Xim's Star Wars Doom - Updated (MAY/4/2024)

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Xim's Star Wars Doom - Updated (MAY/4/2024)

Post by Xim »

Replaces all weapons, enemies and items with Star Wars themed assets. Gameplay is changed quite a lot, but attempts to keep some of the balance of Doom. Most projectiles are 3d models of Star Wars blaster effects. Infighting is also rare and usually only happens between imperials, aliens and bounty hunters (they won't attack their own team). The Icon of Sin is also replaced with a more traditional boss enemy, Emperor Palpatine. You can play as Kyle Katarn or Mara Jade and find lightsabers and unlock force powers, or you can start off as a Jedi. You can also go without the force and play as a rebel trooper or smuggler, each with their own starting weapons, or even go adventurous as the Mandalorian armed with a wrist launcher that boasts several different abilities.

I've been having fun polishing and adding stuff to this mod, so I've been doing a lot of updates. Contributions and suggestions are welcome.

Converts almost everything in Doom into a Star Wars theme, which includes
20+ Weapons (including grenades and special weapons).
40+ Enemies (all Doom 2 enemies replaced, with many variants).
A selection of player classes, some with special abilities
New music and sounds.
Optional add-on packs including prop replacement, more music and compatibility patches with certain mega wads.

Current Version: Requires GZDoom 4.7 or up.
Download from ModDB

Dehacked Version: Requires MBF compatible source port.
Download from ModDB

Old Versions: (may not work with compat patches)

Xim's Star Wars Doom Prequel Patch Takes Xim's Star Wars Doom to the Clone Wars era
Star Wars Themed Texture Pack for vanilla maps and maps that use vanilla textures, works with both Doom and Heretic
Star Wars Free-MP3 Pack
Star Wars Trilogy MIDI Pack
Star Wars Music Pack (By: armymen12002003)
Star Wars Music Pack Ver.2 (By: Darman Macray)
Dark Forces Music (By: Darman Macray)
Stormtrooper HUD hands addon (By: Burghard, outdated)
Darth Vader Spider Mastermind Addon
ZMovement Patch for Xim's Star Wars Doom
"Weapons Only" Version (standalone)
"Enemies Only" Version (standalone)

RECOMMENDED MAPS (suggestions welcome)
Doomed Space Wars with Doomed Space Wars Compatibility Patch
The Darkest Hour and Dawn: A Prelude with Darkest Hour Compatibility Patch
Star Wars for DOOM2 with Star Wars DOOM2 Compatibility Patch
Escape From Jabba's Palace with Jabba's Palace Compatibility Patch
Back to Saturn X
Dark Universe
Epic 2
Ancient Aliens
Eternal Doom
Doomed in SPACE (with "Weapons Only" version)
Going Down (with Textures pack)
Dark Encounters (with Textures pack)


Video made by Mr Gamer.(From Ver.2.8.9)

Featuring: Target Spy by m8f.
Map made with OBLIGE.(From the very first release)

Last edited by Xim on Tue Dec 03, 2024 2:27 am, edited 163 times in total.
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Re: Xim's Star Wars Doom

Post by Valherran »

Pretty neat so far. I just had a crash when I tried to block a sniper rifle round with a lightsaber though. Will update more when I find stuff.

Happened again without a lightsaber, must be an impact thing... I tried to screenshot the 3 errors that popped up but for some reason GZDoom refuses to screenshot the console.
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Re: Xim's Star Wars Doom

Post by BFG »

look up Dan Gaskil in the Duke 3D community, he has a mod called Duke vs Star Wars and there is some new weapon and enemy variants including a tuskanraider. I am sure he would share those recources with you
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Re: Xim's Star Wars Doom

Post by CeeJay »

I've seen quite a few mods with stuff ripped directly from my 3DGE mod, I'm glad to see one that acknowledges that and throws some credits my way. I'll be checking this out.
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Re: Xim's Star Wars Doom

Post by UnbornDecay25 »

I really enjoyed this mod so far. The lightsaber is an awesome risk reward weapon making the guns useful and melting stormtroopers is always fun. My only complaint is the lack of variety, but that is common for most Star Wars games period, and that means nothing is truly wrong with your mod. I also didnt experience the crash Valherran was experiencing, just to let you know.
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Re: Xim's Star Wars Doom

Post by Someone64 »

Just a heads up: https://vgy.me/1zrCiX.png

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Re: Xim's Star Wars Doom

Post by Xim »

BFG wrote:look up Dan Gaskil in the Duke 3D community, he has a mod called Duke vs Star Wars and there is some new weapon and enemy variants including a tuskanraider. I am sure he would share those recources with you
Yeah there might be some stuff I could use. I already have the Tusken though. I added enemies to the first post, might post pictures later.
Valherran wrote:I just had a crash when I tried to block a sniper rifle round with a lightsaber though. Will update more when I find stuff.

