Logo base made by LossForWords
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The title says itself. Doom Incarnate is a Doom mod which is heavily based on new Wolfenstein series (TNO, TOB, TNC). It replaces our favourite hero Doomguy with two Nazi killing machines; BJ Blazkowicz and Rayne from BloodRayne.
Chop Chop Motherfuckers!
Blazkowicz can use hatchets to chop enemies to little pieces, or just throw them to their faces.
Rayne utilizes her arm blades that have better range and damage compared to BJ's hatchets, but they don't have any ranged option (with the exception of Rune of Wrath and Blood Rage).
Dual Wield Everything
Blazkowicz and Rayne will have no problem dual wielding any weapon. Without any penalty; accuracy won't decrease, movement speed won't decrease and so on But their accuracy and movement speed will slightly decrease. But since your left hand is full, you can't use hatchets or hand grenades.
Well, almost everything
You will occasionally encounter some absolute units of weapons that are normally impossible to be used by an ordinary person. BJ can carry one of these boys and cannot replenish their ammo. You can also dismantle them to upgrade certain weapons (costs 5 upgrade kits). Rayne is not as strong as BJ so she cannot carry the heavy weapons.
Bloodshed begets more bloodshed
Don't let that discourage you from playing as her though, since Rayne has a 200 health cap compared to BJ's 100 health cap (excluding overcharge). She cannot heal herself from regular health pickups, but she can heal herself from mega health pickups and the blood drops the enemies drop.
Supernatural slaughter
Rayne has three different abilities that can activate by her own will (press zoom + direction buttons).
Infrared Vision (zoom + left) completely negates her need to use a light visor in the darker areas. It doesn't use any blood energy.
Bullet Time (zoom + right) allows her to slow down the time around her while she can move normally. This ability costs blood energy.
Blood Rage (zoom + back) completely reddens her vision and drastically boosts her melee attacks by making her cast blade projectiles that can cut through anything.
This ability costs even more blood energy and the enemies killed during it don't drop blood drops. If this ability is performed while her blood energy capacity is full, Rayne will summon a shockwave that damages anything near her.
Pressing zoom + forward will remove any active ability.
Two ways to die, pick one!
You can dual-wield two different weapons! It's on the slot 9, equip left and right weapons for crossed wielding (bind keys for both left and right weapons) and unleash chaos twice!
Stacking Armor!
There is only one armor type, which absorbs 75% of the damage. All armor pickups are based on this armor type. Let's say you have a kevlar vest, which is 50 armor units; and you pick up a Battle Armor, which is 100 units. Instead of overwriting the vest, it stacks with it, and you'll have 150 armor units in total.
Different Tastes of Death!
Every weapon has a second firemode. Cycle between them (bind the key for both weapons) and unleash your enormous firepower in different ways!
Beyond the Limits!
Most weapons have up to 3 parts which can be upgraded (ammunition, internals and magazine) to increase their DPS even further! Find upgrade kits which rarely spawn instead of ammo packs and upgrade your good-to-go weapons!
Need more health!
BJ can overcharge his health with medikits and stimpacks by clicking use button near them. But remember, his health slowly decays back to 100.
Link: https://mega.nz/file/thx1CTYZ#nWj3uk-mT ... pLgYlVEpkg
Alternate link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/124k4tbc ... 1.rar/file
ZMovement Addon: Decided to make ZMovement a separate addon for those that use the older versions of GZDoom or just don't like ZMovement. (Version 3.1.1 comes along with the ZMovement addon.)
Link: https://mega.nz/file/t8RyyZiQ#L0jd_Bbg8 ... po4bgV7EZ8
Alternate link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/8dqhxsq5 ... t.pk3/file
Rayne Traditional Health: Grants Rayne the ability to use regular health pickups, overcharge her health and Wolfenstein-style regeneration. Blood drops also only give blood energy and not health.
