[ZScript] Quake-style movement - v2.0.2

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Re: [ZScript] Quake-style movement

Post by Enjay »

Feels pretty good but lowering the max step height and jump height of the player means that certain Doom maps cannot be completed with this mod loaded or the player may just get trapped in places that they normally wouldn't. e.g. Many nukage pits in Doom have a height 24 step around them. Fall into one of them and you can't get out without jumping. If jumping is disallowed, you're trapped.
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Re: [ZScript] Quake-style movement

Post by dodopod »

That's true, but I was thinking of Quake-style movement and jumping as a package deal.
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Re: [ZScript] Quake-style movement

Post by Enjay »

Which I understand, but given that the intention here is clearly for it to work with existing maps, it will make some impossible to complete without cheating. The stepheight aside, the GZDoomguy jump height will be essential to complete some maps.
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Re: [ZScript] Quake-style movement

Post by Nash »

How do I properly integrate this into my project?

I inherit from QuakePlayer ( example: class MyPlayerClass : QuakePlayer {} ) but I get an error on startup, something to do with the player class not having a DisplayName or something like that.

Also, will there be any issues with the name "Quake" present all over the source code, copyright-wise?
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Re: [ZScript] Quake-style movement

Post by dodopod »

Enjay wrote:Which I understand, but given that the intention here is clearly for it to work with existing maps, it will make some impossible to complete without cheating. The stepheight aside, the GZDoomguy jump height will be essential to complete some maps.
Fair enough. I've changed the doom-mod branch so that MaxStepHeight and Player.JumpZ are set to the default values.
Nash wrote:I inherit from QuakePlayer ( example: class MyPlayerClass : QuakePlayer {} ) but I get an error on startup, something to do with the player class not having a DisplayName or something like that.
At present, classes that inherit from QuakePlayer need to define the Player.DisplayName property, themselves. Every player class is supposed to have a unique display name, but since QuakePlayer isn't meant to be used directly, I didn't think to give it one.
Nash wrote:Also, will there be any issues with the name "Quake" present all over the source code, copyright-wise?
I don't think so, since projects like ioquake3 get away with it. But, maybe they have special permission.
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Re: [ZScript] Quake-style movement

Post by Smashhacker »

Cool mod so far. It's interesting how strafe jumping is implemented. Does that mean bunnyhopping can be potentially done with this?
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Re: [ZScript] Quake-style movement

Post by mrtaterz »

I don't suppose it would be possible for someone to make a SmoothDoom/Equilibrium Chainsaw version of this? Could be interesting
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Re: [ZScript] Quake-style movement

Post by dodopod »

Bugfix release. v2.0 accidentally used a few ZScript functions that only exist in GZDoom v3.8. This release removes those references. See the first post for downloads.
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Re: [ZScript] Quake-style movement

Post by Carrotear »

How do I make this work with Ultra Crispy and make the playerclass use it? I'm very amateur at this.
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Re: [ZScript] Quake-style movement

Post by BROS_ETT_311 »

Carrotear wrote:How do I make this work with Ultra Crispy and make the playerclass use it? I'm very amateur at this.
Open Ultra Crispy using Slade (hopefully you're familiar with this resource). Then navigate to the folder labeled "Actors" and locate the text file, "CB-Player.txt".

Simply change this line - ACTOR Caleb : Doomplayer replaces Doomplayer

To this - ACTOR Caleb : Quakeplayer//Doomplayer replaces Doomplayer

You'll also want to make sure to comment out the player speed as well, which is currently set to 1.1. If these steps don't work, then you may also have to comment out jumpz too. Good luck!
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Re: [ZScript] Quake-style movement

Post by Carrotear »

I've done that and I get "No player classes defined" starting it up. I've swapped order and it starts fine, but it ignores the caleb playerclass and goes straight to the quakeplayer class. I'd have to summon the Beretta and machete, But that's no fun.
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Re: [ZScript] Quake-style movement

Post by BROS_ETT_311 »

Ah, that's because the player definition requires a display name (...for some reason). Slight oversight on my part! Should look something like this:

ACTOR Caleb : Quakeplayer//Doomplayer replaces Doomplayer
Player.Displayname "Caleb"
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Re: [ZScript] Quake-style movement

Post by Carrotear »

It works! Thanks!
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Re: [ZScript] Quake-style movement

Post by SuperAble »

How exactly do you implement the code to a .pk3 mod? Tried referencing the one that works with Doom1/2 into my mod, but ended up with an error:
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Re: [ZScript] Quake-style movement

Post by dodopod »

Did you modify quake_player.zc, in any way? If not, look at your zscript.zc (or .txt or whatever) file. You should have the line

Code: Select all

#include "zscript/quake_move/quake_player.zc
Look at the line immediately above that. There might be an error somewhere around there. If that line is an include, check the bottom of whatever file is being included. Sometimes errors can bleed over from one file to another, when they're being included.

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