL3 emulation and its features (4 ops, waveforms, algorithms,...). In a creative (and personnal) way, as if DOOM's music was composed for Soundblaster (OPL3), back in 1993.

DL link is in the description. You'll find an MP3 "album" version, and also an OGG pack of seamless loops which can be used directly in-game !

Hope you like it :)

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Re: DOOM's music remastered in OPL3

Post by Dr_Cosmobyte »


This is badass! Awesome work!
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Re: DOOM's music remastered in OPL3

Post by bertrandguegan »

Thank you!!

I encountered some issues using the music pack with GZdoom (quality loss during game). It turned out that HRTF option was causing the issue. HRTF has to be set to OFF.

I'm uploading right now a new file containing a music WAD file and instructions. So it makes life easier for anyone who wants to try the music in game.
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Re: DOOM's music remastered in OPL3

Post by EvilManiMani »

Very cool! Definitely going to be using these going forward in-game!

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