Link: https://mega.nz/file/41wQVJwC#1zDt0GXRO ... ZGI8-dVoxk
Alternate link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/n7g6281w ... h.pk3/file
Older versions
MEGA links
3.1: https://mega.nz/file/1t5w0bZB#o142fXjqH ... g_iRw0sNcA
3.0.1: https://mega.nz/file/YlY2UDBS#pAyh8j5nt ... mK_th8gF_k
3.0: https://mega.nz/file/dwBhCC7D#-D-4Cllq9 ... hqfMBXS8Ek
Joke update: https://mega.nz/#!t4QEyCAb!SoXPoKPzIIOR ... x0x5aBtBi0
2.1.4: https://mega.nz/#!lhJzBSTa!JVVV5zsMQ6Af ... n4gbpH0Wyg
2.1.3: https://mega.nz/#!8lBSgQjQ!yGBB7a1TmC0M ... 35_a9Qn9eg
2.1.2: https://mega.nz/#!U9QwVYaT!liGdtdmsS0ae ... hM872V0hfQ
2.1.1: https://mega.nz/#!IgR3SICZ!utSk1HNAEFI_ ... xrEuhBXB5c
2.1: https://mega.nz/#!9hYiHKJY!HlZdGP3yG2-l ... YmM8c9_tyk
2.0.2: https://mega.nz/#!IsgyyK5J!7ZbdIVBIQ_n6 ... c2LIiX-U9o
2.0.1: https://mega.nz/#!04oQEaaJ!iFKvAHT14CBX ... S3ndRdamc0
2.0: https://mega.nz/#!00Ih1SDL!EAHx6z2GWYK0 ... Tsy_e5zc1I
1.8.2: https://mega.nz/#!tpZzXKZC!7XuauueMMdTn ... PZiyWbY9qw
1.8.1: https://mega.nz/#!A0hUyQKI!9GyxOk8jbjHF ... 4yyX9rBd6w
1.8: https://mega.nz/#!YlAEEaiK!rFdq86qH7cUi ... 6o3byuPLKU
1.7: https://mega.nz/#!Q1YGzKzD!j01wpKS5Tm-x ... 1ChpxihbcQ
1.6: https://mega.nz/#!RhZBQD7R!C-8CV621YUdP ... 4n2Y8FjwY4
1.5: https://mega.nz/#!QkQXkK4C!n5H2DorRMMJ1 ... xBoGE03_Hc
1.4.2: https://mega.nz/#!hh5BGJwZ!AHWRb_GyxJLC ... nSE8-yQFMw
1.4.1: https://mega.nz/#!NxxTGKbQ!9WWMPGg0X5MG ... IKNCzEVoV0
1.4: https://mega.nz/#!w9IV0AqA!_kwR1AVaJZcC ... G04SyZPuFM
1.3: https://mega.nz/#!80x2DL6C!OaBX9StG4sOS ... km9Gu_DzfM
1.2: https://mega.nz/#!Jh5gwbDI!tj35BeOwzMQl ... V5Y7wY9i7A
1.1: https://mega.nz/#!BxpixL6R!MBh5DiSaRWwo ... s7SshsYdW4
1.0.1: https://mega.nz/#!wlhhFZJQ!t4vHuRHaYQBW ... 9RTnq4hblM
1.0: https://mega.nz/#!xsBBiLLK!v4VfUigGUZKk ... 4AwO-k6m8o
MediaFire links
3.1: https://www.mediafire.com/file/38xsfad7 ... 1.pk3/file
3.0.1: http://www.mediafire.com/file/z12zn1vk3 ... 1.pk3/file
3.0: http://www.mediafire.com/file/4tar5491u ... 0.pk3/file
Joke update: https://www.mediafire.com/file/dasg8s8c ... 2.pk3/file
2.1.4: http://www.mediafire.com/file/7qd09kp17 ... 4.pk3/file
2.1.3: https://www.mediafire.com/file/j0yy9r1x ... 3.pk3/file
2.1.2: https://www.mediafire.com/file/rq6ebtsc ... 2.pk3/file
2.1.1: https://www.mediafire.com/file/jtir6mhf ... 1.pk3/file
2.1: https://www.mediafire.com/file/x04d610u ... 1.pk3/file
2.0.2: https://www.mediafire.com/file/li0anv8a ... 2.pk3/file
2.0.1: https://www.mediafire.com/file/kadnaah1 ... 1.pk3/file
2.0: http://www.mediafire.com/file/9zfm2y78c ... 0.pk3/file
1.8.2: http://www.mediafire.com/file/rs394sb9n ... 2.pk3/file
1.8.1: http://www.mediafire.com/file/6yhqyu3x5 ... v1.8.1.pk3
1.8: http://www.mediafire.com/file/9uhs68wz4 ... 8.pk3/file
1.7: http://www.mediafire.com/file/gh7vlf5df ... 7.pk3/file
1.6: http://www.mediafire.com/file/eql3v46lq ... 6.pk3/file
1.5: http://www.mediafire.com/file/3835asaqx ... 5.pk3/file
1.4.2: http://www.mediafire.com/file/97l56rc78 ... 2.pk3/file
1.4.1: http://www.mediafire.com/file/qrqyfe1c8 ... 1.pk3/file
1.4: http://www.mediafire.com/file/66x3tex0c ... 4.pk3/file
1.3: https://www.mediafire.com/file/dyb2sy71 ... 3.pk3/file
1.2: http://www.mediafire.com/file/rckslf1af ... 2.pk3/file
1.1: http://www.mediafire.com/file/9l675b78b ... 1.pk3/file
