[v3.1.1] Doom Incarnate: A Wolfenstein style mod

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[v3.1.1] Doom Incarnate: A Wolfenstein style mod

Post by D3athStalker »

Logo base made by LossForWords

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The title says itself. Doom Incarnate is a Doom mod which is heavily based on new Wolfenstein series (TNO, TOB, TNC). It replaces our favourite hero Doomguy with two Nazi killing machines; BJ Blazkowicz and Rayne from BloodRayne.

Chop Chop Motherfuckers!
Blazkowicz can use hatchets to chop enemies to little pieces, or just throw them to their faces.
Rayne utilizes her arm blades that have better range and damage compared to BJ's hatchets, but they don't have any ranged option (with the exception of Rune of Wrath and Blood Rage).

Dual Wield Everything
Blazkowicz and Rayne will have no problem dual wielding any weapon. Without any penalty; accuracy won't decrease, movement speed won't decrease and so on But their accuracy and movement speed will slightly decrease. But since your left hand is full, you can't use hatchets or hand grenades.

Well, almost everything
You will occasionally encounter some absolute units of weapons that are normally impossible to be used by an ordinary person. BJ can carry one of these boys and cannot replenish their ammo. You can also dismantle them to upgrade certain weapons (costs 5 upgrade kits). Rayne is not as strong as BJ so she cannot carry the heavy weapons.

Bloodshed begets more bloodshed
Don't let that discourage you from playing as her though, since Rayne has a 200 health cap compared to BJ's 100 health cap (excluding overcharge). She cannot heal herself from regular health pickups, but she can heal herself from mega health pickups and the blood drops the enemies drop.

Supernatural slaughter
Rayne has three different abilities that can activate by her own will (press zoom + direction buttons).
Infrared Vision (zoom + left) completely negates her need to use a light visor in the darker areas. It doesn't use any blood energy.
Bullet Time (zoom + right) allows her to slow down the time around her while she can move normally. This ability costs blood energy.
Blood Rage (zoom + back) completely reddens her vision and drastically boosts her melee attacks by making her cast blade projectiles that can cut through anything.
This ability costs even more blood energy and the enemies killed during it don't drop blood drops. If this ability is performed while her blood energy capacity is full, Rayne will summon a shockwave that damages anything near her.
Pressing zoom + forward will remove any active ability.

Two ways to die, pick one!
You can dual-wield two different weapons! It's on the slot 9, equip left and right weapons for crossed wielding (bind keys for both left and right weapons) and unleash chaos twice!

Stacking Armor!
There is only one armor type, which absorbs 75% of the damage. All armor pickups are based on this armor type. Let's say you have a kevlar vest, which is 50 armor units; and you pick up a Battle Armor, which is 100 units. Instead of overwriting the vest, it stacks with it, and you'll have 150 armor units in total.

Different Tastes of Death!
Every weapon has a second firemode. Cycle between them (bind the key for both weapons) and unleash your enormous firepower in different ways!

Beyond the Limits!
Most weapons have up to 3 parts which can be upgraded (ammunition, internals and magazine) to increase their DPS even further! Find upgrade kits which rarely spawn instead of ammo packs and upgrade your good-to-go weapons!

Need more health!
BJ can overcharge his health with medikits and stimpacks by clicking use button near them. But remember, his health slowly decays back to 100.

Link: https://mega.nz/file/thx1CTYZ#nWj3uk-mT ... pLgYlVEpkg
Alternate link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/124k4tbc ... 1.rar/file


ZMovement Addon: Decided to make ZMovement a separate addon for those that use the older versions of GZDoom or just don't like ZMovement. (Version 3.1.1 comes along with the ZMovement addon.)
Link: https://mega.nz/file/t8RyyZiQ#L0jd_Bbg8 ... po4bgV7EZ8
Alternate link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/8dqhxsq5 ... t.pk3/file

Rayne Traditional Health: Grants Rayne the ability to use regular health pickups, overcharge her health and Wolfenstein-style regeneration. Blood drops also only give blood energy and not health.
Link: https://mega.nz/file/41wQVJwC#1zDt0GXRO ... ZGI8-dVoxk
Alternate link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/n7g6281w ... h.pk3/file

Older versions
Screenshots (Warning, high definition) (also outdated af)
Gameplay Videos
Last edited by D3athStalker on Fri Mar 31, 2023 3:39 am, edited 54 times in total.
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Re: Doom Incarnate: A Wolfenstein style mod

Post by YukesVonFaust »

Oh my god...
This is so cool. Downloading it now.
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Re: Doom Incarnate: A Wolfenstein style mod

Post by DBThanatos »

I just gave it a quick spin for the first few doom2 maps. I have a bit of feedback.

First: working great! I had no idea you could double weild weapons until i looked at the controls. The animations and all, are looking and feeling great.
Second: noice sounds for the weapons. They feel punchy.

But I do have a couple gripes:
-No menu cursor. I used GZD 3.2. I cant navigate the main menu with the keyboard because there's nothing indicating in which option I am, forcing me to use the mouse for that.
-The HUD ends up looking too small in some resolutions
-The weapon on the screenshot, the firing sound are quieter than other weapons. Not sure if this is by design or the waveform just isnt as loud.
-That same weapon, i thought it'd have some sort of scope mode or something like that, but I couldn't figure out how if it actually does.

