[MIDI] Project: Redux Repository

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[MIDI] Project: Redux Repository

Post by silentzora »

Edit: Moved from Resources category.

So, back in 2008, I released this thing called Project: Doom, which was a music remix project in MIDI format. Everything was heavy metal. Everything, including some things that admittedly probably had no business being metal.

Seven years later, I've gained much more experience with MIDI composition, and so I decided to start reworking the tracks that bothered me most. Now, I'm confident enough to share these with everyone.

Project: Redux

This project, while not comprehensive, aims to provide more enjoyable covers of classic Doom music than what I put out in 2008. Was gonna use these for a mapping project, but I dunno if I'll ever finish it. Anyway, without further ado, the tracks.

[*] At Doom's Gate
[*] The Imp's Song
- Somewhat inspired by Andrew Hulshult's cover.
[*] Dark Halls
[*] Kitchen Ace (And Taking Names)
[*] Suspense
- Inspired by Sonic Clang and Andrew Hulshult's covers.
[*] On The Hunt
[*] Demons On The Prey
- HEAVILY influenced by The Orichalcon and Kinkiness' covers. Works best for E1M7.
[*] Demons on the Prey (E2 Version)
- More classic themed redux. Works best for E2M5 and onward.
[*] Sign of Evil
- Inspired by Sonic Clang and Andrew Hulshult.
[*] Hiding The Secrets
- Alright, years of listening to Thumpmonk's cover made me want to do this.
[*] Intermission From DOOM
[*] The End of DOOM
[*] I Sawed the Demons
[*] The Demons From Adrian's Pen (Redux)
[*] Waltz of the Demons
[*] Nobody Told Me About iD
[*] Untitled
- Inspired by Skar Productions' amazing cover.
[*] Donna to the Rescue
- Includes the "lost bit" from the Doom Music CD release.
[*] Facing the Spider (Redux)

Doom II: Hell on Earth
[*] Running From Evil
- Inspired by Nemistade.
[*] The Healer Stalks
[*] Countdown to Death (MAP03 Version)
[*] Between Levels (Redux)
- String bit by Lorcan.
[*] Countdown to Death (MAP21 Version)
[*] Intermission
[*] Evil Incarnate (Redux)
[*] The Ultimate Challenge (Redux)
[*] The Demon's Dead (DOOMWAVE)

TNT: Evilution
[*] Title Screen

Doom: Custom Playstation Edition (PSX)
[*] Retribution Dawns
- Because who said PSX Doom's music couldn't get MIDI sequences? ...Oh, right. One of VGMusic's admins.
[*] Stats Screen

Doom 64
[*] Main Theme
- Technically could be lumped in with PSX Doom, but eh.

DOOM (2016)
[*] BFG Division
...Wait, what? Yeah. I did one of these, too. I mean, why not? It's good stuff.

[*] Theme
- What? Quake was awesome and deserves some love, too. Might as well put these up here while I'm at it. Just add Doom weapons.
[*] Parallel Dimensions

Permissions (Important):
You are allowed to use these in your projects for any reason whatsoever. I only ask for credit in exchange. That's all. Other than that, go nuts! :wink:

If I add any new tracks in the future, they'll end up here later down the line. Enjoy!
Last edited by silentzora on Mon Jun 01, 2020 8:59 pm, edited 11 times in total.
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Re: [MIDI] Project: Redux Repository

Post by SiFi270 »

If you ever redo Donna to the Rescue, do you think you might incorporate the extended intro from the CD version? I always thought it would be neat to have a midi recreation of that.
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Re: [MIDI] Project: Redux Repository

Post by silentzora »

SiFi270 wrote:If you ever redo Donna to the Rescue, do you think you might incorporate the extended intro from the CD version? I always thought it would be neat to have a midi recreation of that.
I might actually do two versions of that one. One normal, the other with the extended part.
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Re: [MIDI] Project: Redux Repository

Post by silentzora »

Here you go, SiFi270. Enjoy!

[*] Donna to the Rescue

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Re: [MIDI] Project: Redux Repository

Post by SiFi270 »

Wow, thank you! The first half was everything I could have hoped for, and then the second half that everyone knows and loves was even better.

And this may be unnecessary but I still want to get it off my chest... sorry for being that guy who makes all these thinly-veiled requests because they have all the ideas and none of the talent.
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Re: [MIDI] Project: Redux Repository

Post by Armaetus »

Oh hey, a redux version of your Project Doom? I remember doing a variant of your work titled Project Doomed back in 2014 and a V2 of it in 2015 :D

Nice to see you're doing some rework on tracks again.

Some criticisms of your songs: Please use the L/R balancing as well as volume adjustments in your tracks! This was my biggest gripe with your original "Project Doom" tracks as it was full blast (this is what I did with Project Doomed, I looked at the originals and put an approximation of L/R and audio changes) , central audio with no left/right dynamics like the original songs do. Take a look at the original songs and tweak your existing tracks so it's not 100%, central audio.
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Re: [MIDI] Project: Redux Repository

Post by Kappes Buur »

silentzora wrote: Permissions (Important):
You are allowed to use these in your projects for any reason whatsoever. I only ask for credit in exchange. That's all. Other than that, go nuts! :wink:

If I add any new tracks in the future, they'll end up here later down the line. Enjoy!
Some nice tracks there and thank you for the permissions.

