I've investigated the issue with generalized boom crushers for hours, the bug in 2.2 was reported at doomworld but got no reply. Normal crushers work but these won't damage monsters nor the player. I think this was never fixed and may be it works now due to some compiler dependant undefined behavior. It's not a git problem, i've checked all changes between the two QZDoom q0.0 alpha and q0.1 beta tags with diffmerge (brute force approach) and i couldn't find any relevant changes there. Also i compared 0.1 beta to my later version (ZDoom32) and there's nothing missing.
@Graf Zahl: could you please tell me where to look at? I've checked a lot of code and i suspect the problem is that the damage somehow ends being zero somewhere (depending on crusher speed?).
Also i've added the ACS stack checking stuff to LE. And i've ported the unsafe context for console commands as well (inspired by Rachael commit to Zandronum), it this really that much of a thing?
I ported "Improved compatibility of blocking lines handling" too since i had applied the previous patch (normally i wouldn't do this kind of thing). BTW the maintenance to the old 2.8 codebase has gone way too far beyond reasonable.
@_mental_: when cherry_picking this last commit the conflict was so severe that i could not resolve directly with tortoisegitmerge (i resolved partially and then compared differences in your commit vs those in the working tree). I think it's okay (i've tested both wads) but could you have a quick look at it?
https://github.com/drfrag666/gzdoom/com ... ef08147419
@_mental_:On the unsafe context thing how could i test this? (running unsafe commands from menus). I've run BD v20c and an older SmoothDoom and they still work.
I get the warning "warning: override controls (override/final) only available with -std=c++11 or -std=gnu++11" but i guess it should work (functions are still overriden if i'm not wrong). I'm using gcc 4.9.2.
Also about the safe frame for the automap i don't know how to do it since the old version (LE) uses integers instead of doubles.
Thanks guys, please reply when you have time i know you're busy right now.