1.0.1: http://www.mediafire.com/file/i2z6asxrh ... 1.pk3/file
1.0: https://www.mediafire.com/file/z2x31xb0 ... e.pk3/file
Weapons in this mod are symmetrical, which allows the left-handed people to use their weapons without problem (and no extra sprite work for the second weapon wielded) This is not the case now, cuz I took the time and created assymetrical versions for most of the left wield weapons lol
These weapons can be stored in your inventory and be dual wielded.
Handgun 1961
Your starter weapon. Uses 9mm rounds and has a considerable magazine capacity. It's pretty fun to dual wield this thing. Still holds up with other weapons, especially when upgraded.
Primary fire: Fires 9mm rounds. You can spam the fire button to shoot faster.
Secondary fire: Fires 3-round burst.
Upgrading ammunition: The weapon will have overpressure ammunition, doubling its damage.
Upgrading internals: The weapon gets an internal silencer.
Upgrading magazine: The magazine holds 30 rounds instead of 20.
Upgrade cost: 1 kit
Sub-Machine Gun
Kinda weak, but it has a reliable rate of fire and a considerable amount of magazine capacity. You can stunlock enemies when you dual wield this thing. It is also equipped with a laser cutter that doesn't require any ammo.
Primary fire: Rains 9mm bullets into your enemies.
Secondary fire: Fires weak focused laser shots from the cutter. Doesn't eat up ammo.
Upgrading ammunition: Bullets with better aerodynamics, they deal 75% more damage while also slightly increasing the accuracy.
Upgrading internals: The weapon's rate of fire greatly increases.
Upgrading magazine: The magazine holds 75 rounds instead of 45.
Upgrade cost: 1 kit
"Black Rose" Revolver
A rare weapon used by the resistance forces in United States. It is a custom build revolver reverse engineered with Nazi technology. It shoots gargantuan bullets that create a sound equivalent of a lightning when shot. That's why each bullet costs two magnum rounds.
Primary fire: Well, it sends massive full metal jacket bullets rounds to your foe's face with great accuracy.
Secondary fire: You shoot much faster by fanning the revolver like a gunslinger, but this method sacrifices accuracy and damage. You can cycle through different ammo types by right clicking if you have internal upgrades for the thing.
Upgrading ammunition: Full Metal Jacket rounds deal 100% more damage and go through up to five targets. Nitroglycerine rounds have way bigger explosions. Shredder rounds 60% more pellets.
Upgrading internals: The weapon gets two additional ammo types, Nitroglycerine and Shredder rounds. Nitroglycerine rounds explode upon impact and Shredder rounds shoot multiple pellets like a shotgun.
Upgrading magazine: The weapon gets reloaded via speedloaders, greatly reducing the reload time.
Upgrade cost: 2 kits
Inferno Shotgun
This cruel weapon was used in riots and the protests in Nazi Germany lowered drastically since then.
Primary fire: It shoots 12 gauge shells and splatters any unfortunate one's brains.
Secondary fire: It fires slug rounds for increased accuracy.
Upgrading Ammunition: The weapon will be granted with Dragon's Breath rounds which cause fire-based splash damage.
Upgrading Internals: The weapon will be able to fire three shells before getting pumped.
