So, back in 2008, I released this thing called Project: Doom, which was a music remix project in MIDI format. Everything was heavy metal. Everything, including some things that admittedly probably had no business being metal.
Seven years later, I've gained much more experience with MIDI composition, and so I decided to start reworking the tracks that bothered me most. Now, I'm confident enough to share these with everyone.
Project: Redux
This project, while not comprehensive, aims to provide more enjoyable covers of classic Doom music than what I put out in 2008. Was gonna use these for a mapping project, but I dunno if I'll ever finish it. Anyway, without further ado, the tracks.
[*] At Doom's Gate
[*] The Imp's Song
- Somewhat inspired by Andrew Hulshult's cover.
[*] Dark Halls
[*] Kitchen Ace (And Taking Names)
[*] Suspense
- Inspired by Sonic Clang and Andrew Hulshult's covers.
[*] On The Hunt
[*] Demons On The Prey
- HEAVILY influenced by The Orichalcon and Kinkiness' covers. Works best for E1M7.
[*] Demons on the Prey (E2 Version)
- More classic themed redux. Works best for E2M5 and onward.
[*] Sign of Evil
- Inspired by Sonic Clang and Andrew Hulshult.
[*] Hiding The Secrets
- Alright, years of listening to Thumpmonk's cover made me want to do this.
[*] Intermission From DOOM
[*] The End of DOOM
[*] I Sawed the Demons
[*] The Demons From Adrian's Pen (Redux)
[*] Waltz of the Demons
[*] Nobody Told Me About iD
[*] Untitled
- Inspired by Skar Productions' amazing cover.
[*] Donna to the Rescue
- Includes the "lost bit" from the Doom Music CD release.
[*] Facing the Spider (Redux)
Doom II: Hell on Earth
[*] Running From Evil
- Inspired by Nemistade.
[*] The Healer Stalks
[*] Countdown to Death (MAP03 Version)
[*] Between Levels (Redux)
- String bit by Lorcan.
[*] Countdown to Death (MAP21 Version)
[*] Intermission
[*] Evil Incarnate (Redux)
[*] The Ultimate Challenge (Redux)
[*] The Demon's Dead (DOOMWAVE)
TNT: Evilution
[*] Title Screen
Doom: Custom Playstation Edition (PSX)
[*] Retribution Dawns
- Because who said PSX Doom's music couldn't get MIDI sequences? ...Oh, right. One of VGMusic's admins.
[*] Stats Screen
Doom 64
[*] Main Theme
- Technically could be lumped in with PSX Doom, but eh.
DOOM (2016)
[*] BFG Division
...Wait, what? Yeah. I did one of these, too. I mean, why not? It's good stuff.
[*] Theme
- What? Quake was awesome and deserves some love, too. Might as well put these up here while I'm at it. Just add Doom weapons.
[*] Parallel Dimensions
Permissions (Important):
You are allowed to use these in your projects for any reason whatsoever. I only ask for credit in exchange. That's all. Other than that, go nuts!

If I add any new tracks in the future, they'll end up here later down the line. Enjoy!