Happened again without a lightsaber, must be an impact thing... I tried to screenshot the 3 errors that popped up but for some reason GZDoom refuses to screenshot the console.
That's odd. I haven't experienced any crashes with the sniper rifle. I am using QZDoom, (I still need an actual graphics card lol) so I'm not sure if it only happens in GZDoom or not.
Someone64 wrote:Just a heads up: https://vgy.me/1zrCiX.png

Video set to not be allowed to view outside Youtube. Can't watch through embedded player.
Okay I think I fixed it now.
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Re: Xim's Star Wars Doom

Post by Enjay »

Ooooh, love me some Star Wars stuff, and this seems really pretty nice.

Some observations/questions:

What's going on with the replacements for hanging corpses? They all just seem to be various types of rods/antennae hining in mid air (i.e. not acctached to the floor or the ceiling).

A few other decorations are a bit wierd too:

Having R2 units as decor is quite cool, but is there not a better sprite? These are very blurry.

The crates they are beside look a bit flat too.

I realise that it is replacing a bigger enemy (Cacodemon) but MkIV Sentry Droid this looks too big IMO, given its size in the movies.

The sprite also looks quite bright/flat/over exposed compared to many of the others.

Quite a few of the enemies seem to have a lot of hit points versus what they look like. e.g. the pain elemental replacement - OK, so he can fly but he looks much like a regular stormtrooper, so where did his extra hit points come from?

And this guy's hat must really afford him a lot of protection:

I get that it's a game balance thing, but IMO they should not just be tough because they are replacing something tough, with no visual evidence, they should look tough too.

Love the arachnotron replacement.

The probe-droid part of the sprite does suffer some of the problems that the sentry droid does (brightness etc) and the two parts (probe & arachnotron) could be better matched, but it's a great concept. Nasty to fight too. :)

The weapon in all of the above shots is one of my favourites from Dark forces but I don't think that the mod caprtures its feel very well. The projectiles in the original game are smaller/more pellet-like than laser bolts and they were blue, not red. However, on the whole, I really like the weapons.
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Re: Xim's Star Wars Doom

Post by Xim »

Thanks for the feedback Enjay! I'm glad you like it so far.

I'll definitely at least scale down the sentry droid. I totally missed that they were those little dudes with the sandtroopers, I'll have to change them.

As for the tougher enemies, I might lower their health. In my defense the heavy commando is supposed to have a shield, which could give him 300 extra HP :P. Maybe I'll give them stronger attacks, or something. Or if I can figure out how to do different settings in the menu, where the player can choose the HP of certain enemies, that might be a good option.

Giving the repeater orange bolts was an intentional choice. I have ion shots as blue and the sprite has an orange muzzle flash, so I decided to go with red-orange bolts. However I might make them more "pellet-like" in the future. Is the behavior of the weapon okay? It's funny that's your favorite weapon because I was almost not going to include it in the beginning, but then it seems like it ended up being the "SSG" of the mod.
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Re: Xim's Star Wars Doom

Post by Enjay »

Yup, behaviour of the weapon is fine and the non-Dark Forces look to the bolts doesn't make them bad, merely that it made the weapon not feel like how I remembered it (and hoped it would be). It's still a cool weapon though.

If there was some way of giving the commando a visible shield, that could also be an option - like maybe the green temporary shield flashes these guys from Quake 2 had:

And just to be clear, I am indeed enjoying the mod and the above comments were definitely intended to be constructive. :)
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Re: Xim's Star Wars Doom

Post by Xim »

Oh yes, of course. Thank you for the constructive comments, it means a lot! :D

But I was brain storming with my brother and we thought giving tougher enemies a visible shield that goes away when their health is low, kinda like how mecha hitler looses his suit.
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Re: Xim's Star Wars Doom

Post by Xim »

Made a small update, simply replaced the old download file so just download it again.
Sentry droids are smaller and spawn with Lost Souls.
Repeater bolts are a bit smaller to look more "pellet like", kind of wish I had a good model though. I don't feel like it's projectile should be a sprite like the bigger guns.
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Re: Xim's Star Wars Doom

Post by Enjay »

All changes seem like improvements to me. :) The smaller repeater bolts work well IMO. Sentry droid is a better size too.

I wonder if anything can be done about the jet-pack storm troopers. When they are just idling waiting for the player to appear, they make a helluva noise. I tried the mod on a map that had some pain elementals hidden in teleport rooms near the player start spot. Normally you wouldn't really know that they were there but that "womwomwom" sound of the jet-pack was there from the start. When playing the map, the player revisits the area a number of times but the pain elementals don't actually appear in the play area until near the end of the map. As a result, for most of the time in the map, there is this loud, distracting noise with no obvious reason for it and no way to silence it.

Perhaps they could be silent and on the ground until they see the player and at that point they take off and when they do so, the jetpack sound starts? That wouldn't make any difference to jet-packers that have woken up but are still unseen but it would silence enemies hanging around in the map in their spawn state just waiting to be triggered.
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Re: Xim's Star Wars Doom

Post by Xim »

Yes, I should at least make them silent when idle. Would having them on the ground cause any issues? I'm not sure if Pain Elementals are spawned in the air or not, I'm not much of a mapper.
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Re: Xim's Star Wars Doom

Post by HolyHeadcrab »

The numbers on the HUD are hard to read, especially while in combat. They're a little small and there's not enough contrast between the lit and unlit segments.

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