Upgrading Magazine: The weapon will have magazine-based reload system, making it much quicker to reload. It also expands the magazine size to 12 from 9.
Upgrade cost: 1 kit
"Grimmhammer" Shotgun
The big brother and the successor of Schockhammer X. This rotary-barreled automatic shotgun will ruin even the strongest behemoths' days.
Primary fire: Fires one barrel.
Secondary fire: Fires all the barrels.
Upgrading ammunition: Regular shells are replaced by smart shells, weapon's spread gets halved on ADS mode, the weapon's overall spread slightly decreases.
Upgrading internals: Increases weapon's fire rate.
Upgrading magazine: Expands weapon's magazine capacity to 36 from 24.
Upgrade cost: 2 kits
Super Shotgun
Ahh, nothing is better than a good ol' double-barreled shotgun. As classic as this thing is, it's also extremely strong.
Primary fire: Fires both barrels.
Secondary fire: Fires one barrel at a time.
Upgrading ammunition: Buckshot penetrates thru multiple enemies, slug rounds become explosive, dragon's breath rounds get enhanced by black napalm and flak rounds become even hotter.
Upgrading internals: The weapon gets 3 additional ammo types; Slug, Dragon's Breath, Flak and rounds.
Upgrading magazine: Quicker reload.
Upgrade cost: 2 kits
Assault Rifle
Highly accurate and highly strong. Still remains accurate when dual wielded. The previous version with rocket launcher was very successful, so they updated that part and added a self-charging plasmic projectile launcher. It does not waste any ammo, so you won't have to seek unique ammo for that part of the weapon.
Primary fire: Fires 5.56 Kurz bullets automatically.
Secondary fire: Fires a plasma projectile. Switches back to primary firemode after the shot.
Upgrading ammunition: The weapon gets Armor-Piercing rounds, able to go through 2 targets and deal +50% damage. The plasma shots also become hitscan.
Upgrading internals: The weapon's accuracy increases and the plasma shot cooldown gets quicker.
Upgrading magazine: The weapon's magazine expands to 60 from 40.
Upgrade cost: 1 kit
FG-61 Paratrooper Rifle
The successor of the legendary WWII-era sniper rifle. This baby shoots .357 rounds in a rapid succession, and it has a scope that can zoom up to 15 times for extremely long ranges.
Primary fire: Fires Full Metal Jacket rounds.
Secondary fire: Fires Nitroglycerine rounds semi-automatically that are worth 3 rounds.
Upgrading ammunition: The weapon gets Kevlar coated rounds, which deal 80% more damage.
Upgrading internals: The weapon becomes perfectly balanced, making its accuracy increase drastically.
Upgrading magazine: The weapon's magazine expands to 30 from 20.
Upgrade cost: 2 kit
GP-VG MK3 Venom Gun
The successor of the legendary GP-VG MK2, this version is suited both for controlled and relentless firepower. It shoots very small caliber bullets travelling at insane velocity to have the perfect balance of destruction and portability.
Primary fire: Precision mode. Works like the Assault Rifle, slow and steady shots.
Secondary fire: Full throttle mode. Shoots at an insane firerate by sacrificing accuracy and damage output per round. The weapon also overheats if you fire it for too long.
Upgrading ammunition: The serrated rounds deal 50% more damage and the weapon gibs anything in full throttle mode.
Upgrading internals: The weapon gets extra heat-resillient parts. Instead of weapon overheating, it shoots fiery bullets that deal fire debuff.
Upgrading magazine: The weapon's magazine capacity increases to 500.
Upgrade cost: 2 kits
A grenade launcher which is as big as a revolver. Don't underestimate this thing, it still holds up with a standard grenade launcher.
Primary fire: It shoots impact grenades / standard rockets.
Secondary fire: It shoots bouncing grenades / homing rockets.
Upgrading ammunition: Slugs are now loaded with flak shrapnels, which get released upon impact.
Upgrading internals: The primary weapon shoots rockets.
Upgrading magazine: The weapon's chamber holds 8 rounds instead of 4.
Upgrade cost: 2 kits
The favourite toaster of Nazi troopers, this cruel weapon will pump super hot napalm to the enemies' faces, either by fireballs or pure.
Primary fire: It shoots fireballs composed of napalm at a rapid succession.