Then I went "give all" to have a look at the weapons. Mighty nice. Railgun effects are cool AF.

However, my usual grip that is stopping me from playing this (and any mod that does this) further: pitch changing recoil. I do play with a mouse, but I dont like having to pull the mouse downwards constantly while using rapid fire weapons. Any chance to make them restore the pitch? as in "A_SetPich(pitch+3)" then a few calls of "A_SetPich(pitch-1)"?

But in general, this is one mighty-feeling weapon pack.

(also, nice use of the DMG shot sprites i made! thanks for the credits!)
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Re: Doom Incarnate: A Wolfenstein style mod

Post by erni945 »

interesting modification :) , do you plan to add wolfenstein weapons?
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Re: Doom Incarnate: A Wolfenstein style mod

Post by D3athStalker »

-No menu cursor. I used GZD 3.2. I cant navigate the main menu with the keyboard because there's nothing indicating in which option I am, forcing me to use the mouse for that.
I noticed, I'll set a flashy triangle pointing at the text when I update the mod.
-The HUD ends up looking too small in some resolutions
I use the HUD scale in "scale to fullscreen" where the health and armor indicators are close to each other (TNO style) My screen resolution is 1360x768, by the way. I'll most likely revamp the HUD, make it focus in the center rather than the corners.
-The weapon on the screenshot, the firing sound are quieter than other weapons. Not sure if this is by design or the waveform just isnt as loud.
Yeah, the original sound of the weapon (from Insanity's Brutality) was very loud, so I turned it down a little bit, probably made it too quiet :P
-That same weapon, i thought it'd have some sort of scope mode or something like that, but I couldn't figure out how if it actually does.
The red-dot sight is not functional. It's a shotgun, after all. Thought it looked cool, so I kept it like that :mrgreen:
do you plan to add wolfenstein weapons?
Some weapons are based on weapons in Wolfenstein (at least the way they work):
- Sub-Machine Gun > Maschinenpistole
- Assault Rifle > Sturmgewehr
- Laser Rifle > AR Marksman (alt mode)
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Re: Doom Incarnate: A Wolfenstein style mod

Post by D3athStalker »

However, my usual grip that is stopping me from playing this (and any mod that does this) further: pitch changing recoil. I do play with a mouse, but I dont like having to pull the mouse downwards constantly while using rapid fire weapons. Any chance to make them restore the pitch? as in "A_SetPich(pitch+3)" then a few calls of "A_SetPich(pitch-1)"?
Sure thing. I can add a cvar which makes the player automatically pull down the weapon after firing.
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Re: Doom Incarnate: A Wolfenstein style mod

Post by erni945 »

ok but I was more concerned about whether you plan to transfer weapons from the wolfenstein series to your modification, including their original appearance

EDIT:this modification has a very high potential, so I think it would be the best modification of the gameplay with wolfenstein theme :)
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Re: Doom Incarnate: A Wolfenstein style mod

Post by D3athStalker »

erni945 wrote:ok but I was more concerned about whether you plan to transfer weapons from the wolfenstein series to your modification, including their original appearance

EDIT:this modification has a very high potential, so I think it would be the best modification of the gameplay with wolfenstein theme :)
Thanks, I'm thinking to add more things related to Wolfenstein (heavy weapons, weapon modifications etc.) in the future :)
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Re: Doom Incarnate: A Wolfenstein style mod

Post by Dr_Cosmobyte »

Hey, you've included the Kriegsland Enemies Pack in the screenshots. Thank you, i am flattered!

As soon as i download it and get to play, i'll post feedback, this seems really good.
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Re: Doom Incarnate: A Wolfenstein style mod

Post by chronoteeth »

how the guns animate and reload/feel remind me a lot of my mods and i like that al ot

good job dude
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Re: Doom Incarnate: A Wolfenstein style mod

Post by mutator »

I have played this mod for few days nonstop now and I really loved the way this mod was made...although I love it a lot there will be something I had like to report to you. When you fire cannon launcher (slot5) you get a bug that is on firing state of weapon...also in slot 3 there is a sprite cut on the gun...not the one with 24 shells...the one that replace single barrel shotgun slot...but I'm glad those 2 are the only things I could find..you probably noticed the things I said already but in case if you didn't I want to report them so you can do more improvement in next update
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Re: Doom Incarnate: A Wolfenstein style mod

Post by Chloroxite »

It seems the Doom community has become oddly fascinated with Nazis recently.

That said, this mod sounds cool and I will give it a shot.

EDIT: Oh wait there aren't any Nazis.
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Re: Doom Incarnate: A Wolfenstein style mod

Post by Unicornpooper777 »

This looks pretty cool, I'm going to check it out.
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Re: Doom Incarnate: A Wolfenstein style mod

Post by DanTheHedgefox »

Every time I fire a gun the screen is covered in smoke that halves the frame-rate, though it might be because I'm in software mode.
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Re: Doom Incarnate: A Wolfenstein style mod

Post by Gideon020 »

Ooh, any chance to have the Battlesuit be it's own inventory activated powerup like the one in Guncaster?

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