Just one thing though, and that goes for just about any other music published here in this forum. If I were to use some of the music in a year or so, I will most likely have forgotten where I downloaded them from and who I should credit.

It would be handy if the track downloads were accompanied by a short text file mentioning the author and download source, similar to the idea of the text file for pwads. While I could add such a text file myself, it is not always convenient at that moment.

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[MIDI] Project: Redux Repository
Post by silentzora » Wed Apr 24, 2019 9:46 am


authors comments
For example:
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Re: [MIDI] Project: Redux Repository

Post by silentzora »

Kappes Buur wrote:Just one thing though, and that goes for just about any other music published here in this forum. If I were to use some of the music in a year or so, I will most likely have forgotten where I downloaded them from and who I should credit.

It would be handy if the track downloads were accompanied by a short text file mentioning the author and download source, similar to the idea of the text file for pwads. While I could add such a text file myself, it is not always convenient at that moment.
I hear ya. I'll work on that tomorrow, thanks for the idea. Keep in mind, though, that I do put author information and stuff in the metadata of the MIDI itself, so it will actually show when you're viewing the file in SLADE3. I don't know how other editors work, though, so I'll work on the text files for such a situation.
Glaice wrote:Some criticisms of your songs: Please use the L/R balancing as well as volume adjustments in your tracks! This was my biggest gripe with your original "Project Doom" tracks as it was full blast (this is what I did with Project Doomed, I looked at the originals and put an approximation of L/R and audio changes) , central audio with no left/right dynamics like the original songs do. Take a look at the original songs and tweak your existing tracks so it's not 100%, central audio.
L/R balancing is going to be a hard "no" from me except for specific songs (see maybe "Deep Into the Code", if I get to that one), considering I'm partially deaf in my right ear. I have learned a few things about audio adjustment, though it will be sporadic (and definitely not 100% volume, except for specific circumstances). Nowadays, I go with a general max volume of 84%. I do appreciate the feedback, though.
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Re: [MIDI] Project: Redux Repository

Post by silentzora »

Here's a couple of new ones today. Enjoy.

Doom 64
[*] Main Theme
Doom 64 and PSX Doom kinda had the same theme, so I went and mashed them together. Might be a bit too long for a title screen, but, eh. Use it however you like.

[*] Waltz of the Demons
Okay, so, funny story about this one. There's this one wad out there, played it twice, still don't remember the name of it. Anyway, had an awesome version of D_E2M7. This is my attempt to not shamelessly steal from that one, and come up with something of my own. It's tough when you have something stuck in your head, you know?

Strangely, Microsoft's GM synth has problems with this one, but it plays fine on Timidity++.
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Re: [MIDI] Project: Redux Repository

Post by Armaetus »

Partially deaf in the right ear? That's got to be a major bitch and a half, especially since you like composing music.
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Re: [MIDI] Project: Redux Repository

Post by silentzora »

Glaice wrote:Partially deaf in the right ear? That's got to be a major bitch and a half, especially since you like composing music.
It's tough, but I make do. Didn't stop Beethoven, and it won't stop me.
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Re: [MIDI] Project: Redux Repository

Post by Armaetus »

After some boredom at night, I decided to go through your Doom Redux tracks (Doom and Doom 2 tracks only) and add appropriate left/right tracking and proper volume levels as close to the original tracks as possible.

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Re: [MIDI] Project: Redux Repository

Post by silentzora »

Got a new one today, figured I'd go ahead and share.

[*] Demons on the Prey (E2 Version)
What? Again? Yeah, again. First one works great for E1M7, but that's about it. Went back and did a second version for E2 and onward. This one's a bit closer sounding to the original.

Will there be an E3 version? I dunno yet. We'll see.
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Re: [MIDI] Project: Redux Repository

Post by silentzora »

Got a new one today. I was gonna sit on this until I decided to sit down and work on a second one to go with it, but I figure, what the hell? Might as well release it.

[*] Untitled
I'd be lying if I said this wasn't inspired by Skar Productions' amazing cover of this song. Regardless, decided to vary up the background melody to add a sort of counter-melody. I think it works alright.
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Re: [MIDI] Project: Redux Repository

Post by silentzora »

New stuff! I wanted to wait a bit this time, so I'd have a whole bunch to release at once.

[*] I Sawed the Demons
I was curious to see what this song sounded like with a rock organ.

Doom II: Hell On Earth
[*] Intermission
No comment, just wanted to do something better than the 2008 release. This was a pain in the ass, though...

[*] Countdown to Death (MAP03 Version)
After writing the MAP21 redux, I decided it didn't fit MAP03, so I wrote a second take specifically for early-game.

[*] Countdown to Death (MAP21 Version)
Welcome back to Hell. Or... Magmoor Caverns? Either way, watch your step.

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