Secondary fire: Shoots the flamethrower, fries anything like a chicken.
Upgrading ammunition: Standard napalm gets replaced by Black Napalm, dealing +60% damage and faster projectile/napalm current.
Upgrading internals: The weapon's rate of fire increases.
Upgrading magazine: The weapon's magazine holds 300 units instead of 200.
Upgrade cost: 3 kits
Plasma Rifle
Developed for Nazi space marines, to prevent the gunpowder smoke spread in zero gravity.
Primary fire: It shoots plasma bolts.
Secondary fire: It shoots projectiles that stun enemies upon impact and detonate shortly after.
Upgrading ammunition: Shoots stronger plasma bolts that deal +50% damage. Secondary fire can also be charged.
Upgrading internals: The weapon consumes 20% less ammo.
Upgrading magazine: The weapon holds 75 units instead of 50.
Upgrade cost: 2 kits
BJ's favourite sci-fi mumbo jumbo. Unfortunately, you can't do welding with this thing anymore.
Primary fire: Fires laser bolts in a rapid succession.
Secondary fire: Fires charged bolts. Longer you hold the fire button, stronger bolt the weapon will shoot.
Upgrading ammunition: Laser bolts go through up to 3 enemies.
Upgrading internals: The weapon gets increased fire rate, and decreased charge time.
Upgrading magazine: The weapon's magazine increases to 60 from 36.
Upgrade cost: 3 kits
This version focuses on one point with perfect accuracy and has a significantly longer range. Long-term electric discharges result in stunlock.
Primary fire: Fires a straight current of electric. The current "charges" the enemy and when they are charged enough, they get struck by a lightning.
Secondary fire: Fires an arc ball that shoots electric current at the nearest foe. It has a limited lifespan before it gets destroyed by getting struck by a lightning which deals heavy damage.
Secondary fire (ADS): Fires a fast moving lightning ball that deals BFG-like damage upon impact and stunlocks enemies around the impact for 4 seconds.
Upgrading ammunition: The current and the arc ball charge the foes 10 times more. Lightning ball also gets struck for the second time after 2 seconds.
Upgrading internals: Longer primary fire range.
Upgrading magazine: The weapon's magazine increases to 125 from 75.
Upgrade cost: 5 kits
This behemoth of a weapon harnesses energy from another dimension called Black Sun and shoots projectiles from it that wreak destruction like nothing else. Whatever magicks this type of energy has causes its targets to start levitating, leaving them open to more attacks.
Primary fire: Fires small homing projectiles that deal minor BFG-like damage in a rapid succession.
Primary fire (ADS): Fires fast moving, non-homing projectiles that deal minor BFG-like damage.
Secondary fire: Fires a large, slow moving, non-homing projectile that deals massive BFG-like damage upon impact.
Upgrading ammunition: Small projectiles are now able to bounce several times. Large projectiles cast a ring of smaller projectiles upon impact (max charged projectile also casts smaller projectiles while traveling).
Upgrading internals: Secondary firemode can now be charged to unleash an even more massive projectile. Small projectiles travel even faster in ADS mode.
Upgrading magazine: The weapon's magazine increases to 120 from 60.
Upgrade cost: 7 kits
Heavy weapons are technically not the part of your arsenal but it's nice to have one in your inventory.
BJ can only carry one at a time, you have to hold down the alt fire button and release it to drop the one you're wielding.
Rayne cannot carry them at all.
A rotary-barreled machinegun that shoots either anti-tank or anti-air sabot rounds which is one of the strongest weapons in Nazi armory. The engineers are surprised how this thing is able to be carried.
Primary fire: Fires anti-tank rounds that can explode through thin walls.
Secondary fire: Fires anti-air rounds that travel faster, have a bigger impact damage and a bigger explosion but sacrifices the piercing explosion.
Dismantling the weapon grants Paratrooper anti-personnel and anti-tank rounds. Anti-personnel rounds can go through thin walls or pierce through one enemy.
A cruel weapon that shoots pure Hellfire. It is still a prototype because it is very dangerous to use and the wielder can kill themselves if they use it recklessly.
Primary fire: Shoot a continuous flurry of Hellfire projectiles at a fast pace.
