This was all made from super smart others as listed below and all thanks to them for this as i just made this into a compilation for personal use and hope others will get a use out of this too.
Thanks to:
Pixel Eater, ScreenM - viewtopic.php?f=103&t=58270
Pixel Eater, World Gamma & Bloom Boost - viewtopic.php?f=103&t=59289
Marisa Kirisame, MariFX Shader Suite - viewtopic.php?f=103&t=63394
Wad'a'Holic, Total Chaos Shaders - viewtopic.php?t=62366
?, Dark Shader - ? (I have lost the link for this one, any help to fill this in will be great.
ShadersSuite-LZ - This version is compatible with LZDoom but the compromise had to be made to use the previous version of Marisa's MariFX, as the latest version of LZ is not compatible with it.
ShadersSuite-GZ - This is only for GZDoom (for now) due to having added the latest version of MariFX.
I hope everyone enjoys this compilation collection of shaders. Here is a example of some of the things you can tinker with, you can kinda think of it as a reshade for doom