Secondary fire: Shoot a very wide pattern of Hellfire, almost like a wall of fire rapidly expanding towards anyone unfortunate.
Dismantling the weapon grants Inferno Shotgun Hellfire rounds instead of Dragon's Breath rounds. Hellfire rounds deal way higher damage over time than Dragon's Breath rounds.
A four-barreled shotgun-machinegun hybrid that looks like a goddamn anti-air gun. What do you want more?
Primary fire: Fires two barrels in a rapid succession. Holding the trigger makes it shoot faster and faster.
Secondary fire: Fires four barrels.
Dismantling the weapon grants Grimmhammer armour-piercing 8-gauge shells.
This is the portable variant of the one used for A57 Blitzstrahl fighters, this one carries Kurz rounds and high explosive rockets instead of 50 cal rounds and mini-nuke rockets.
Primary fire: Unloads bullets at an unparalleled firerate.
Secondary fire: Fires rockets at a reasonable firerate.
Dismantling the weapon turns Assault Rifle's plasma launcher into a 2nd barrel that shoots plasma bullets that don't spend ammo. You can also place them as turrets but the regular 3 upgrades don't carry over them. (And the AI for them is kinda broken)
This version of the favoured energy machinegun that shoots projectiles composed of Zyklon-B nerve agent which is dangerous to use unless you have a distance or HEV shield.
Primary fire: Shoots a storm of energy bullets that release deadly Zyklon-B upon impact. Each bullet and gas cloud causes a poison debuff that can stack.
Secondary fire: Shoots a concentrated beam of Zyklon-B that spreads over a huge area.
Dismantling the weapon grants Venom Gun rounds with Zyklon-B implemented in them which deal poison debuff. If the weapon's ammunition is upgraded, it also has a chance to release Zyklon-B cloud upon impact.
The nuclear missile launcher that made conquering New York pretty easy. Similar to MG60, it's heavily recommended to use an HEV shield due to nuclear fallout this weapon causes.
Primary fire: Shoots a chargable missile that can also be detonated remotely (tap alt fire button).
Secondary fire: Shoots a chargable satchel which is once again, can be detonated remotely.
Missiles and satchels have 4 charge phases.
Phase 0 - Regular mini-nuke
Phase 1 - Much bigger fallout
Phase 2 - Cluster mini-nuke
Phase 3 - A fullblown nuke
Dismantling the weapon grants Kampfpistole mini-nuke rounds that neglect splash damage immunity and spawns a nuclear fallout that keeps damaging enemies nearby.
A heavy napalm gun mostly used by demolition (it's also occasionally used on riots). This version is capable of mixing molten uranium and napalm together and cast it without killing its wielder.
Primary fire: Fires a volatile cannonball of napalm at variable speeds depending on how long you hold the trigger..
Secondary fire: Fires three napalm fireballs with a spread.
Dismantling the weapon grants NapalmKraftWerk fireballs that drop blobs of napalm.
The ancestor of the infamous BFG. Pinnacle of the Nazi firepower.
Primary fire: Shoots an argent ball of raw annihilation. It expands and then explodes, dealing tremendous damage within a huge radius.
Secondary fire: Shoots smaller argent balls in a rapid succession.
Dismantling the weapon grants Plasma Rifle BFG-like projectiles instead of plasma bombs.
The closest thing to dubstep you'll find in 1960s. It's probably also the deadliest thing for large enemies.
Primary fire: Fires a constant beam of laser that sets anything it touches on fire.
Secondary fire: Spins the weapon.
Dismantling the weapon grants LaserKraftWerk laser shots fire DoT that doesn't spread to the player.
Spoiler:Screenshots (Warning, high definition) (also outdated af)
From left to right, Rune of Wrath, Destruction, Protection, Vitality, Spirits and Eternity.
Rune of Wrath grants you an overwhelming rage, immensely increasing your melee damage for 60 seconds.
Rune of Destruction quadruples your strength for 30 seconds.
Rune of Protection makes you invulnerable for 30 seconds.
Rune of Vitality grants you regeneration, giving you 15 health points every second, 5 if your health is over 100 and goes up to 250 health points for 30 seconds.
Rune of Spirits makes you invisible, making you very hard to see. Even if someone sees you, they will get frightened and try to escape from you for 60 seconds.
Rune of Eternity gives you infinite ammo for 30 seconds.
Upgrade Kits
From left to right are weapon, health, armor and grenade upgrade kits. Weapon upgrade kits have 5% chance to spawn in place of ammo/shell/rocket/cell packs while health/armor upgrade kits have 1% chance to spawn in place of health/armor bonuses. Grenade upgrade kits have a 5% chance to spawn in place of rocket packs.
Weapon upgrade kit allows you to upgrade three parts of your weapons. When you use it, press fire to upgrade the weapon's ammunition, alt fire to internals, reload to magazine.
Health upgrade kit increases the player's health cap by 10% each, with the maximum health cap being 200%.
Armor upgrade kit increases the armor points gathered by armor pickups by 10% each. Maximum amount of armor gathered by armor pickups is 200% (Ballistic Armor can lift it up to 240% and Juggernaut Armor can up to 360%).
Grenade upgrade kit, well, upgrades the proximity grenades ... up to 5 times. After the grenades reach their full potential, the kits grant three grenades instead.
1) They get a higher explosion radius and damage.
2) They drop a few smaller grenades with small damage.
3) They drop flak shrapnels that rip thru enemies.
4) They drop blobs of napalm that create a large damaging flame.
5) They release a small Argent blast that also does not hurt the player.
From left to right are Ram Shackles, Protection Harness and Scout Walkers. They have 25% chance to spawn along with backpacks.
Ram Shackles allows the player to barge the enemy and ram them with a considerable amount of damage applying to them. Press forward button twice to barge.
Protection Harness allows you to overcharge armor. The armor also regenerate towards the multipliers of 25, similar to how BJ's health regenerates.
Scout Walkers allow the player to perform an extra jump mid-air. Pressing jump button twice in a very quick succession will boost the player's jump drastically.
Crimson Potion allows you to regenerate your own health as you damage enemies.
Spoiler:Gameplay Videos
Veteran Mk. IV's review
Icarus' review
Gameplay by Lezuum
Gameplay by TheLightBad96 (personal edition, Blazkowicz's hand sprites and voice replaced by his character)
Captain J: Sprites for almost any weapon in the mod.
PillowBlaster: Codes for casings, dual wield system and 3D lasers, some ammo sprites and their sounds, sounds for some of the weapons and plasma impact effect.
DoomNukem: Sprites for SMG, NapalmKraftWerk and MG60.
chronoteeth: Sprites for LaserKraftWerk, Teslakanone and Lasergewehr, magazine part of the AR and the stock part of Grimmhammer.
YukesVonFaust: Sprites for Paratrooper and Napalmgewehr.
Dr_Cosmobyte: Weapon pickup sprites for Super Shotgun and Sub-Machine Gun, And the edit of BJ's sprites. Also a lot of sprite and sound work for MG60.
Project Brutality Team: A few weapon sounds, ammo pickups (mostly from PB 2.03) and codes for dual wield system and hands on weapons.
Doomguy5th: Weapon sounds, weapon sound mash-ups and ammo pickups, and magazine sprite for Paratrooper.
DBThanatos: Explosion sprites and the Plasma Bomb projectile sprite.
Machinegames: A lot of sound effects from TNO, TOB and TNC and making new Wolfenstein series for inspiration.
Valve: Various weapon sound effects and hatchet pickup sound.
Infinity Ward: Large amount of weapon sound effects.
iD Software: Large amount of sound effects, some of the ammo icons and making Wolfenstein and Doom a thing.
Westwood: Amplified NapalmKraftWerk fire sound.
NAVARO: Sound effects for Handgun and Paratrooper, reload sounds for Laserkraftwerk.
M-Productions: Sound effects for Inferno Shotgun.
AnOldRetiredElephant: Sound effects for Kampfpistole.
Marty Kirra: Sleeves for BJ's arms.
SoloSpaghetti: Battle Armor pickup sprite.
Croteam: Most of the item pickup sound effects, some of the weapon sound effects and a few weapon sprite parts.
Daedalus: Health pickup sprites, HEV sprite and sound effects for Ubergewehr.
ProtectionGroup.dk: Kevlar Vest pickup sprite.
TorridGristle: Hatchet sprites.
SAHZALPBAEL: Explosion sounds.
Brian Jackson: Sound rip for weapon sounds from MW3.
Necronixxis: Sprites for Super Shotgun, Assault Rifle and Venom Gun.
Captain Toenail: Sensate Map sprite.
3DRealms: Sprites for Grimmhammer and Teslakanone.
Zhs2: ACS for weapon magazine expansion.
Ghastly_Dragon: Sprites for upgrade kit.
Sinael: Sprite rips that are used for some of the weapons.
Sgt_MKIV: Draw sound for Ubergewehr and beep sound for Teslakanone.
Zhs2: Magazine expansion script.
KeksDose: Double-tap script for Ram Shackles / Compression Harness and double jump script.
IMX: The base sprites of BJ's sprites.
NetherRealm Studios: Sound effects for a lot of weapons and the pickup sound for Rune of Spirits and Eternity.
Flying Wild Hog: Weapon sprite parts.
Blizzard Entertainment: Weapon sound effects.
Mike12: Steam effect for NKW.
jdredalert: Base sprite for Venom Gun and scope & stock parts of Plasma Rifle.
BigDaveHadSomeToo: All of the bullet, shell and slug pickup sprites.
Crytek: Various weapon sound effects.
TiberiumSoul: Sprite work for Schmerzmittel, weapon sounds for Black Rose, Assault Rifle and helping me a lot by giving ideas for the mod.
Merser443: Base sprite for Totenkopf.
Minigunner: Sprite rip of Schutzengel.
TypicalSF: Sprite work for most of the armor pickups, energy ammo pickups and the magazine part of Venom Gun sprite.
zrrion the insect: Base for Inferno Shotgun.
Terminal Reality: Creating Rayne as a character.
ZayrCroft: Rayne model that was used to create hand sprites, heels of her player spriteset and silhouettes.
walterman: High definition textures that I have added to the said model.
Mike12: Player spriteset base that I edited to create Rayne's player spriteset.
Krinkels: Sound effects for various weapons.
Raven Software: Sound effects for various weapons.
.prodigy: Sound effects for various weapons.
HorrorMovieGuy: Charge up sound for Napalmgewehr.
Cerberus: Fire sound effect for Venom Gun.
MsrSgtShooterPerson: New muzzle flashes for various weapons.
Team17: Impact sound effect for Ram Shackles.
Deimus: Base handgun ADS sprites.
Capcom: Fire sound effect for Black Rose.
FireArms: Source: Sound effects for various weapons.
Epic Games: Sound effects for various weapons.
ProgrammerNetwork: Sight model for Inferno Shotgun.
NightmareMutant: Sound effects for Inferno Shotgun.
Gray Matter Interactive: Sound effects for various weapons.
Terminator 2: Fire sound effect for Kampfpistole.
SevenZero: Sound effects for various weapons.
FlyingWildHog: The canister on the left of Napalmkraftwerk sprite.
NeoCore: Sound effects for various weapons.
DonRamon: Fire sound effect for Laserkraftwerk.
People Can Fly: Sound effects for various weapons.
WildWeasel: Pickup sound for Teslakanone and Lasergewehr.
Hellstorm Archon: Sprites for Hammergewehr.
Rogue Entertainment: Pickup sprite for HEV Shield.
Ivory Duke: ZMovement.
Mick Gordon: Soundtrack from the Wolfenstein games used in the mod.
MAR: Weapon showcase of some of the weapons in The New Colossus that I ripped the sound effects from.
Spaceman333: Slow motion script.
Dox778: Sprite fix edits for the hand sprites on Super Shotgun.
cyber: Sprite fix edit for the HAND2 sprite.
fluenCdoom: Sound effects for Plasma Rifle.
cobalt: Sound effects for Plasma Rifle.
PC1073: Sound effects for Super Shotgun.
shotfan: Testing the mod before the release and help me fix some of the crucial bugs.
golden-mob72: Play testing the mod and giving me feedback.
Let me know if I missed anyone in the list.
This list is kinda crude and is not in a real order. Check out the credits list in the pk3 file to see it in a more clear and detailed perspective. Let me know if I also missed someone from that list.
There are also some sound effects that I couldn't find the sources of (like Super Shotgun's reload sound effects), if anyone knows them, I'd be more than pleased if they would inform their sources to me.